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PM Mailbox Capacity: How to save PMs

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Joan Marie
Forum Designer
Posts: 5308
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

PM Mailbox Capacity: How to save PMs

Post by Joan Marie »

On this forum, mailbox folders for all members are set at a limit of 100 PMs. When a mailbox is full and a new PM comes in, the oldest message in that mailbox gets deleted.

This means there is no limit to the number of PM you can get or send, it's just a limit of how many you can store.

The purpose of this limit is to save server space.

However, you may have PMs that you would like to save for later reference. Here's how you can do that:
  • Go to the PM area
  • Click the tab "Rules, folders, and settings"
  • In "Folder options" you can create a new folder (I called mine "Keepers")
Now, beneath each open PM you'll see an option to "Move to folder" and your newly created folder will appear in the drop down list.
Just select your newly created folder and the message will move there.
Each new folder you create will hold 100 messages.

I hope this bit of extra storage space is helpful.

2019-11-10 03.53.18 pm.png
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