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Breaking up a quote in a reply post

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Breaking up a quote in a reply post

Post by kare »

Hi, I can't seem to figure out how to do this. When we do monthly reading activities, we receive feedback that is usually multiple paragraphs long. I would like to know how to not only quote the feedback in my response, but how to break that quote into chunks within my response. So basically I would like to respond to a paragraph at a time within one reply post.

Thank you for your help.

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Joan Marie
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Re: Breaking up a quote in a reply post

Post by Joan Marie »

kare wrote: 21 Oct 2019, 16:26 So basically I would like to respond to a paragraph at a time within one reply post.
I think the easies way is to choose the first paragraph you want to quote. It will have the details about who it's quoting, etc. Then at the end of that paragraph, type or copy and paste the end-quote code from the end of the original block of quoted text: [/quote]

It will look like this:

quoted text.png

After that, just select the next paragraph you want to quote and click the quote icon in the tool bar.

quote icon.png
quote icon.png (12.23 KiB) Viewed 1578 times

The quote bbcodes will be added automatically at the beginning and end of the selected text. That text will appear as quoted.

I hope that helps.

(sorry I don't know why these images are posting so weird, they are very small, maybe that's why. I'm too tired to figure it right now. 😑 )
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