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Reconciliation with an ex!

❤️ What are they thinking? What are their intentions? Is it over? Will they call? Should I text back?
All your love and relationship questions can be asked and studied right here!
Forum rules
Forum Description: ❤️ All your Love questions in one place! ❤️

In this forum you can post readings you have done regarding love and relationship questions.These can be readings you've done for yourself or for someone else (respecting privacy of course)

**please note: this is not a space to request free readings. It is for getting feedback on your work.

All decks, all spreads and all styles and techniques can be shared here. Whenever possible, please post photos of the spread to help us understand better how you conducted your reading.

***IMPORTANT: Please do not just post a spread and ask for others to do the reading for you. This space is to get feedback on an actual reading you have completed. Provide as much detail as possible, the question, the deck you used and the positions of the cards, and your FULL INTERPRETATION of it. Please read Protocol for more information.

AND REMEMBER: If someone responds with feedback and helps you with your reading, it is only polite to acknowledge it and return feedback. It is this back-and-forth that makes this forum work. Thank you so much now enjoy! ❤️
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Joined: 09 Nov 2021, 12:19

Reconciliation with an ex!

Post by What111 »

Hey! I’m new here and english is not my first language so I hope you can forgive me if I don’t make any sense haha

I just did a reading for myself of the possibility of reconciliation with my ex, and I have a few questions..
as the situation I got knight of cups, and six of cups as the helper of this situation. As my thoughts i had judgement, and the outcome was knight of wands. I also pulled the hanged man, 10 of pentacles, 3 of wands 7 of prntacles and queen of swords. I dont really know what to make if this, does someone get a feeling?
Thank you⭐️
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Charlie Brown
Posts: 1488
Joined: 25 May 2018, 16:22

Re: Reconciliation with an ex!

Post by Charlie Brown »

Hello, and welcome to the group.

If you look at the forum rules (that pink box up top) you'll see that you must attempt to provide your own interpretation before others can give you feedback. After that, I'm sure there will be people who will help you.

It would also help us if you were more clear about the cards you drew. For example, you said that you drew the Knight of Cups for "the situation" but you didn't tell us what cards like the Hanged Man, etc. were meant to represent.
I believe in Crystal Light.
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