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Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 03:52
by archimedes
Does anyone have this deck? It looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm finding at the moment that I'm kind of over-identifying with personae in cards and I'm looking for cards that are a bit more ... not abstract, but more inclined to pull me out into the wider world of ideas and less into internalizing, if that makes sense. I just saw these on insta and was immediately attracted to them.

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 07:40
by Monk
I saw this deck's insta, I see this working for you when you cant stand the ladies and gents anymore.
And to be honest something odd happened with me as well, my very first reaction to the artwork was, this is an odd thing.
After committing to looking at them a bit more and taking all in I noticed a weird effect that also has to do with your remarks.

You mentioned you sort of want a little less of internalising? The oddest thing is that the imagery of this deck actually puts me in the driver seat in the images, and thus in my head. Instead of looking at people going about their business in decks with people in it I found my self looking into the scenery of many of the cards as if I were standing on the doorstep of each card. Some form of immersive effect, like looking through the Fools eyes in the Fool cards of this deck. In a sense internalising, which would be the opposite effect of what you would pursue working with these cards?

I get your line of thought and never really gave this 'perspective' much thought. I see now why I like decks with personae in it. They illustrate 'a' person on a path (of ascension) I'd rather stay 'outside' of the cards especially when reading for an other which is my ultimate goal.

Lovely artwork tho!


Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 07:54
by Diana
Apart from the Courts, wouldn't a TdM fit your purpose ? Or are you really wanting a deck with more obvious visual clues ?

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 10:16
by archimedes
Monk wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 07:40
The oddest thing is that the imagery of this deck actually puts me in the driver seat in the images, and thus in my head. Instead of looking at people going about their business in decks with people in it I found my self looking into the scenery of many of the cards as if I were standing on the doorstep of each card. Some form of immersive effect, like looking through the Fools eyes in the Fool cards of this deck. In a sense internalising, which would be the opposite effect of what you would pursue working with these cards?

I get your line of thought and never really gave this 'perspective' much thought. I see now why I like decks with personae in it. They illustrate 'a' person on a path (of ascension) I'd rather stay 'outside' of the cards especially when reading for an other which is my ultimate goal.
What an interesting observation. I can see how this is the case for you; I wonder if I'd shift my thoughts about it having spent more time with the deck. Funnily enough, I experience a similar thing when reading fiction. I find that the usual 'third person omniscient' really immerses me in the story - it plays like a movie in my head. When I read 'first person' - which in theory should be more immersive, it always feels to me like someone telling me their own story, and I actually experience more distance from the action than in the usual third person.
Diana wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 07:54 Apart from the Courts, wouldn't a TdM fit your purpose ? Or are you really wanting a deck with more obvious visual clues ?
I do own a couple of TdM (as well as the Celtic with pip minors) but yeah, I just liked the illustrative artwork in these. I'm not actively shopping for new decks but when new art crosses my path it catches my eye. Actually one of my favorite abstract decks is the Universe Cards, which is a very small and rather niche deck but beautiful.

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 14:52
by stronglove
this deck is on its way to me, it will probably be delivered next week. really interesting discussion here, will let you know what it does for me. i generally tend not to be drawn into any kind of card, love to keep my distance :lol: :lol: :lol: but i know that i prefer decks that stimulate my imagination, or peak my interest, or give an unusual twist to the traditional system/ provide interesting new interpretations of the cards. i’m expecting the spacious tarot to do just that.

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 21:24
by Ailsaek
Mine just came today. It’s gorgeous, and I love it just as much as I expected to. I haven’t interviewed it yet, I’m still reading through the LWB and examining the cards.


Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 22:10
by archimedes
Ailsaek wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 21:24 Mine just came today. It’s gorgeous, and I love it just as much as I expected to. I haven’t interviewed it yet, I’m still reading through the LWB and examining the cards.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. That Empress is stunning. It's a card that I so often have trouble with as I have issues with the whole very-pregnant-mother symbolism. This card speaks to the blossoming and generational power of nature in a way I can connect with. I love the expanse of blue sky.

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 02:16
by Libra
This deck feels like the non-peopled companion to the Light Seer's tarot to me! I'm very tempted but hubby has been laid off for the winter and I really ought not buy decks until he's back to work in there Spring!

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 12 Jan 2020, 05:38
by Ailsaek
Libra wrote: 11 Jan 2020, 02:16 This deck feels like the non-peopled companion to the Light Seer's tarot to me! I'm very tempted but hubby has been laid off for the winter and I really ought not buy decks until he's back to work in there Spring!
To me it feels like a sister deck to the Gaian Tarot that is *much* easier to shuffle. I see myself using them together a lot.

But then, come to think of it, I feel rather like the Gaian Tarot is to me as the Light Seer’s deck is to people a bit younger than me, so maybe they’re all siblings.

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 23:05
by stronglove
i just picked up mine and i am totally in love with the brilliant way the meanings of the cards are being conveyed visually. the cardstock is lovely, the matte feel is gorgeous, can’t wait to work with it. so glad to have a deck with no humans in it, i feel the essence of the cards intensely, as if they exude or radiate their messages straight into my (sub)consciousness. wow!

Re: Spacious Tarot - thoughts?

Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 14:33
by Tomatosauce
I love this deck. I love how it invites me to imagine myself into the scene. Sometimes I default to imagining the people in the cards as advisors asking me leading questions, so I love that this deck doesn't lend itself to that. Instead, it suggests the question, "In what ways am I The Hermit?" or "Okay, I'm the Hermit, now what am I doing? What should I do?"