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Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 02:19
by Michelle_b
Hey all, hope this is the right place to put this!

A friend of mine really wants a tarot deck for Christmas. I've found a couple I think she'd adore but what with the exchange rate and costs of shipping to NZ they're all just a little bit out of my price range. Is there any chance people could recommend some similar decks in style and theme that are even $10 cheaper?

She's a bit of a proto-goth - likes the macabre but not anything too gory. Bones are a hard yes, viscera is a hard no. The other thing is she doesn't want a man on the lovers card. Two women, fine. Animals, fine. Inanimate objects, fine. Just no dudes.

What I've found I think she'd love is the Wooden Tarot
The Wild Unknown
And the Animal Os Fortuna which I think is perfect if only it was a tiny bit cheaper.

Like, plan B is going around our mutual friends and asking if anyone wants to go in with me for one of the above (probably the Os Fortuna bc I think it matches her aesthetic perfectly) but is there anything a little bit similar that anyone knows that, as I said, might be just a few dollars down? About the $25 USD or maybe even $30 mark?

Cheers all and thanks for any help you can provide!

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 07:01
by CharlotteK
This looks maybe up her street. It's in Canadian dollars. But it's still more than you are looking to pay, sorry. ... ra-edition

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 10:28
by Michelle_b
That is really nice! Thank you so much for helping me look :)

It is still a little beyond what I can stretch to, but if nothing else it's good to have some options to take around so thank you :)

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 13:34
by Nemia
Book Depository might be an option - they don't charge shipping costs and have a good offering of tarot decks. No independent decks, though. She might like the Mary-El - but no, there's a man and a woman on the Lovers card. The same in the Night Sun Tarot.

Concerning independent decks... the Slow Holler might suit but it's sold out right now and probably too expensive.

For botanically-oriented decks, look at Ophidia Rose and Jonasa Jaus.

Sorry I don't have the time to google right now and add links... I might remember more later.

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 19 Nov 2018, 20:23
by Michelle_b
I'll definitely look at the botanical ones - thank you!

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 03:12
by alavendermoon
I don't have anything to add, but just wanted to mention that the Wild Unknown Tarot is going for ~$30 on Amazon! So that might be an option for you after all <3 Best of luck!

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 01 Dec 2018, 10:48
by Nemia

Re: Decks Similar to These?

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 01:26
by Anesidora
Might be a bit late but the Marigold is certainly a great option.
The Lovers card is two genderless (imo anyway) skeletons
If she likes bones and a gothic feel, this is certainly a good deck for consideration

the price is over what you're looking for, but you can always get her an Etsy giftcard to pick up the deck if she's interested!