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Herbal, plant-based, botanical decks

Informal discussions of individual Tarot Decks.
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Herbal, plant-based, botanical decks

Post by Nemia »

Over the last few years, a lot of beautiful decks have been created around botanical topics. Flowers, trees, herbs, either in specialized decks or, like the Bottanical, as all-around decks reflecting growing things, including cacti and fungi.

Aesthetically, I'm very much attracted to these decks. I also love animal decks. It's always interesting to see how artists translate the tarot archetypes into the language of plants.

Botanically, I find it difficult to connect to a deck with a high percentage of plants that don't grow here. Not very logical, I have no problems with decks including ice bears or landscapes or Gods far removed from my environment. However, I feel one way of connecting to a plant deck is finding and smelling and observing the plants in question. So while it's fascinating to see a deck of Australian or Canadian flora, something held me back until now. And I didn't buy even one botanical deck although my wishlist includes a LOT of such decks.

I'm curious now to hear from people who have such decks, work with them, there are so many things you can do with a plant-based deck!, so please let me know which decks you have, enjoy, recommend, or whatever you think about them.

Here is a list from Aeclectic. And there is an interesting thread in TT&M.
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Re: Herbal, plant-based, botanical decks

Post by _R_ »

This is a timely topic as I have just been translating a short article on the Tarot and the Chaldean herbs, and I look forward to learning more about these decks too.
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