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Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 17:16
by Rachelcat
The Visconti decks were at the beginning of my pips journey, and I have collected pretty much as many versions as I can find. I also went to the Cloisters museum in New York to get a look at some of the originals in an exhibit of early playing cards in 2016.

This week, I’ll be using the Lo Scarabeo bling version, which was my go-to deck for a long time. (You’ll see the black borders didn’t hold up well to lots of shuffling, but the gold foil is still perfect!) The foil will make photos difficult, but I’ll try!

(In another week, I’ll try the huge, original sized US Games Cary-Yale photo repro, probably without the replacement majors but with the replacement minors. It’s an interesting deck because no one knows exactly which majors it originally included, and it has male and female knights and male and female pages for each suit.)

The LS deck has replacement Devil and Tower cards. Interestingly, there are two versions of a replacement Devil in various LS versions.

Enough collection geeking. On to the interview!


Deck’s most important characteristic: 10 Cups
It just makes me happy! I want to share its beauty and simplicity with everyone!

Deck’s strength: Queen of Swords
It’s a good teacher, especially of pips reading. It’s stripped down but authentic and refined.

Deck’s weakness: Temperance
The deck is an interesting combination of historic deck with an almost too pretty aesthetic. I think some readers prefer the roughness and “primitiveness” of woodblock decks. It’s kind of a paradox. It’s earlier than other historic decks, but it’s much more refined.

What it can teach me: 9 Cups
Same as above. This is the “little temperance card.” It’s also the wish card. It can teach me what to wish for, not too much, not too little.

How can I learn it? 5 Swords
Use this deck to overcome feelings of confusion and fuzziness and to figure out what it is that I really want.

Outcome of our work together: Hermit
I’m one of the few people who reads with the Visconti, but that’s ok. It makes me feel smart and special!

I look forward to sharing more of the Visconti with you this Thanksgiving week. See you soon!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 10:08
by Joan Marie
I love this deck. I have a Cary-Yale Visconti from US games. It's oversized and was one of the first decks I ever bought.

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 13:22
by Rachelcat
Joan Marie wrote: 23 Nov 2020, 10:08 I love this deck. I have a Cary-Yale Visconti from US games. It's oversized and was one of the first decks I ever bought.
Now I really want to use it for next week! :D

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 13:24
by Rachelcat
Monday on Tuesday
I was so busy yesterday on my day off, I missed doing my reading, so here it is today.
I’ve been reading some Buddhism again, so I’ll try my Four Noble Truths spread without a question, and see how that goes!

Monday on Tuesday.jpg

Hmm, three majors in a no questions reading. So I probably should pay attention, huh?

Symptom: Hermit
I’m having trouble dealing with being alone and having too much time on my hands. I don’t usually see any of that as a problem, but it’s getting extreme now that we’re back on a more strict quarantine again. There is a positive side of the Hermit. I’m slowly returning to thinking about big-picture issues, just as a way to pass the time better than reading Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time!

Diagnosis: 5 Cups
So why is it an issue and maybe an opportunity? Because I don’t have as much opportunity to share my every little emotional up and down like I did with my work friends every day at work. Now it’s when I talk to my son or my mom or my friends on the phone or on the computer, I don’t want to worry them. No need to say I had a mini-migraine this morning but now I’m fine. Or I’m feeling very scattered in my mind but I’ve got to get my act together and get some work done now. We focus more on positive stuff and things we need to communicate. Which is good, but there is that absence of intimacy, I guess you could call it.

Prognosis: Fool
There is a way I can use this time and alone time to break free. My mind can go anywhere and do anything, unlike my body. Too much time on my hands is an amazing opportunity to go where my mind has never gone before!

Prescription: Moon
All it takes is some imagination. I need to think bigger and know the sky’s the limit. I don’t have to be productive, I just have to be open and let my mind wander into so interesting and strange corners. Really let go of the busyness and see where it takes me. Previously, I was thinking I need to use this time to be productive, to create something. But the moon is saying before you can create, you have to dream of your creation.

Today's reading is next!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 13:40
by Rachelcat
Tuesday Why the Who is in the What


A whole lotta swords, and the Hermit returns!

After everything I said about the Fool and the Moon in the previous reading, this one is returning me to reality. I’m the Queen of Swords, a teacher and perpetual student, and my pleasure (Queen = water and 7) is in learning and thinking and figuring things out. I missed my reading yesterday because I was having so much fun making up a tarot trivia quiz and figuring out how to use the quiz program.

And the Hermit is here to say yes, this alone time is an opportunity to have that kind of fun. And when things go back to normal, it won’t seem that normal, and I’ll miss it. The message is sinking in here!

Have a happy Tuesday!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 25 Nov 2020, 13:50
by Rachelcat
Turkey Time
I might get sidetracked tomorrow, so it’s turkeys today!


Things to be thankful for:
King of Wands: I’m thankful for having agency. I have the ability to act and do things.
Ace of Coins: I’m thankful I have a job, and a good one. It’s the source of my money and possessions.
4 Swords: I’m thankful for this time of rest and quiet.
7 Cups: I’m thankful being connected to my feelings. Sometimes it seems like too much, but I’m glad I can feel and am not cold and uncaring.

Keep in mind about gratitude: Hanged Man
Again I’m thankful for this time of rest and quiet. It’s also teaching me how little of material things that I actually need. And what material things are important and which aren’t. Some people are desperately waiting for things to get back to normal so they can go back to work. I’m so thankful I’m still working. And I’m not sure I’ll be ready to go back out into the world when the time comes!


Things I can give:
7 Wands: I can encourage my friends to hang in there and enjoy the fight, and fight the good fight. My sister, too, who is having more health issues.
4 Coins: I can save my money so that I can have more to give to charities for people who really need it for basics, not for random stuff I don’t really need. Don’t spend a lot on Christmas gifts when other people just need to eat.
9 Swords: I need to transform my worry and upset feelings about the unfairness of things into doing something about it.
5 Cups: I need to be thoughtful and give things that will really relieve stress and sadness.

Keep in mind about giving: Devil
I need to recognize that giving to charity isn’t really enough when the systems are stacked against whole groups of people. Someone is profiting or will find a way to profit from the misery of others. I need to give to groups that are addressing immediate needs but also those that are trying to change systems in place.

Wow, it was difficult reading all the negative cards in the giving hand. Does that mean giving is a special challenge for me now? The gratitude was easier. I really do feel thankful for everything I have. And I need to remember all that as I move further into the festival of food that is tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 15:30
by Rachelcat
Thursday on Friday
My relationship with food. Not just eating, but buying, cooking, etc.

Thursday on Friday.jpg

Physically: 8 Cups
Everyone who has dieted or changed their way of eating (I’ve done Weight Watchers and I’m a long-time vegetarian) has to bring their feelings about food out into the open to examine intellectually. I’ve benefitted from WW sayings and maxims that put into words how to act on how we feel about eating. I really need to use my head to make a manifest change. The implementation of the plan has to come from within, or you’ll feel like someone else is trying to make you do something, and you’ll rebel eventually.

Emotionally: 8 Swords
But too much laying down the law in my mind without addressing feelings won’t work either. But again, examining the feelings is the key. So I don’t feel trapped.

Intellectually: 10 Wands
Sometimes it can seem exhausting to do everything I’m supposed to do, but that’s just my ego playing tricks. It’s not really difficult to follow a sensible regime.

Energetically: 10 Coins
Now we get into something besides eating. I always buy and cook too much! But to me, it’s a way to express hospitality. It’s certainly better to have too much than not enough! But prudence is important. No need to waste food. Moderation in everything, even moderation!

Spiritually: King of Coins
Again hospitality. But also control. It is important to have self-control, in eating and buying and cooking. Wasting is akin to a sin, but abundance rejoices. Moderation again. The middle way.

I’m not explaining it very well, but I’m glad to have the king here presiding over the 10s and 8s. Oh, and all four suits are represented too! Definitely something deeper to think about. So in everything (all four suits), what is important is thinking it through (8s) and social repercussions (10) and being in charge of it, not letting it be in charge of you (king). Makes much more sense now!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 15:47
by Rachelcat
Why the Who is in the What


Temperance, King of Cups, 8 Coins, Ace of Coins

In the real, physical world today, I’m in control of my emotions and am able to understand them pretty objectively. And I’m thinking (8) about practical matters and physical things. What I’m experiencing and thinking about (as you saw in the previous reading) has brought up consideration of moderation and the middle way. My intellectual assignment for the day!

Have a happy Friday, everyone!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 48 Visconti Tarot

Posted: 28 Nov 2020, 14:35
by Rachelcat
Last day for Visconti
Rachel’s Serenity Prayer Spread


Thing I can’t change: 3 Wands
The only thing certain is change. Everything is marked by impermanence.

How do I accept it: Page of Swords
Investigate it, learn about it. Apply the concept to my own experience.

Something that will bring me serenity: Tower!
Knowing that stuff happens, not just to me but to everybody, makes it easier to accept and the fall not feel so hard. At least I won’t be asking “why me?” The why is stuff happens!

Thing I can change: 5 Coins
I can continue to give to charity. I can change my atrocious diet. Again!

How do I change it: King of Swords
The only way to change the body is to change the mind. I can take charge of my health by taking charge of my thoughts.

Something that will bring me courage: World
The microcosm is the macrocosm, the inside is the outside. AND I’ve been successful before, I can do it again!

What’s the difference? 10 Coins
The difference of 3 and 5 is 10? Only in tarot logic! A happy and healthy me helps create a healthy and prosperous family and community. A positive attitude that focuses on being with others is the difference between thinking that stuff happens and that I can do something about some of it.

How do I know that: Queen of Wands
I can realize that in my life by doing it, compassionate action.

Something that will bring me wisdom: Moon
Imagination is a part of wisdom. Sometimes, you don’t see something until you believe it. Also the wisdom of cycles. Impermanence isn’t just about sudden, unexpected stuff happening, it’s also about regular, predictable changes. It’s wise to be aware of them to be prepared for at least some of the stuff life throws at us.

Have a great Saturday, everyone! See you tomorrow with a new deck!