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JM DoW: Oracle Des Runes

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Joan Marie
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JM DoW: Oracle Des Runes

Post by Joan Marie »

I really am fond of this deck though I know nothing about runes. I was attracted purely by the art. There's a really 200 page book with the deck but it's in French, and I can't read french. Such a pity. I ran my google translate scan over some pages though and it works pretty great actually.

Sometimes living in 2020 isn't so bad!


First, the art. I've been working with watercolours lately and have a real appreciation for what's going on here. The technique is wonderful and the composition, it's so meditative yet this is a group of women, connected by their hair, connecting the heaven and earth.

The word Mannaz translates to "Mankind" or humanity. I don't want to go over the whole meaning of the rune here, just to say that I am taking some time right now to reconnect to my own art. It's been a long time. I'm so happy for the chance, the inspiration and the time. I'm feeling that I'm regaining some of my freedom and it feels pretty great.

I recently very nearly blew it, almost attached myself to something that was only ever going to bring frustration and disappointment, suck all my time and energy, and I very nearly stayed with it until I realised that I didn't really have to. That may sound stupid, but I don't walk away from things easily. But I got something really valuable from the experience which is to know the difference. So now I feel my freedom because I very nearly threw it away.

It's a very restful feeling. Very calm. Very grateful.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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Joan Marie
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Re: JM DoW: Oracle Des Runes

Post by Joan Marie »


The word Ehwaz translates literally to "Horse" but also means "Trust."
Interesting depiction here.
The girl has a distinctly distrustful look in her eye, but her hand strokes her horse's nose.

This is actually giving me some real feels.

Trust is one of the trickiest things of all in life. Trusting anyone or anything always comes back to the individual and having the ability to trust one's self, one's own instincts.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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