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The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 04 May 2021, 14:15
by Artemis

This is my first post here and I am a newbie of tarots, I have always been fascinated and used them but I am now trying to get to know them much better. So every day I pick a daily card and I learn about it in detail. It is astonishing how the cards really 'talk' to me and reflect what is going on!

Recently I have often been pulling the Tower. The Chariot also appears often but I had the Tower at least 3 times in the past two weeks. I know the Tower is about destruction of something old, a sudden/violent change, and/or liberation from a self-inflicted slavery of kind (and this is how I mostly see by instinct). However, no catalytic event has happened and I guess the change brought about by the Tower would not go unnoticed! So I think something is bubbling beneath the surface. I guess the Tower could also refer to a spiritual journey, not necessarily an event, but as I understand it it does anyway involves thunders and lightening, some quite visible and strong sign, destruction (although to make space for something better to come). So I started to wonder what the cards are trying to tell me by putting the Tower in front of me so often- they are clearly advising, warning me. I started to question in which area of my life is this big explosive change going to happen- work, relationships, family, money...? So yesterday after pulling the Tower again, I also pulled a card asking which area of my life is the tower referring to and the deck actually gave me two cards- the Seven of Pentacles is the one I pulled and the Three of coin is the one that came stuck to the one I pulled!. I am guessing it would point to work/career or money? Both the 7 and the 3 of pentacles are about labour, working hard, achieving though hard work and teamwork.

I think there is more to it. Anyone would like to give me some feedback and help me to understand better?

Thank you!!

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 04 May 2021, 15:57
by TheLoracular
Hi Artemis and welcome to the forum!

I wish I could be more helpful than I'm going to be. All of your instincts about this seem solid, I agree with your interpretations. For me personally, "Lightning Strikes My Tower" moments are unmistakably dramatic and there is very little warning ahead of time. It is probably my least favorite card to get in a daily one-card draw. The last time I did? The neighbor's water heater had exploded, I didn't know that yet because I hadn't left my room and gone to the living room where water was literally starting to seep under a wall and soaking the carpet. This was last September and only a few days after I'd started doing daily draws after a long hiatus from tarot. Normally its nothing that literal though :P

The 7 and 3 of Pentacles or Coins lend to the idea that is about money or financial security.

I'm going to make a suggestion. Shuffle the deck, put your hand on your deck, close your eyes, and ask the universe "Who in my life are you trying to warn me about with the Tower card?" and draw again.

If the Tower comes up again, it probably really is you but it might very much be someone else that matters to you that might have something going on that either just exploded or is about to explode and tracking down who that is since it just doesn't seem to apply to you personally could be helpful?

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 04 May 2021, 16:24
by Artemis
Thank you TheLoracular, an interesting suggestion. I did as you suggested but pulled two cards
1. Who in my life are you trying to warn me about with the Tower card?" I got The Death
2. What should I be watching to try minimise the damage coming from the Tower? I got The Fool

Now I really am confused!!!! Two major arcanas, seems like a strong message.

I can attempt to interpret the Fool in response to Q2 as maybe be careful about taking too many risks? could be that it refers to money (the 7 and 3 of pentacles) and it's warning me to be careful? Or maybe referring to career as I am having thoughts about my career so maybe suggesting to be careful with new endeavour/think carefully? Or is it , on the contrary, advising me to take a chance or a risk (this could be referring to work)

So I am inclined to think that the Tower refers to me and it is about work/money. Also because I really cannot understand Death as a reply to Q1- who could that be?
I didn't pull the Tower again but perhaps the Death is just reinforcing the message- it is after all a bit similar to the Tower, less dramatic maybe but till about changes and rebirth. So it could be actually saying- yes, it is for you and giving a slightly different nuance to it?

Thanks for your time! I'll be looking forward to hear what you (and others of course) think!

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 04 May 2021, 16:56
by Ciderwell
hey hey, Artemis! And welcome to the forum.
I am not experienced in the language of tarot. More of an intuitive reader would best describe me.

TheLoracular wrote: 04 May 2021, 15:57The 7 and 3 of Pentacles or Coins lend to the idea that is about money or financial security.

Yesterday's Card of the Day was the 7 of Pentacles! This is a good indicator that Artemis has come to the right place.
Also, as Artemis uses the R-W and Mucha tarot - both I believe have pretty much the same system of interpretation - the 3 of Coins reveals to us a pillar or loadbearing structure.
As the R-W interpretations are slightly removed from their original Tarocchi meanings, this could rightly be concerning money, but may otherwise concern any interconnecting components that complete the whole.

My guess is that whatever flaw has occurred within the Tower, finding and fixing it should prevent the Wrath of Zeus!
A challenge in itself, I should say.

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 04 May 2021, 20:44
by Ciderwell
TheLoracular wrote: 04 May 2021, 15:57For me personally, "Lightning Strikes My Tower" moments are unmistakably dramatic and there is very little warning ahead of time.
While we're on the subject this is a good opportunity to tell you of my "Lightning Struck Tower", which happened only yesterday.
I was playing my electric guitar and had set it down leaning against a chair when finished. Foolishly, while I stepped past the guitar my foot got tangled in the lead and ripped out the jack plug. The plastic surrounding the jack socket snapped with a loud crack!, and a small piece of the scratch-plate, curiously shaped like one of Batman's shurikens, flew across the room.

There had been a screw missing around the area of the jack socket that should have held the scratch-plate securely fixed to the body of the guitar. So I'm not too surprised this sort of thing has happened. What does surprise me is that the guitar in question is a Kay ET-100; and in the wide wide world of electric guitars the ET-100 is a super featherweight. And the fact that this super featherweight was left leaning against the chair as if nothing had happened is completely unexplainable. It should have been severely rattled, possibly even damaged and in need of serious repair.

Tower and Guitar.jpg

I'm sure the missing screw had something to do with it
and actually helped prevent the guitar being drastically toppled.

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 15:41
by casique
Before I read anyone else's responses (and I understand this post a several months old and may not be relevant at this point in time) I would like to reply.

My interpretation of the cards:
The tower card for me always indicates a situation that is completely out of your control. The fact that the Chariot has also come up I think it is definitely about not having control over some aspect of your life.

Then the 7 of pentacles and the 3 of pentacles it definitely has to do with value. The 7 very often signifies exhausting and undervalued work to me. The three represents feeling proud of something accomplished. So I take it to mean that you are feeling very undervalued. You take pride in the work you are doing and feel that the value of that work is not being appreciated. And the reason why is because of situations beyond your control, right now there is nothing you can do to get others to see the value in your efforts. The thing with the tower is that you just have to wait it out.

Instincts and assumptions based on the interpretation:
Are you working from home during Covid? Or did you end up getting furloughed or forced to work per diem (or other limited hours)? Right now the opportunity for you to show what you can do--or monetize on your skills--are limited and my first instinct (because of the tower card) is that these limitations are directly related to Covid shutdowns.

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 15:53
by casique
Artemis wrote: 04 May 2021, 16:24 Thank you TheLoracular, an interesting suggestion. I did as you suggested but pulled two cards
1. Who in my life are you trying to warn me about with the Tower card?" I got The Death
2. What should I be watching to try minimise the damage coming from the Tower? I got The Fool

Now I really am confused!!!! Two major arcanas, seems like a strong message.

I can attempt to interpret the Fool in response to Q2 as maybe be careful about taking too many risks? could be that it refers to money (the 7 and 3 of pentacles) and it's warning me to be careful? Or maybe referring to career as I am having thoughts about my career so maybe suggesting to be careful with new endeavour/think carefully? Or is it , on the contrary, advising me to take a chance or a risk (this could be referring to work)

So I am inclined to think that the Tower refers to me and it is about work/money. Also because I really cannot understand Death as a reply to Q1- who could that be?
I didn't pull the Tower again but perhaps the Death is just reinforcing the message- it is after all a bit similar to the Tower, less dramatic maybe but till about changes and rebirth. So it could be actually saying- yes, it is for you and giving a slightly different nuance to it?

Thanks for your time! I'll be looking forward to hear what you (and others of course) think!
Interesting: I am reading the replies now.
Again I think death and Fool confirm the tower message of a situation beyond your control. Death as the change and fool as there is nothing you can do but stay positive and have faith (optimism) it will pass.

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 22:25
by Ciderwell
casique wrote: 12 Jul 2021, 15:41 Before I read anyone else's responses (and I understand this post a several months old and may not be relevant at this point in time) I would like to reply.

My interpretation of the cards:
The tower card for me always indicates a situation that is completely out of your control. The fact that the Chariot has also come up I think it is definitely about not having control over some aspect of your life.
I usually interpret those cards the same. Except there can be the indication that precautionary action is required.
In the example I gave above I was very lucky there was not more extensive damage to my guitar. And to explain the unusual phenomena I described, in hindsight, I'd say it happened so fast it was like how a magician pulls a cloth from a table leaving the cups and saucers intact. 8-)

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 00:01
by casique
Ciderwell wrote: 12 Jul 2021, 22:25
casique wrote: 12 Jul 2021, 15:41 Before I read anyone else's responses (and I understand this post a several months old and may not be relevant at this point in time) I would like to reply.

My interpretation of the cards:
The tower card for me always indicates a situation that is completely out of your control. The fact that the Chariot has also come up I think it is definitely about not having control over some aspect of your life.
I usually interpret those cards the same. Except there can be the indication that precautionary action is required.
In the example I gave above I was very lucky there was not more extensive damage to my guitar. And to explain the unusual phenomena I described, in hindsight, I'd say it happened so fast it was like how a magician pulls a cloth from a table leaving the cups and saucers intact. 8-)
That idea of a cloth being pulled out from under you, tower moments feel like that to me a lot--although without the happy ending lol. I'm curious (forgive me if this is hijacking the thread) but was the tower card pulled as a sole card in response to the guitar event or was it a random daily draw? Was it part of the larger thread? I can see an ill dignified tower could definitely indicate that "close call" moment. I don't do reversals when I'm reading (although I will make a note of it if one accidentally ends up in a spread) but I consider the possibility of the ill dignified meanings if the surrounding cards indicate that--for example opposite elements. But I can see an ill dignified meaning of the tower indicating it seemed like an unexpected and uncontrollable event but that isn't really the case.

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 10:57
by Ciderwell
casique wrote: 13 Jul 2021, 00:01That idea of a cloth being pulled out from under you, tower moments feel like that to me a lot--although without the happy ending lol. I'm curious but was the tower card pulled as a sole card in response to the guitar event or was it a random daily draw? Was it part of the larger thread?
...I was just making conversation to TheLoracular's comment, as part of the larger thread!
TheLoracular wrote: 04 May 2021, 15:57For me personally, "Lightning Strikes My Tower" moments are unmistakably dramatic and there is very little warning ahead of time.
And I'm sure it's a rug being pulled from under one not a cloth, but I get your meaning. :D

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 20 Jul 2021, 12:13
by juanrossi
Awesome tips. Thanks!

Re: The Tower as a recurring daily card

Posted: 20 Jul 2021, 23:40
by archimedes
I feel like the whole world is facing down a Tower situation right now. Even if you're in a comfortable place yourself, no-one is an island.

I also often see these cards as a snapshot of one possible path - sometimes they'll be averted by action, so it can be a warning to check your footing, check your direction. And who knows what small sliding-doors moment may change everything.