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Re: Expanding on king and queen distinctions

Posted: 11 Jun 2021, 20:00
by Joan Marie
I just ran across something that reminded me of this thread.

It's in my blog (which you can see if you are a member and have achieved a certain number of posts)

It was about an exhibition of Surrealist Women Artists I saw last year, just before the lockdowns started.

Here is the painting that made me think of this thread:

2021-06-11 09.54.07 pm.png

On the webpage for the exhibition they describe this painting saying:
The traditional gender roles are reversed, as here the woman shows the man the way.
Strange how such a subtle gesture can carry so much meaning.

The webpage is worth checking out as it explores a lot of the ideas we've been discussing here from another point of view but still examining gender roles and depictions through artistic imagery. Many of these women were heavily into the occult as well.

Re: Expanding on king and queen distinctions

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 00:04
by emporer
Joan Marie wrote: 11 Jun 2021, 20:00 I just ran across something that reminded me of this thread.

It's in my blog (which you can see if you are a member and have achieved a certain number of posts)

It was about an exhibition of Surrealist Women Artists I saw last year, just before the lockdowns started.

Here is the painting that made me think of this thread:

2021-06-11 09.54.07 pm.png

On the webpage for the exhibition they describe this painting saying:
The traditional gender roles are reversed, as here the woman shows the man the way.
Strange how such a subtle gesture can carry so much meaning.

The webpage is worth checking out as it explores a lot of the ideas we've been discussing here from another point of view but still examining gender roles and depictions through artistic imagery. Many of these women were heavily into the occult as well.
I love Leonor Fini! I’ve never seen this piece before but I love it and it is exactly what I mean! I think doors are opened by exploring these kinds of depictions on power and roles. I’m not trashing traditional gender roles sometimes I like a man leading the way in some moments. but if I want to understand a concept or a person I have to see them past what the “standard” for their gender is!!

Re: Expanding on king and queen distinctions

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 00:50
by TheLoracular
My copy of The Tarot Book by Jana Riley arrived the other day. I haven't had a chance to get beyond the first page but I think the Author's Note hits the last couple of posts really well. I'm going to quote from it.
"In 1888, a group of people in England began a secret society known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The society itself lasted only a short time, but it provides the foundation for most modern tarot decks and interpretations. In one way or another, what is now known as the Golden Dawn System is incorporated into many tarot decks of the 20th century."
It is an auspicious time for a new System to come along. Besides the two we really have, (throws the French/Continental System up as well as a product of the same era and having some of the same paradigm regarding gender roles and what "masculine" and "feminine" mean)

I suspect (and hope) for more than one. But what the Golden Dawn represented the kinds of people it attracted, and the effect they had on the world beyond tarot? How the tarot was part of a bigger change going on? It was so about so much more than wicked packs of cards, lol. Or lotus wands.

I am convinced we will get there but it's all an evolution, not a revolution. And there will be as much resistance to it as there is to any other movement. Resistance isn't a bad thing (in any kind of paradigm shift) so long as everyone involved is being ethical and intellectually objective.

... humans are really BAD at being ethical and intellectually objective though (IMO).

Which is the problem. With a lot more than tarot but I think that's brushing as close to the Bigger Picture as I can without getting what we pseudo-fondly call "political" and anyone who wants to chat the Politics of Tarot (or anything else) can always PM me. :P

Re: Expanding on king and queen distinctions

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 05:15
by Joan Marie
TheLoracular wrote: 12 Jun 2021, 00:50 With a lot more than tarot but I think that's brushing as close to the Bigger Picture as I can without getting what we pseudo-fondly call "political" and anyone who wants to chat the Politics of Tarot (or anything else) can always PM me. :P
The Politics of Tarot is an awesome topic.
It's just straight-up politics with no tarot relevance that we don't want here.
That's what Facebook and twitter are for. :lol:
TheLoracular wrote: 12 Jun 2021, 00:50 It is an auspicious time for a new System to come along.
Agreed. I think there is a lot of dancing all around this going on but at some point, someone is going to land on something substantial.