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Tower + Devil

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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Tower + Devil

Post by sollene »

hi there,
wondered about The Tower confirmed by The Devil on a position 'what somebody brings to the relation'.
The right reading would be that somebody wants to end a relation in a bad way, or its just the sexual needing that speaks so loud that there isnt nothing more for that somebody ? Im confused. Please help and thanks a lot.
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Re: Tower + Devil

Post by TheCunningRod »

So I would probably read that as the person is bringing something that either rocks the very foundation of that relationship (like a secret, or something that can no longer be ignored), that may have to do with sexuality, or their true desires. OR it could be read as that person is acting as a catalyst for the other person, in allowing them to discover or embrace their inner desires, impulses etc., without inhibitions.

Seeing as how the tower (16) and the devil (15), are sequential (in that they are neighbors), but in descending order, it could also be read as a situation going backwards in development, maybe because some things were not addressed, or because more work needs to be done in one way or the other.

Either way this person is ultimately bringing necessary energy into the equation.

Question: do you use the full major and minor arcana for your readings or just major? If you use both, there’s an extra significance in the placements, as they are both major arcana, thus REALLY trying to communicate a big point. Hope I helped
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Re: Tower + Devil

Post by Diana »

For me these two cards speak of sexual energy only. Loads and loads and loads.
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Sophia D.
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Re: Tower + Devil

Post by Sophia D. »

I'm new to tarot but maybe I can help because I have had this combination in the past, and it wasn't pretty.
Of course all situations are different but in my case the other person was going through some major break down in his life and the best thing to do was to stay away from him.
Yes I see lot of sexual energy too but I would rather like to see other cards for sexual attraction, that combination just looks like a lot of trouble to me.
But I have to repeat myself: that was my particular experience, you would know better the situation you are in, it doesn't have to be that dramatic. Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Tower + Devil

Post by Libra »

I'm not sure what you mean by "the right reading"?

I often see The Tower as a liberation. Walls being torn down, leaving you with all the naked, vulnerable freedom of The Star that follows. But instead of going to The Star, there's that step back into The Devil. This feels to me like someone not being ready for that deep level of vulnerability and freedom and really bringing themselves back into that cycle, because that vulnerability doesn't feel as familiar and safe as the constriction of The Devils chains and The Towers walls.

The Tower moving as it naturally does to The Star is liberation. It might - it likely WILL! - feel terrible and scary within the actual process, but ultimately it leaves you free for unprecedented growth. But, regressing to The Devil tells me that what this person brings isn't a breaking down of the things that restrict your growth, it's just a breaking down and trying up again.

Tarot is a bringer of choice, though. It says here "This person is bringing you the opportunity to fall into the same cycle of being small, contained, of not having to take responsibility for your life." With that knowledge, you can step into it, with open eyes, or you can say "No, thank you."
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