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does he think about me... 7 of cups and 10 of wands

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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does he think about me... 7 of cups and 10 of wands

Post by Ruby200e »

As the title says, i did a reading for my sister and she wanted to know if her crush thinks about her. She got the 7 of cups and 10 of wands. this would imply that she isn't really his top priority right now, he has too much going on right now to be thinking about her?
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Re: does he think about me... 7 of cups and 10 of wands

Post by Christian »


antes que nada te recomiendo que para la pregunta que realizó tu hermana usaras una tirada que amplié mas en el tema, como una cruz celta, una tirada de herradura, tirada de pregunta concreta etc.

sin embargo con las cartas que mencionas yo interpretaría de la siguiente forma:

la carta del 7 de copas indica una actitud escapista, pero también puede significar deseo o diversas opciones.

por su parte el 10 de bastos es una carta que habla de cierres de ciclos, de logros que se alcanzan con trabajo duro.

en tal sentido es que yo interpretaría tu tirada como que existe un deseo (tal vez solo atracción sexual) por parte de él, pero que podría costarle trabajo a tu hermana para que él se fije en ella

First of all, I recommend that for the question that your sister asked, you use a different spread, that expands more on the subject, such as a Celtic cross, a horseshoe spread, a specific question spread, etc.

However, with the letters you mention, I would interpret as follows:

The 7 of Cups card indicates an escapist attitude, but it can also mean desire or various options.

On the other hand, the 10 of wands is a card that speaks of cycle closings, of achievements that are achieved with hard work.

I would interpret your reading as that there is a desire (maybe only sexual atracction) on his part, but that it could cost your sister work for him to notice her
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Re: does he think about me... 7 of cups and 10 of wands

Post by TheLoracular »

First of all, I recommend that for the question that your sister asked, you use a different spread, that expands more on the subject, such as a Celtic cross, a horseshoe spread, a specific question spread, etc.
I agree with both you and Christian that those two cards suggest he's not thinking of her in a serious way, he's got other priorities and this is not a romantic path that would be good for your sister or him to pursue. I also recommend trying a slightly more expansive spread though I think Celtic Cross and Horseshow might be too big.

Here is an example though of a good spread for this type of question imo.
How You See Each Other.jpg
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Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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