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Reading Circle: Energy of the Season

Posted: 13 Feb 2021, 13:23
by WildWoman71
This is an open group creating a safe, non-judgmental place for us to connect to the energy of each season through Tarot and embrace the messages from our angels, spirit guides and ancestors of what energies to focus on within each new lunar cycle.

We are now in Aquarius - What does Aquarius energy ask me to embrace this Season. Please see the spread below and share your readings if you feel it is right for you.

Aquarius Season

1. What am I invited to embrace this season/Queen of Arrows

2. How am I holding space for dreaming in my life/ The Wanderer (Fool)

3. What is a release for me this season/Ten of Arrows

4. What is restorative to me - mind/body/soul/Six of Stones

5. What self-care can I include this season/The Shaman (Magician)

6. What does this work bring me into/2 of Stones


1................ 6

.....3 ..... 5

I am invited to take this time for self-reflection - apply self-control in my life - self-control being allowing my soul to control - having faith that my soul knows what it's true desires are and even though I may not understand this new journey I am on (The Wanderer) -

Allowing my soul to lead I will see I have the most ultimate of freedoms - I must have faith that my soul is helping me to live my truth - my authentic life. I must once again reflect and on my most recent experiences, feel the pain, accept it, heal from it.

It's important to integrate those lessons so I can release those lessons and know not to repeat what doesn't work (Ten of Stones).

I must not allow my pain and my past experiences to enslave me to the idea that I am no longer safe and secure - and realize that the ultimate safety and most precious security is Self - honoring my Soul - following my heart and my dreams. (Six of Stones).

(The Shaman) Self-Care this Season for me, is not an active action - it is about taking the time now for self-reflection an internal exploration and examining of my own conditioning and patterns. By quietly examining these patterns I will become Self-Aware and be better equipped to put a plan into action as we move into the Spring and Summer.

This work will bring me the gift of insight (2 of Stones) - integrating the lessons and ensuring the divine masculine/feminine energy within is in balance will provide me with the Wisdom and the courage to stand my ground in the future.

The Wildwood Tarot
The Wildwood Tarot
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Re: Reading Circle: Energy of the Season

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 08:42
by Joan Marie
Okay, lemme have a go at this.

I chose my Banksy Tarot deck. It just felt right for this. Aquarius reminds me of the artistic side of life, the joy in creation and living free.

Aquarius Season

1. What am I invited to embrace this season/ Sister of Brushes

I kinda love this "F**k it" vibe here.
Explore passions and interests, embrace my will and don't be bothered with the opinions of others.
I need to hear this for a lot of reasons!

2. How am I holding space for dreaming in my life/ Hierophant

By not kowtowing to expectations.

3. What is a release for me this season/ 6 of Buckets

She's blowing bubbles! This relates to the previous card. Dreaming is my release, not being bound to convention or expectation.

4. What is restorative to me - mind/body/soul/3 of Spray Cans

That's a strong image. Smashing something. This card is about pain. maybe knowing how pain and suffering has made me stronger, resilient.

5. What self-care can I include this season/8 of Spray Cans

Hmmm! Interesting image! Free myself!! use my eyes to see, my ears to hear, etc!

6. What does this work bring me into/ Hanged Man

HA! perfect. (This image is brilliant!)
Not sure what it means for me though!

Trust myself more, know and follow my will.

This was FUN! if anyone would like me to do a quick and dirty Banksy reading for them using this spread, just ask!

Re: Reading Circle: Energy of the Season

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 14:33
by WildWoman71
Thank you so much for joining. Your deck is so interesting.
Hmmm! Interesting image! Free myself!! use my eyes to see, my ears to hear, etc!
Self-Care - this image reminds us of us being locked up - caged - with no social activity (so corona-like). Sometimes we all need a little social interaction

HA! perfect. (This image is brilliant!)
Not sure what it means for me though!
As for the image of the Hanged Man - seems like he's hanging on to something or someone - afraid to let go?

Re: Reading Circle: Energy of the Season

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 14:56
by Joan Marie
WildWoman71 wrote: 14 Feb 2021, 14:33 Self-Care - this image reminds us of us being locked up - caged - with no social activity (so corona-like). Sometimes we all need a little social interaction
Yeah- I think you're right. Where I live in Germany EVERYTHING is closed. Only grocery stores and pharmacies are open and gatherings of more than like 3 people are prohibited and it's been this way for weeks and will continue at least through March, so, yeah I am going a little bonkers. What I really miss is traveling. I've been "making do" with skype and having a friend for dinner here and there, but a person can only take so many "walks" you know?

It's funny I didn't see that right away in this card because it's pretty on the nose how I feel. Looks like I've been pushing it down to get through.

As for the image of the Hanged Man - seems like he's hanging on to something or someone - afraid to let go?
The guy is hanging out a window naked to not get caught! If he let's go he's in real trouble! He's hanging on for dear life.
But that's a very literal interpretation of the image.

I have to think about this one some more. The question again is, "What does this work bring me into?"

Looks like a precarious situation is the answer. If I add up the messages from the previous cards, maybe it's something about taking a risk?

Re: Reading Circle: Energy of the Season

Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 15:34
by WildWoman71
I have to think about this one some more. The question again is, "What does this work bring me into?"

Looks like a precarious situation is the answer. If I add up the messages from the previous cards, maybe it's something about taking a risk?
about being naked..Possibly - could bringing your dream to reality make you feel to vulnerable? Feeling the need to justify yourself in some way...