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Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 23:29
by AstralPasta
So, this is partly for my own purposes, but hopefully it's fun for everyone.

I'm looking for Thoth based decks. I really love the Thoth minors, and am digging around for decks with Thoth-style minors. If it were also Thoth-based as a whole, that'd be cool, but it doesn't have to be so long as the minors are pip-ish but somehow also illustrative symbolically of their meaning.

These are my favorite cards:

I looked around, but I also figured I could just come here and folks could have a share and tell about Thoth-style decks or Thoth-based decks they have and love, or want. There might have been some new ones since Aelectic shut down too. I know the Next World and Shrine of the Black Medusa come from at least partially Thoth-deck based creators (I think the latter creator is more Thoth based than the former).

So, for me, I'm looking forward to getting the Tabula Mundi.

I'm curious about the Gill, a little curious about the Rosetta....still poking around. The Gill seems interesting, but the keywords on it kinda bother me. It brings me back to my left-brain, and they aren't able to be trimmed off since they move around the card.

( I'm not being particularly strict on what you call a Thoth-based decks, but to make it clear, whether it's based, styled, or partially derived from the Thoth deck, regardless of how entrenched it is in the actual formal system, I'm interested in looking at it. So if you share the Sun and Moon deck, that's fine with me, haha! Also, for those who have suggestions, I personally would probably be more interested in obtaining a deck if it were also based on the system if you have any suggestions. But I like having options too)

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 23:45
by fire cat pickles
I'm not too familiar with any but two that I have in my collection that I like very, very much, the Liber T and the Hermetic:



Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 00:07
by Amoroso
Kabbalistic Visions. Just look at this Chariot:


I also like the Asherah and the Cosmic.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 02:25
by AstralPasta
Fire cat, my partner has been wanting the Liber T for a while :D hehehe, maybe I'll get it for him. It's very beautiful, and interesting how the minors have scenes depicted on them. I guess I can spy on his deck at some point to learn about them and the stories they chose to associate.

That's an interesting deck Amoroso! I actually bumped into it online earlier today. The surrounding borders are huge o_o And I can't really tell what's going on in the cards.....*stares at card* .....woah woah woah, it reminds me of the Medieval Scapini! And medieval art in general, with the....what do you call it, medieval marginalia? I'm going to have to take a closer look at that one.

Ah my emojis are limited on a computer. How sad. Imagine star eyes.

I'm really curious about the Asherah. I kept double-taking when I saw it on instagram, same as I did with one of my favorites, the Sakki-Sakki. Actually most of my double-take decks end up being favorites so I'm learning to take that as an indication.

She's revising a card or two for now so sales are on hold for a few months I think, which I'm kinda okay with. I really really really love color, I am a color fiend, and I love her font style too (even though I might like it better without text). Some of the faces kind of creeped me out, in a very surreal 80's animation kind of way. But I think....I kinda have to get it at some point v_v I love the colors too much not to. Probably the faces will grow on me or I'll like them ok in real life. I think my weirdness around the surreal and strange has been turning into acceptance and appreciation slowly, haha.

Also this card reminds me of my cousin :lol:

(My cousin is a surreal mutable gemini with a scorpio moon if that makes things any less clear) :lol:

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 14:03
by AstralPasta
Amoroso wrote: 18 Sep 2019, 00:07 Kabbalistic Visions.
I keep looking at this on and off. I recently read Promethea by Alan Moore and now have a grasp of very basic kabbalah.....also I love scapini’s it’s going on my prospective list now....

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 04 Oct 2019, 11:13
by Amoroso
AstralPasta wrote: 03 Oct 2019, 14:03
Amoroso wrote: 18 Sep 2019, 00:07 Kabbalistic Visions.
I keep looking at this on and off. I recently read Promethea by Alan Moore and now have a grasp of very basic kabbalah.....also I love scapini’s it’s going on my prospective list now....
Promethea! That's one wild journey to the world of the Tarot. I have all 5 volumes, and I guess I'll be re-exploring it soon. Reading only horror books for the whole month of October lol.

If you want a meaty guide to the Qabala vis-a-vis the Tarot, I'd recommend taking a look at Robert Wang's The Qabalistic Tarot. I love it and found it very instructive but a few readers I know find it meh so ymmv. It was recently issued in a sturdy and affordable hardcover by Weiser.

And yup, the Kabbalistic Visions is one babe of a deck. The Qabala in the companion is pretty deep tho.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 26 Nov 2019, 19:08
by AstralPasta
That's good to know, I'd been trying to find info on how in depth the book is. 😁

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 13:39
by Poyta Blavatsky
Liber T Tarot of the Stars Eternal is a great deck; clearly inspired by Harris’ art and Crowley’s Thelema. The Minor card illustrations are based on the astrological associations as described in the Picatrix. In there own way the illuminate the more esoteric ideas of Thelema and certainly make for some impressive art work. Be warned there are a couple of confronting cards.

Rosetta is a great deck too, but for my money, M.M. Meleen’s other deck, Tabula Mundi, is the dog’s whatnots. The artwork is superb. Mel has done what no one else has ever done in marrying imagery from associated Majors through each of the corresponding Minors. Just check out her website (google Tabula Mundi) to see how this works. It is, IMHO, the most revolutionary approach to Tarot since the original Thoth deck.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 15:41
by Rachelcat
Just peeking in here to make sure someone has HIGHLY recommended the Tabula Mundi. [Waves at Poyta!]

If you're a Thothy, it's a must-have! Yes, the combination of the imagery of the major cards' signs and planets on the minors is revolutionary, wonderful, and beautiful!

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 16:02
by *AJ
Tarot of the Spirit
just to name a couple. Thothstyle decks are like wine...they clear the palate.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 21:03
by DarkWing
Tabula Mundi rocks.

New Era Elements Tarot is rather brilliant. They've dragged Crowley kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. Harsh at times, limited pallette. rather nice.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 06:18
by Charlie Brown
DarkWing wrote: 28 Feb 2020, 21:03 Tabula Mundi rocks.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 23:34
by Papageno
DarkWing wrote: 28 Feb 2020, 21:03 Tabula Mundi rocks. (it has) dragged Crowley kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.
you'll forgive my paraphrasing, (it has) in reference to the Tabula Mundi.

Crowley had a "La Foudre" moment when Meleen published the Tabula Mundi.
Aleister collapsed into a comatose state, completely bypassing the kicking and screaming stage.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 14:53
by stronglove
would like to add these decks to the list

vision quest tarot
via tarot
mutational alchemy tarot
gill tarot

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 03 Mar 2020, 04:23
by AstralPasta
Wow I'd never seen that mutational alchemy one! What a stunner.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 03 Mar 2020, 07:47
by Joan Marie
AstralPasta wrote: 03 Mar 2020, 04:23 Wow I'd never seen that mutational alchemy one! What a stunner.
I gotta get me some of these. People are doing such remarkable things.

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 20 Mar 2020, 15:42
by Nemia
I also like the Tarot of the Sephiroth, although it took me some time to get used to the art style. A bit too close to caricature for my style, but brilliantly done with the sephiroth theme.

In my re-organization scheme for my study and tarot collection, I created 12 tarot collection sub-groups, one of them is the Thoth-inspired group,

Haindl Tarot - my second deck and much beloved, although I have quite some doubts about Hermann Haindl himself. After I saw his videos on Youtube, i recognized a certain type of German "alternative types". He turned his chapter as solider of the Wehrmacht into a story of suffering, some kind of badge of peacefulness, and became a guru of alternative politics. I have known quite a lot of such men in my time and they never exhibited any self doubt about their role and biography, and neither does Haindl. His appropriation of Kabbalah, native American and far Eastern lore also raisis some red flags for me. But like in the case of Crowley, I don't judge the creation through the lens of the creator. Haindl created a beautiful deck which reads well. I like the murky art style, too.

Hermetic Tarot - it's one of the decks that I always want to study and never get around to do it. I get all the astrological and kabbalistic stuff but there is more to it.

Lo Scarabeo Tarot - incorporates TdM, RWS and some Thoth content, but disappointingly, mostly leaning toward RWS.

Night Sun Tarot - dark and spooky, has a lovely negativity and cynicism that I appreciate :-)

Pharos – Majors only, wonderful, beautiful, beloved deck of visionary clarity. A lighthouse :-)

Rosetta Tarot Pergament and pocket - Meleen's first deck, highly interesting in its use of different artistic media and the incorporation of Egyptian lore.

Tabula Mundi, regular and pocket - for me, one of the high points of tarot EVER.

Tarot of the Sephiroth - a very cool deck, based on the Tree of Life. The book is great, too.

Zillich Tarot - I didn't find much Thoth content in this deck but the watercolour style is beautiful. It's like a very gentle and non-confrontative great-grandchild of the thoth :-)

Re: Favorite Thoth-based or styled Decks?

Posted: 20 Mar 2020, 18:12
by Dr.Dunbar
This is the only deck I have that comes close. It's the Azathoth deck.
