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Everyday Witches Tarot

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Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Myperception »

Recently i am busy with my practical homework with Chinese Tarot deck, it's a deck that full of chinese culture and legends, i really like this deck.

Apart of this, i have Rana George Lenormand deck also my favourite with all the vivid pictures, i just love it, the drawing and colouring make it so interesting to read regardless how many times i did it in a day.

And now i have another 1 that catch my eyes is Everyday Witches Tarot deck, this is something very lively, i think maybe i grew up by watching many of walt disney cartoons, it remind me of those cartoon characters that store in my memories.

I realise myself did have some stereotype of the deck's drawing will capture my attention. Which the above decks mentioned, there are something similar that i always can never resisted.

If anyone of you own this deck, please share with me, how your feel about this deck? How you normally practise it or read it? Why were you purchased this deck?
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Genna »

I purchased it because I loved the humorous take on witches, like in Sir Terry Prachetts books, and then I saw there were cats on every card (some dogs for some men). I love the light touch when you don´t want a heavy reading. But the cards tell you the sad bits too, but with a light hand. For example in The Tower you see that that building needed to fall down and a witch stands looking on it with a glint in her eye. No deaths. In the Ten of Swords, maybe the Swords has missed the body, the suffering witch is very alive in her cloak and reaches for her broom, The Devil is a shady gentleman with a tail offering innocent teenagers ice-cream and money in the park. I like the take on almost all cards and the book is very good. You can keep cards and book togeather in the sturdy box with magnetic lock.
I do like the witches ( men and women) with their pointy hats, cats of all colours (and dogs)and brooms. It is a RWS clone and I like that.

Love and Light, Genna.
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Diana »

Genna wrote: 14 Aug 2019, 07:34
I do like the witches ( men and women) with their pointy hats, cats of all colours (and dogs)and brooms.

Love and Light, Genna.
Hi Genna. I saw in your profile that you wanted to be a witch when you were younger. So the fascination is still somewhat there with witches !! How delightful !!
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by HOLMES »

i just read with it like a regular tarot (aka I just use my regular system) the only difference is the picture,
i just used it yester day for a paid reading,,
and the lady commented on how the fool was so true for she told her son that mornig, what you are going to be a hobo, carrying your clothes around on a stick .
so it is good deck, i read good with it three times so far.

i think most picturesque tarots work well, if you follow your system (and it follows the tarot system aka changed cards,, like the lo scarabeo cards used to be radically differnt when they first came out ).
and it does help if you read the book,, but it is not necessary for a good picturesque tarot.
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Genna »

Marigold wrote: 15 Aug 2019, 07:39
Genna wrote: 14 Aug 2019, 07:34
I do like the witches ( men and women) with their pointy hats, cats of all colours (and dogs)and brooms.

Love and Light, Genna.

Hi Genna. I saw in your profile that you wanted to be a witch when you were younger. So the fascination is still somewhat there with witches !! How delightful !!
Yes Marigold, I like anything with witches and Halloween too. Actually Genna is my old witch name meaning white (as in white witch).
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Diana »

Genna wrote: 15 Aug 2019, 21:46 Actually Genna is my old witch name meaning white (as in white witch).
Oh, that's interesting. So as I'm always curious, I went to look up what else it could mean. So it can mean "white, fair phantom" and also apparently comes from the Hebrew meaning "Juniper berry". Are Juniper berries used by witches (apart from making gin ?? :lol:)
Rumi was asked “which music sound is haram?” Rumi replied, "The sound of tablespoons playing in the pots of the rich, which are heard by the ears of the poor and hungry." (haram means forbidden)
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Genna »

Thank you for looking all that up! I don´t know, but I think witches can use all gifts of nature for something. When I find it I will look in my herbs by Scott Cunningham what you can use juniper berries for. I didn´t know they made gin out of them! :D
I know Guinewere neans white(Guine) ghost(were).
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Re: Everyday Witches Tarot

Post by Genna »

Juniper berries are used for sacred fires, good for protecting home and cattle, also purifying. Witches use it for anti-theft-spells, getting rid of troublesome spirits, burn during divination, hiding places in the bush or tree are good. Love spells. Very bad for pregnant women, used as dangerous abortion method in olden times.Also good to scare off witches(!)
From Scott Cunningham´s " Cunningham´s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs--" (Juniperus communes)
Folk names; Enebro, Gemeiner Wachtholder, Geneva, Gin Berry, Ginepro, Gin Plant.
Gender; Masculine, Planet;Sun, Element; Fire, Powers; Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health.
Magical Uses; Used throughout Europe as a protective herb, Juniper also guards against theft. It was probably one of the earliest insences used by Mediterranean Witches. Juniper hung at the door protects against evil forces and persons, and it is burned in exorcism rites. A sprig of the plant protects its wearer against accidents and attacks by wild animals. It also guards against ghosts and sickness.
Juniper is added to love mixtures and the berries are carried to increase male potency.
When carried or burned, juniper helps the psychic powers and breaks hexes and curses and drives off snakes.---"

One card that is extra good in Everyday witch is the Five of Swords were one witch pulls off a better result of the spell than the others, a bitter victory, also the one with the Three of Swords with the stabbed chocolate box in shape of a heart and the unhappy bed-room with rain outside the window., I love the red clad Wand Queen with her dragon and black cat. It feels so modern. I don´t think there is one bad card in the deck , only I´m not so happy with Temperance who stands on one foot and yoga balances with healthy carrots and water on one side and cup-cakes on the other. The Hirophant is a yoga teatcher. It´s modern though. The witch on motor cicle in the Chariot is lovely. The Empress in red and white is the pregnant goddess, with her white dog and black cat maybe the loveliest Empresses I have seen, and the Higj Priestess with her books and crystal ball, cards and runes is a new type too.

I use Everyday Witch as an everyday Tarot. It reads very well.
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