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What will happen when we meet

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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What will happen when we meet

Post by Fletch »

Weird but I have readings on a guy that I've never met.. I have a strong feeling I'm destined to meet a certain man. So I just asked the cards What will happen when we meet?

Lovers shadow card.

Devil and Ace of cups, strong sexual attraction?

Chariot and Queen of cups... I see as positive.
Guarded individuals letting go?

Not sure help
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Re: What will happen when we meet

Post by TheLoracular »

The way the cards came out really does suggest to me that you are about to meet someone new who has the energy and "look" of the man you've been having dreams/thoughts about. That an interesting and intense relationship is about to develop. Your interpretation seems solid and I might suggest turning "Guarded individuals letting go?" into "I need to be careful not to get lost to the intensity or make impulsive decisions in the heat of the moment". But there's nothing there by itself to suggest to me what is coming your way in the reasonably near future is bad, just very passionate.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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