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The Emperor in a relationship reading

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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The Emperor in a relationship reading

Post by oliviana »

I have done one relationship spread. There was only one card that I didn't really understand.

But at first I'll tell abiut the other cards in this reading. The first card was the King of Swords representing him as a person. The second card was how he sees me. It was 10 of pentacles. The third card was The Lovers. 3rd card's meaning was how he feels about our connection.

Then the fourth card was the Emperor. This card signifies something that I have ignored about him. I know that the Emperor is a very masculine card - does that mean that I have ignored the masculine side of him? The Emperor means protection and help in my opinion. Does that mean that I have dismissed his help? Am I right?
What is 4rd card actually means in this reading?

I used the RW deck.

Thank you already!
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Re: The Emperor in a relationship reading

Post by HOLMES »

Was there only 4 cards?
Most spreads are like 3, 5 7 9 10

I am like you with emperor..
Male so i stretched my mind trying to help.. it really hurt!
Ok enough jking
Before i go on though..
He says as ten of pentacles which at first would seem like an ideal end game.. yet tens are like the end of a cycle which meaNs one has to start over in a new ace venture..
So he is seeing you stuck, stagnant physically
One of these days, sure i could start a taco truck if i had captial.

So going back to the emperor question..
1. As empress are femine aka inuition (mother inuitiin)
Emperor are pure logic.. , the law of the land is made by him .you dont use reversals so perhaps you are missi g out on cold hearted nature.
2. They are also aries the ram. Which has a very feiry nature.. so you could be missing out in his passion.
3. Missing out on that time frame of aries birthdate like made a plan and oh no oanademic wrecked it.
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Re: The Emperor in a relationship reading

Post by Christian »

The Emperor in your spread, tells us that what you do not know about that person is that he has a solid base, dominates the mind over the heart and enjoys assertiveness, confidence and self-control. This person can provide you with economic and emotional stability, it is likely that this person has a high rank or solid social position.
There is also the possibility that it means that if you are expecting some kind of end result, it is positive.

It is certainly a very good card, Congratulations.
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Re: The Emperor in a relationship reading

Post by TheLoracular »

Christian wrote: 14 Mar 2021, 17:46 The Emperor in your spread, tells us that what you do not know about that person is that he has a solid base, dominates the mind over the heart and enjoys assertiveness, confidence and self-control. This person can provide you with economic and emotional stability, it is likely that this person has a high rank or solid social position.
There is also the possibility that it means that if you are expecting some kind of end result, it is positive.

It is certainly a very good card, Congratulations.
I like Christian's thoughts on this. Given that this is about things you don't know? My guess is that you don't realize how absolute and dominant he will be when it is a matter of authority/security. Emperor doesn't mean Tyrant, especially in a reading as positive as yours but it does suggest (especially in compliment to King of Swords) that this is a man who means what he says and will be very fierce and strict if he thinks someone is being foolish or could hurt themselves/others in risk-taking.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: The Emperor in a relationship reading

Post by testpattern »

Is there a part of him that seeks to dominate or talk over you? If you are looking at this card as somethig you have ignored, ask yourself about how he treats you as a woman, how he understands gender. Is there a behavior that you are giving him a pass on?
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