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Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 15 Dec 2018, 22:25
by jaq
CharlotteK wrote: ↑03 Dec 2018, 07:02 Took delivery of the Liminal, Musterberg and Herbal Tarots on Saturday. Yay! Lots of new decks to keep me busy! I managed to do a swap for the Herbal so to some extent keeping my collection and spending under some sort of control. I am also expecting the Nature Spirit Tarot in the next week or so. The cards are huge, and i usually prefer small decks, but it looks wonderful.
The Herbal Tarot is my favourite RWS clone. It has such a gentle energy.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 25 Dec 2018, 18:51
by Charlie Brown
My wife made me a pair of reading cloths for Christmas. Each is two-sided and large enough for a grand tableau. The blue one is velvet, while the cream one is silk.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 19:50
by CharlotteK
Will be starting a complete moratorium on deck buying in the New Year! I've done well lately, I have some amazing new decks to work with. I also have some I need to sell.

I have recently received from the Stork:
πŸƒNature Spirit Tarot (direct from the creator - VERY large but beautiful cards)
πŸ‚ Universal Goddess Tarot (a swap for the Albano Waite)
🌷 New Wave Tarot (80s new romantic / goth / electro / indie rock pop stars. OMG, love love love πŸ–€ )

Also on their way / waiting at the Post Office are:
πŸ€ Animism Tarot
🌿 Pamela Colman Smith Commemorative edition of the Smith Waite Centennial Tarot
🌲 Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle
🌳 Celtic Tree Oracle (Liz & Colin Murray, back in print at long last)
☘ Dark Goddess Tarot.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 19:51
by CharlotteK
Charlie Brown wrote: ↑25 Dec 2018, 18:51 My wife made me a pair of reading cloths for Christmas. Each is two-sided and large enough for a grand tableau. The blue one is velvet, while the cream one is silk.
These are lovely CB what a beautiful gift.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 22:39
by Nemia
The deck stork dropped the Cosmos Tarot and Oracle at my house for Christmas - and WOW I'm happy! I've wanted this deck for AGES!!!

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 22:59
by CharlotteK
Forgot about Tarot in Wonderland, which turned up today.

AND I added the Tarot of the Crone! Ellen Lorenzi-Prince is retiring her current decks to concentrate on new projects and I've had this on my long term want list for some time. Fear Of Missing Out overcame me. I'll be using this one for some quite intensive shadow work, it looks like a powerful deck.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 10:56
by Amoroso
Just opened the Medieval Scapini and it's true what some Tarotists say - in terms of sheer beauty it belongs in the pantheon of Tarot greats.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 18:25
by BreathingSince72
I just received The Naked Heart Tarot Divination Set. I already had the deck but wanted the bells and whistles, so I gave the new deck to my oldest. My purchase included a deck, a tarot cloth and a crystal set. I will give much more detail in a deck review on another post. Here are some pics.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 14:09
by Rachelcat
I just got the New Era Elements Tarot by Elenore Pieper (the artist of the Etsy Harry Potter deck). I haven't even opened it yet, but it looks lovely. Very detailed pen and ink art, Thoth based. It's a US Games deck.

I also ordered Con gli occhi et con l'intelletto: Explaining the Tarot in Sixteenth Century Italy. It's a slim book containing two essays from sixteenth century Italy about moral and allegorical meanings of tarot, especially the order of the trumps. They also talk about the suits. The book is in the original Italian with facing page English translation, along with introductions and notes. I had an earlier edition of this (green cover, different title) and lent it to someone and it never returned. A tarot society friend let me know it's back in this new edition (white cover), very reasonably priced, so I'm very happy!

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 12 Jan 2019, 08:35
by Joan Marie
This week I received the Golden Tarot of Marseille from Lo Scarabeo.

It's my first Marseille deck. I ordered it because I want to start participating in the TdM Reading Circles and I really can't wait to use this one.

It really is shiny shiny. I tried to get a picture of it, but it isn't easy.


I really do love it. I know for some it may seem a bit kitschy with all that shiny gold but I have to admit, I'm falling for it hard.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 12 Jan 2019, 15:18
by AstralPasta
^ Oooh shiny. It's beautiful. It kind of reminds me of church art (at least in orthodox churches), where you walk in and kiss the icons or plaques before entering.

The Shrine of the Black Medusa is coming! Hopefully by the 16th. It was supposed to come around Christmas, but MPC sent it to the artist by mistake, and they print them one deck at a time.

Really excited!!! I also got the Oracle of the Lunar Nomad via a Secret Santa gift card to a local used and antique book shop. I can't believe I never noticed the decks there, though they are kind of hiding and I tend to shoot towards the metaphysics section.

I don't really care for oracle decks, but I seem to be finding strange lenormand decks, or lenormand-ish decks. Maybe it's where i have the most flexibility in my heart in terms of decks I'll consider, hahaha. I really love it. I'm kind of surprised by how much I love it?!

It's great because I have trouble with intuition, and it seems perfectly suited for training that. It's really lovely. My first question was at the shop, "how would you best help me," and of course I got the moon (may be called Luna). Then I asked how best to choose a deck and I got "child." (probably not an answer to take too literally, haha).

Found pic here.

Drew this yesterday, and it's still reverberating into today. Dang. I think I'll have to put the Vessel aside for now and focus on this as my working Oracle deck. It really is so lovely.

Aaargh, I want all the decks I have in my collection to make me feel as YES! as this and the Sakki-Sakki (and Numinous, Shadowscapes, in more ethereal ways). It's weird trying to scope that landscape out. It's not like the same feeling per deck, but it is a strong feeling. Like strong or deep or large rivers/currents of intuitive-emotion within yourself that the imagery sort of mirrors in magnetic ways. I'm also not used to having so many decks and options.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 15:46
by SaturnCeleste
BreathingSince72 wrote: ↑05 Jan 2019, 18:25 I just received The Naked Heart Tarot Divination Set.
Oh my goodness, what an awesome table cloth!! I love it, BreathingSince72! :D

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 29 Jan 2019, 23:08
by kare
I am expecting replacement decks for my Green Witch Tarot and my Shadowscapes Tarot, and I wanted to post to tell the group how good Llewellyn Worldwide customer service is. So I bought these two decks only a couple of months ago and I have not used them regularly, and I have been gentle with them. Then I noticed that the edges of Green Witch cards were getting lots of chips and a couple of tears on the corners. The Shadowscapes Tarot almost immediately started to have the clear surface coating peel up around the edges. I bought these decks new from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, not the publisher. I wrote an email to Llewellyn telling them what was happening with the cards and saying how bummed I was. I didn't ask for new decks, I just wanted to let them know that I felt tarot decks should be a little hardier than that and I hoped they would look into it and improve card quality. They responded in less than 24 hours and are sending replacement decks, and said their second printing is usually better than their first. Not sure what that means, but it was a nice gesture--their customer service is awesome.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 03 Feb 2019, 01:24
by jaq
Oh, I had a bit of a misunderstanding with the stork. I wanted the Ghetto Tarot, and what I got was the BOOK about the Ghetto Tarot. Sigh.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 09 Feb 2019, 00:54
by BreathingSince72
SO this is past the storks arrival but I received the hand-stenciled Noblet by Jean Claude Flornoy. The colors are amazing! And I love the LWB. It does'nt have the standard card meanings, just a portion of the story of tarot and some text that I will likely quote the rest of my life.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 21:14
by Rachelcat
Dear stork brought me Moonology Oracle Cards and Cat Wisdom Cards.

Moonology has cards for full moon and new moon in each sign, plus eclipses, blue moon, etc. The art is a little same-y, with a pic of the moon plus something else on each card. But pretty. I like the booklet and I like having this kind of moon deck. I had previously bought the Moonology book, but I didn't like it because it's all about wishes and getting what you want, etc., which is not something I like to connect with my esoteric studies. But the deck and deck booklet are more oracle-y, which is good for me!

Cat Wisdom Cards are cute studio photos of kittens with a keyword, and expanded oracle-y advice text on the other side. I resisted this deck for a long time because I love cat decks but not an overdose of CUTE so much. But, hey, it's cats, so I caved. It turns out it's not too disgustingly sweet, so all ok. If you like cats. Which I do!

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 02:58
by AstralPasta
Ordered the Spirit Keeper Tarot finally!!! One for me and unexpectedly one for my partner as a birthday present. It's gonna be weird having the same deck as him though. I've had that happen with a best friend before and it was weird. But he takes care of his things and is studious so it might be really nice studying together, especially with me knowing more about astrology and him studying kabbalah.

I also ordered holistic tarot through thriftbooks! Lucky me. ☺️ So I'll be studying that with my RWS (annotated the crap out of it along the borders. To be honest at this point im like, why don't I just get a Thoth deck, but it's ok. I'll figure it out. I want to see how far the RWS can take me anyway).

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 17 Feb 2019, 03:27
by AstralPasta
I just ordered the doodled deck I made myself on a iPad through makeplayingcards. If it looks acceptable to me I'll share it on here 😳

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 08:19
by jaq
One of my closest friends has moved into a palliative stage. She is giving away things. She gave me "her" deck, the Golden Rider Tarot, the first deck she ever used, many, many years ago. She also gave me the Old English Tarot, a deck I bought for her, and the Daughters Of The Moon Tarot. I have that deck already - it is one of my all-time favourites - and I love the idea that one day I am going to pass that deck on to someone special.

I did a reading for her husband. It was a lovely, hopeful spread, and opened up a deep conversation with him.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 16:34
by Rachelcat
I put these in the online sellers thread, but for completeness, here you go!

On Thursday I backed the Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck on Kickstarter.

On Friday I ordered:
Schneider & Co. Lenormand and Dutch Lenormand from Game of Hope.
Cat Lenormand and the Threefold Oracle from The Game Crafter. The Threefold Oracle is a deck of three sets of tarot majors.
Wild Moon Lunar Phase Deck from Tamed Wild. I'm starting a subcollection of one-card-per-moon-phase-day decks, evidently . . . (I have the Spirit de la Lune, which has that plus other cards.)

Can't wait for them to start trickling in!

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 19:41
by stronglove
last week i found out that the oracle of the radiant sun (smith & astrop) has been reprinted! it has been oop for quite a while and the prices on ebay were sky high....(i saw one offered for more than $ 600!)
so i was over the moon and ordered it immediately for less than $30. it was shipped last friday. i can’t wait to get my hands on it....!
i also have their elemental tarot and the moon oracle. (still looking for the runic tarot)

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 01:13
by litefoot13
I got a cat tarot deck for my sister for her birthday, and holy cow I think I need one for myself - it's ADORABLE.

I love that the death card is a vacumn cleaner, which actually makes sense if you think about it - from a cat's point of view, it's one of the WORST THINGS EVER AND LIFE SUCKS, but after it's gone, things have changed and are cleaner and probably better.
The suits are great, too - Wands is cat toys (mostly feather wands), swords is claws, cups is food and water bowls, and pentacles is cat treats. x3

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 13:13
by AstralPasta
Someone at work gifted me the Fantastic Medical Tarot by Dr. Shigeki Gomi !!! I was so surprised! It's really cool. It's only the majors but I really like the art style. It's so 80's. I'd been looking for both an 80's Japanese deck (because of the art style - like moon princess himeko tarot) and also a medical sort of tarot, or something more accurately mapped out to the body so that's interesting.

Here's an image from tarot garden.

Here's a great website with info and some pictures: ... rd522.html

They have cool decks categorized by country too. I'mma check out the amano tarot soon. How exciting!

I only wish I hadn't maybe looked at the little white book because now I see there are pathologies, but that's ok too. I would've needed to anyway hehe, especially with the magician. Also it is a doctor's tarot deck haha.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 14:06
by stronglove
hi there, if you are really interested in the amano you can have mine, i’m getting rid of it. i have the box set with the japanese guidebook. just pm me if you want it.

Re: What's the Deck-Stork bringing?

Posted: 05 Apr 2019, 14:38
by AstralPasta
stronglove wrote: ↑05 Apr 2019, 14:06 hi there, if you are really interested in the amano you can have mine, i’m getting rid of it. i have the box set with the japanese guidebook. just pm me if you want it.
Whoaaaaaatttt, PM'd you! On my way out of the house in case I miss your response.