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Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 15:19
by Rachelcat
I was going to put Viewer Discretion Advised - Blood in the title, but the deck isn’t as bloody as I remember. However, if you faint at the sight of blood, please be warned, there is some here. The backs, which are based on the Death card, are probably the worst of it.

If nothing else, it will be appropriate for Saturday's full moon in Taurus, the Blood Moon.

This is a Lo Scarabeo deck written by Riccardo Minetti and illustrated in comic book style. Although I’m weirded out by the blood, I’m fascinated by the vampires in a modern-day, normal setting. I find it chilling (rather than Halloween-scary) and insightful at the same time.

LWB says Wands are the natural world, from which vampires are cut off; Chalices represent the human world, connected to vampires as emotional relationships and as food!; Swords are the dark parts of life, guilt, regret, loss, etc.; and Pentacles represent power and control, both of the world and oneself.

Let’s start with an interview with the vampires!


Most important characteristic: 1 Wand
Although the vampires are separated from the natural world, they live in it and can interact with it. She has put energy into supporting but also modifying a living thing. The deck gives a different viewpoint on life through the vampire lense.

Strength: 0
It shows that we all have the potential to be monsters, and all monsters have the potential to be destructive or helpful.

Weakness: 2 Wands
We might not get the message because we’re not identifying with the vampires!

What can the deck teach me? Queen of Wands
LWB says living in the moment. They’re unselfconsciously naked, open to each other and the way things are. We have to accept the way things are, but that can be a good thing or bad, completely depending on our attitude to it.

How can I learn it? Knight of Swords
By realizing there is good and bad in all of us. You’re not a bad person because you have scary and/or aggressive instincts. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you deal with the feeling and the situation.

Outcome of our work together: King of Cups
This does not look like a pleasant guy. And what’s with the little winged critter? The deck will bring me face to face with unpleasant feelings, but will help me figure out how to deal with and control them. Not necessarily with light and bunnies, but with self-control and realpolitik.

Wow! Very interesting! I look forward to those insights this week. Have a great week!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:51
by Rachelcat
Why the who is in the what. Interested to see how the majors and minors are different. Or the same.


XVIII. Moon, Knave Wands, 2 Pentacles, 1 Chalice

In the emotional realm,

I still haven’t figured out why the relationship things that happened to me happened. Is it just random luck? Or does Nature or whoever have a plan for me?

On the other hand, I know health and physical strength are not random. They’re the example of real cause and effect. I have to work on it now to be healthy later! She’s balancing her energies in the present with her desired outcome in the future.

But maybe all that speculation about why and what was meant to be is counterproductive. In reality, she’s frightened by what she sees in the Mirror of Erised. But in the mirror, she’s accepting it. Which is the better attitude? Beware of deception, and self-deception most of all.

I find myself busily making up stories for the illustrations instead of reading about myself in them!

Have a great week, everyone!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 13:13
by Rachelcat
How will election day turn out?


Physically: XIII. The Embrace
This is the death card. Obviously, death means something different for vampires. It points out that it’s the end of something, but the beginning of something totally different, life as a vampire, instead of a human. Even though this is in the physical position, I’m going to read it a bit metaphorically. This quarantined election will change how all elections are conducted. Early and mail-in voting will become the new normal and will allow and encourage many more people to vote in the future.

Emotionally: VIII. Power
This is the strength card. I’m not sure what we’re seeing here. How is a bloody altar “power for a good cause, overcoming insurmountable obstacles”? Self-sacrifice of the vampire? This election, people will feel the power of voting and the will of the people in an emotional way. We’ll feel this is America, where everyone can make a difference.

Intellectually: V. The Ancient
And people and pundits will go on about how the system works. Things got off track, but the Constitution is self-correcting. (I kind of feel the opposite: Look what we got when a raving incompetent got in power. What if it was a raving competent person with a real agenda!)

Energetically: 2 Chalices
Unfortunately, emotional and political polarity will continue for a while after the election. People will put energy into keeping us divided, at least for a while.

Spiritually: Queen of Wands
But eventually things will come back together. We will once again know how to agree to disagree, and that we can all be proud of what we have and know we can get better. Hopefully, we can move forward. I’m not going to say there’s no way to go but up, because things could be worse, but we can agree that we want to go up.

3 out of 5 majors, and 3 out of 5 are “embraces.” Making the overall theme about coming together and healing, and maybe feeling safe.

Have a happy Tuesday! We’ll see what next Tuesday brings.

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 14:50
by Rachelcat
First part of CC, no question


Me: X. Wheel, Fate
I’m at a place of open-ended questioning. As time change, I change.

Cover: XX. Judgment, Dawn
My issue is, as usual, what is the purpose of my life. What have I done, and where am I going? The vampire is willing to sacrifice his physical integrity to greet a new day.

Cross: Knight of Swords
Going against me is a too intellectual or pseudo-intellectual, anyway. And being selfish and self-absorbed. My truth isn’t the only truth. What I want and life is not the most important purpose of life.

Crown: IX. Hermit, Daytime
I’m thinking I can only come to a realization by figuring it out myself. Enforced aloneness can be a positive thing, if used properly.

Beneath: 10 Pentacles
My foundation for all this is that my physical needs are met. I have money, food, and shelter. Others don’t have the luxury of existential musing at this time. But I can make their lives a little easier by sharing.

Behind: 2 Cups
I’m kind of done trying to understand relationship issues. Time to focus on myself, not in relation to others.

Before: 6 Swords
Mind over matter brings personal victory. If the little girl can walk over the coals, so can I. Maybe with her help. I’m not afraid of the future, or my future. I’m ready to walk into it.

Have a great Wednesday!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 29 Oct 2020, 16:06
by Rachelcat
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trying out a new (to me) tetractys spread. What should I be doing with my life until quarantine ends?


Physically: 8 Wands
Plan to do something really different, like walking on walls! Do something I can do that others can’t.

Emotionally: 7 Swords
Keep my emotions hidden. Enjoy knowing things but not sharing them.

Intellectually: 5 Cups
Even though the vampire is physically welcomed and served as an equal, the host can’t connect with him. He’s still emotionally isolated from humans. I should acknowledge my isolation and not hide it.

Energetically: Knave of Wands
Don’t be afraid to find out what I need to know.

Don’t do: 7 Pentacles
Don’t want stuff I don’t have and/or don’t need.

Keep doing: Knight of Wands
My first impression of this card is the knight is protecting the woman, but I guess since he’s a vampire, the woman is his victim, and he is angrily, defiantly defending himself and his kill. I should continue to protect myself physically and emotionally. Don’t let things wear me down.

Do new: Knave of Cups
I think the vampire is putting on makeup to make herself look more human so she can interact with humans more. I should focus more on what I have in common with people to connect with them more. Instead of insisting on my own uniqueness.

Reaction of individual: Queen of Wands
Be accepting of what life throws at me. And act on it, not just lay down in front of it.

Action of cosmos: 8 Cups
Life has a way of making people sit back and think about why they feel what they feel. This is one of those times. The vampire is hesitating to put her hand in with the others. She’s considering if she just wants to go along, or go her own way.

Summary: XII. Hanged Man, Abstinence
Appropriate to have the only major as the first/summary card. And it is a summary. It fits with many of the other cards, including Queen of Wands, 8 Cups, 7 Swords, Knave of Wands, 5 Cups. I need to stop, think, and consider where I am and what I’m doing. This time is an opportunity to figure out what I really want and what I really need to do. It makes perfect sense, but I was hoping for something a little more specific. Well, ask a vague question, get a vague answer! I’ll try again with a better question and a different spread.

Enjoy your Thursday!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 30 Oct 2020, 12:58
by Rachelcat
How will the Halloween party witch quiz go?
Wirth’s Courtroom Spread


Against: 4 Wands
This is a challenging illustration for 4 Wands, which is usually about celebration and harvest home. I guess a vampire can’t go home again without causing some kind of misery. People will attend the party and the quiz, but just because they don’t have anywhere else to go.

For: 7 Swords
If anybody thinks it’s dumb, they’ll stay quiet.

Advice: Queen of Swords
Take it as a learning experience. Observe it with detachment.

Outcome: IX. Hermit, Daytime
Same as first card. We’re trying to have a party, but we’re really all at our separate homes.

Summary: 4+7+3+9=23=5, V. Hierophant, The Ancient
We may not be all that excited, and it may not be all that great, but we’re keeping the tradition alive the best we can.

Re: Rachel’s DoW 44 Gothic Tarot of Vampires

Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 15:00
by Rachelcat
Saturday, last day for Gothic Vampires
Blood Moon Spread


Relevant past event: Queen of Cups
A time when I was too empathetic. I was feeling someone else’s bad feelings and they overwhelmed me. It didn’t help them, and it hurt me.

What needs to be released? Knave of Pentacles
Knowing what I want but not how to get it. Time to grow up by figuring out what I want and a strategy to get it without brute force.

How is karma being completed? King of Cups
I have graduated from Queen to King by not letting others’ feelings take me over. I am in charge of my own feelings, good or bad.

What do I need to do to fully surrender? VII. Chariot, The Hunt
This is kind of counter-intuitive, but it ties in with the court cards above. I need to feel and be proud of my victories and achievements. Surrender the ideas that I’m dependent on how others feel, and that I’m not proficient in living a well-lived life.

Transformation taking place for the benefit of all: 5 Pentacles
I’m letting go of feeling inadequate. I can be strong so I can take care of myself and others. I am becoming aware of others’ needs and am motivated to help them.

Well, that was kind of challenging with all the courts, but I think I got it to make sense. I hope you enjoyed these vampires as much as I have. Have a happy Halloween weekend, everyone! I'll be back with another Halloween deck tomorrow!