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University Books RWS Deck

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 19:32
by Stan K. Beest
I think I may have first posted this in the wrong Forum, but anyway...
I have a question specifically about the Strength Card in one of my RWS Decks.
I have a University Books RWS Tarot in a 2-part maroon slipcase, so it is presumably from the very first run in 1960. It even has 2 ad cards - one for the deck ($5.00) and one for the "Pictorial Key" Book ($7.50). And the pink Ankh backs of course. But strangely the Strength card is badly misprinted: one of the colors is completely offset so there is a double image. I cannot find any info about this online, so I'm wondering if anyone here knows anything or has heard about this.
I am including photos of the deck.

Stan K. Beest

Re: University Books RWS Deck

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 14:00
by Rachelcat
I had one of these decks years ago, in my serious collecting phase.

None of the cards had as much offset as your Strength. Or any offset that I can remember. (It had an "interesting" smell however!)

So I guess you have a truly unique deck! Good luck in your researches.