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Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 12:05
by Nemia
I'm a huge Benebell Wen fan, I love her style, her tarot reviews and her book. She's such a clear spirit. Now I found something wonderful on her website. She made a tarot deck, right now only the majors in black and white - and you can download the cards, print and colour them yourself. I'm going to do do that.

It's called the Spirit Keeper Tarot, and it's done all by hand. Meaning it's personal like hand writing. It's beautifully done, and how typically generous of her to donate it to the tarot community. I can't believe how talented this woman is.


The guidebook is available for free download, and it looks amazing, too.

There are many different download sizes. She has gone to such length to allow each user to personalize the deck.

I'm sure that colouring this deck will be a special experience. The guidebook gives instructions, and the whole process of colouring the deck is like a ritual, connecting us to your own Holy Guardian Angel.

This is how Benebell Wen explains it:
So, if you want to, after you download the files, you’ll be producing your own Majors only tarot deck and coloring in the images based on the instructions I provide in a companion guidebook.

The process of coloring in your own copy of the Majors in Spirit Keeper’s Tarot will connect you to your Holy Guardian Angel (HGA) and reveal the Divinity within you, your Path, and the framework of that Path. We each have a different Path, so naturally what the deck has to reveal will differ from keeper to keeper. Yes, you’re going to be a spirit keeper if you work with this deck– more on that later.

Completion of the coloring by your hand will in effect consecrate and attune the deck as a nexus point between your HGA and you, so henceforth, the 22 cards can be used by you to communicate directly to your HGA, whoever your HGA may be.

In one framing of the concept of the HGA that might make more sense to the rational-minded, the HGA is a personification of your higher genius. So the process of working with Spirit Keeper’s Tarot is one (of many) formulas for unveiling to your conscious mind that inner higher genius, and then to be able to activate controlled connection with that inner higher genius. In other words, activating that controlled connection with your inner higher genius will unleash the gates of your creativity and personal power in such a way that your productivity in all things will be amplified.

This path I’ve set out is by no means the only formula for revealing your HGA. It’s just one, but one I believe from the core of me will work for you if you’re dedicated to it. If you don’t want to use my offered method, then don’t. If you do, then follow the instructions as closely as you can.
I hope it's okay that I quoted such a large chunk of text! But it's important to understand the concept. Here is the original page.

At the bottom of the page, there's the possibility to donate to Benebell Wen - I think if anyone deserves it, it's this wonderful woman.

There are great things happening in the tarot community, and this deck is certainly one of them.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 21 Jul 2018, 16:07
by BreathingSince72

You just blew my mind! I have been so waiting for her to create a Tarot. I love the work of Benebell Wen, I just haven't been to her blog for a bit. Thanks so much for this!

Victoria <---grabs coloring crayons like a small child and skips off to the printer.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 23:27
by I Sunshine
Oh my, oh my! So I just printed the cards... just onto plain paper, in landscape form (so 3 cards to a page, using the original sketches). Now to go read the guide and blissfully start coloring!

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 01:24
by I Sunshine
I Sunshine wrote: 21 Aug 2018, 23:27 Oh my, oh my! So I just printed the cards... just onto plain paper, in landscape form (so 3 cards to a page, using the original sketches). Now to go read the guide and blissfully start coloring!
Well: Got to page 12 of the Guide and I can see that I will NOT be coloring right away. Benebell Wen has asked that we read the whole guide through once before we do anything. All 154 pages of it. And I feel it is only right to honor the author by abiding by the request. She understands that not everyone will want to color the deck ritualistically, however she would like us to make an informed choice! So. Back to reading. ;)

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 02:29
by Tomatosauce
Yeah, her suggested prerequisites are... ambitious and extensive.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 15 Sep 2018, 12:34
by Tarot_scholar
There's no Tarot police, not even Benebell (though my admiration of her knows no bounds). ;) Though if you're itching for some some occult coloring from her AND still want respect her prescription re: the ritual coloring, she's made some of the images from the companion book and her metaphysicians planner available for free download. Her koi fish are now enjoying a framed place of honor in my entrance hall :)

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 10 Oct 2018, 02:03
by Amoroso
Just looked at Wen's site and it's already available for pre-order.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 08 Dec 2018, 15:15
by Joan Marie
Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper's Tarot has been added to our Cult of Tarot List of Decks.

Benebell contacted me yesterday about adding Spirit Keeper's and provided me with some gorgeous images for the post.

You can see it HERE

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 08 Dec 2018, 18:39
by uscss.Nostromo
Esoterically speaking, a poster from another forum and myself both agreed that there is a very strong Golden Dawn-Gardenerian-Alexandrian influence instilled in this deck and the system she designed it around. Do you guys agree?

She speaks of the four elementals and the psychic safeguards put in place to protect the user from malefic influences.
Some if not many of you may be aware that In the aforementioned traditions, the invocation of the 4 quadrants or elemental watchtowers are evoked during the casting of a circle.

stylistically this deck is also very reminiscent of the Hermetic Tarot which is also Golden Dawn based, although I must say that the Spirit Keeper's Tarot is decidedly less "hysterical" (or theatrical if you prefer) in it's presentation; the Hermetic, as much as I love it can be a bit over dramatic at times depending on ones mood.

Overall I think Benebelle has succeeded in distilling the essentials of the Golden Dawn philosophy and incorporating it into her own unique eastern based traditions resulting in a very accessible and contemporary 21st century Tarot system and Tarot deck.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 08 Dec 2018, 19:01
by CharlotteK
I’m very interested in Benebell Wen’s Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck because she is so knowledgable and accomplished that I can’t help thinking it MUST be worth having. I have, and do not use the Hermetic. I find it a little intimidating. I always had in mind that I might use it as a study deck. I don’t know if the booklet is enough for those purposes. The Spirit Keeper’s Tarot has a more accessible vibe but I agree, it has a passing resemblance to the Hermetic. I’ll be keeping an eye for for the 2019 edition of the Sprit Keeper’s Tarot, which Benebell Wen has said she will release.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 06:19
by Nemia
Who else jumped into the waters and ordered this deck? I totally can't afford it :-) but it was my birthday present and I'm so happy and excited. I get regular updates, the decks are there already and now Benebell blesses and anoints each deck personally and individually. Instead of numbers, she gave each a name. This is such an undertaking and a part of her soul.

I read her blog and it was amazing how quickly she went from "hm, I might actually make a tarot deck" to "let's make a second edition". She is the most efficient person you can imagine.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 11:22
by Nemia
By now, Benebell has sent the material for the premium package - her amazing book and other materials. Wow, I'll get my teeth into it as soon as possible. I learn so much from her Youtube channel. I love it how she lets her light shine into the smallest nooks and crannies - she wants to make sure we understand everything, every little decision in the process of conception of this deck. She has gone to unheard-of lengths to make sure that only the most beneficent spirits come with this deck. What a journey she has made from the completely rational Holistic Tarot author to the High Priestess that she is now! And both approaches are true and real and authentic and workable.

She explains all the details of her concept and then sets the reader free to work with the deck according to their own needs and desires (although she smilingly discourages an "intuitive approach" that would do away with all the mystical, spiritual underpinnings of her deck).

I don't know how she does it (she holds a high-powered job in the non-tarot world, she eats perfect food, her house looks amazing, she is always looking impeccable and beautiful, she writes and records a video course for free, she draws a whole unique innovative deck, gives readings and writes reviews and her blog and reads a whole library of esoteric books and makes holy anointing oil from scratch and meditates... wow.... I'm sure she also works out and goes to the theater and is probably a trapeze artist in her ample free time!), but she's sending out the decks now.

Meaning my deck, with its individual magical name instead of a number, will sooner or later make a trip around the earth to make me happy, wise and serene.

I'm so glad I allowed myself the luxury to order this deck. I remember the excitement about the Tabula Mundi deck, and the deep, lasting, daily impact this deck has had on my tarot practice. I hope the SKT can give me a similar push.

Benebell is re-inventing the tarot from the DNA. She's a cave diver of the human mind and the divine secrets of this world.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 15:28
by Nemia
I can track shipping of my deck now - it's in San Francisco right now! That's really exciting. It feels as though all the decks are brothers and sister, and disperse now into the world.... Benebell has personalized them to an unprecedented degree!

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 01:51
by qndynes
I just wanted to add here regarding Benebell Wen's SKT Vitruvian Edition deck that it is even more potent in person. I received mine this week and after debating whether to open it, I waited until a lull opened up this weekend and quietly opened the deck. It is beautiful, it has the best cardstock I've come across in a deck. The sepia tone is stunning and inviting. And the attention to detail, the art, is captivating. I'm almost afraid of using it.

For those that ordered the deck, you're in for a treat. I am enamoured and ensnared.

Now I need to order her 22 week guided lesson plan and begin diving into the deck's world.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 07:13
by Joan Marie
For everyone who is still waiting for their Spirit Keeper's Tarot, this interview Benebell did for Cult of Tarot about the deck might help you enjoy your anticipation even more.

What an exciting time this is!

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 04:43
by AstralPasta
Joan Marie wrote: 17 Jun 2019, 07:13 For everyone who is still waiting for their Spirit Keeper's Tarot, this interview Benebell did for Cult of Tarot about the deck might help you enjoy your anticipation even more.

What an exciting time this is!
It keeps linking back to this thread, though I know the interview you speak of hehe.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 06:43
by Joan Marie
AstralPasta wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 04:43
It keeps linking back to this thread, though I know the interview you speak of hehe.
Thank you! fixed it.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 13:16
by Nemia
I stalk this deck like mad. It's already in my country!!!! My heart beats when I think about it. I've watched by now every Youtube video Benebell ever made and admired her intelligence, beauty and empathy from far. This is going to be a party when it arrives, and you're all invited!!! :P

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 13:54
by AstralPasta
Hahaha, I'm glad someone is as excited as I am! I've done about the same, short of reading much of the book of maps. I want the hard copy hehe. I got that damn notification email and I'm back on the tarot obsession train again aiyeeee I can't help it 😆 I'm glad too but still, hehe.

It has made me think of the Shining Ones though! The RWS horses and steeds in decks in general could be thought of as the knights themselves, can't they?! They're like vehicles or moving energy. I think I get caught up in the Knight of Wands vehicle or torrent of energy more than anything, or can identify it here, and I feel like I've been being told to hop on the Knight of Pentacles train more, which is so interesting. They're kind of like the 4 Winds! It's so interesting to think of them that way. This probably isn't news to some of y'all more experienced folks, but I'm enjoying this new insight hahaha

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 17:36
by Nemia
Yes, she really re-thought the tarot, and it doesn't feel artificial or forced but very natural and inspiring. I still don't really understand what she did with the court card (and I have seen many decks that re-think them) but I look forward to holding the deck in my hands and starting to work with it.... to understand.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 19:38
by qndynes
Nemia wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 13:16 I stalk this deck like mad. It's already in my country!!!! My heart beats when I think about it. I've watched by now every Youtube video Benebell ever made and admired her intelligence, beauty and empathy from far. This is going to be a party when it arrives, and you're all invited!!! :P
Yay! I can get down with an SKT party! :mrgreen: Is there a group here for the deck?

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:15
by Nemia
I hope we'll meet here :-)

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:20
by qndynes
Nemia wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 20:15 I hope we'll meet here :-)
Oh goodness, I realize in retrospect that was a silly question! :lol: :oops: Of course this is the thread for the deck.

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 23:13
by AstralPasta
qndynes wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 20:20 Oh goodness, I realize in retrospect that was a silly question! :lol: :oops: Of course this is the thread for the deck.
No you were right, there is one :mrgreen:
Though I'm fine with meeting in this thread for the party, ahahaha!

Re: Benebell Wen's Spirit Keeper’s Tarot

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 02:15
by Nemia
Card by card study is the work thread - the party is here ;-) I wonder whether people have their decks already? In the US, they should.