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Happy Solstice Day

Greet the Solstice of 2021 with us! June 14-25.
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Happy Solstice Day

Post by ZhanThay »

I hope everyone enjoys their solstice time. It's just short of 1 hour until the exact changeover from Gemini to Cancer, 1:32pm AEST. I'm going to draw one card then.

Here in the Southern Hemisphere it is of course Midwinter but I am enjoying a cup of tea on a beautiful, mostly sunny and almost windless winter's day. From Sunset tonight until Sunrise tomorrow will be about 14 hours 3 minutes and about the same next night so I can celebrate 2 Longest Nights hehe.

Have fun in the sun up there in the north :D 8-)
Lord, I'm not the one to tell
This ole world how to get along.
I only know that peace will come
When all our hate is gone.
Tim Buckley - Dolphins
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Re: Happy Solstice Day

Post by ZhanThay »

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Enjoy a carefree day totally engrossed in a carefree world of play
Lord, I'm not the one to tell
This ole world how to get along.
I only know that peace will come
When all our hate is gone.
Tim Buckley - Dolphins
Posts: 178
Joined: 15 Nov 2020, 23:26

Re: Happy Solstice Day

Post by Ciderwell »

I went to Kenilworth castle today, to visit the ancient ruins of the home of Sir Robert Dudley, and to see the Elizabethan gardens. Not knowing what the outcome would be, what to expect, or to what real purpose it would serve, I asked the Celtic Wisdom Oracle for guidance.

1. Nature - what to keep faith with, or leave behind.
2. Truth - how to keep in balance.
3. Knowledge - what I need to learn.

The Divine Ancestor - what guidance is offered.


1. The Adultrach ___ 2. The Sheperdess ______ 3. The Maiden

______________ The Lady of Lore ________________

I decided that the Adultrach had nothing to do with Lore today, so would discard nature for truth and knowledge.
This I'm glad of, because I was able to enjoy the trip without having to look for an answer in the lush greenery of the countryside.

As strange as it may seem, when the bus left the city there were just me, and three very young women who had got on the bus at different stops. They all departed the bus at the same stop. And a few stops before the village an old woman got on who was very chatty, and seemed to appreciate my listening.
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