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Week 53?

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Joan Marie
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Posts: 5308
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Week 53?

Post by Joan Marie »

2020 has 53 weeks? Seriously?

Yes it's true. I didn't realise that was a possibility until I just now went to set up the Deck of the Week sub-forum. I thought I must have made a mistake because last week was Week 52 but I googled it and it's true, some years have 53 weeks and this is one of them.

I know it's just a number, that this year is the same length as every year, but it feels like some kind of a joke that this would be a year with 53 weeks.

Anyway, I hope you might consider joining us for this final extra week of 2020 and pick out a deck and share your daily draw with us.

Just go to this link and open a thread with your username and the deck you've chosen.

It should be a good one, I hope so, in any case it definitely will be the last week of this remarkable year.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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