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Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

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Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

I recently got the 2020 Llewellyn Tarot Catalog, which lists all decks they have in print (and Lo Scarabeo and Blue Angel too because Llewellyn is their US distributor). Liminal Spirits Oracle is the only new deck that jumped out at me, so I ordered it! (I haven’t had a new deck since Button Soup, or a new major publisher deck since Inversion Tarot, so I’m really cutting down on my purchases. Really, I am!) I’m finally sharing something with you that’s in print and readily available!

I mostly just like the artwork: bright, bold, and swirly. My only quibble is there are a few too many faces or eyes on things that usually don’t have faces or eyes. But it’s not all of them, so I’m ok with it. The author is the artist, which is usually a plus for me (even though it makes me envious). I skimmed the book this morning, and I like what it says. She has also written other witchy books.

The deck has a nice, simple system, five cards each for these categories: “RITES” (more on this one later); places; trees; herbs; scale, slither and swim; wings; fur fauna; and artifacts; plus two “outliers.”

This is an occasion to haul out some of my ancient notes on the Druid Animal and Plant Oracles and Celtic Tree Oracle. I also just now learned that a toad is a kind of frog. I always thought they were completely different, but didn’t know exactly how. I’m thankful every day for living in the internet age! Especially now that the libraries are closed . . .

On to the interview!


Most important characteristic: mandrake
Here is one of the faces, but because one of the magical things about mandrake is that the root looks kind of human, it makes sense here. The book themes are love and sex, rumors, and responsibility. It says that witches spread rumors that the cry of the mandrake is deadly so that it wouldn’t be over-harvested. (Remember Neville’s fluffy earmuffs?) So the important characteristic is that the stories the deck helps me tell may not be totally true, but can be beneficial.

Strength: walnut
Weakness: oak
Two trees for strength and weakness, and oak usually stands for strength! Hmmm. A walnut looks like a brain. The deck is good for nourishing my brain, as a walnut is for nourishing the body. The walnut tree also discourages other plants from growing around it (by acidic leaves and fruits), so the deck is strong in eliminating excess cards and information. It’s complete even though limited.

Oak as a weakness may relate to “mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” The deck may have the tendency to make a bigger deal out of something than it should.

What can you teach me? corvid
One card to cover crows, ravens, jackdaws, magpies, and rooks! The book points out that these birds often carry gifts to their friends. I hadn’t heard of that before my ex told me he’s been feeding crows bread off his balcony, and they bring him twigs in return! Ravens are associated with divination. So the deck can give me a gift of prophecy/divination!

How can I learn it? cedar
Cedar is evergreen and smells good. The wood is decay-resistant. It’s burned for purifying and cleansing. I can learn more about divination by being more open-minded, cleansing my mind space from clutter and old ideas.

Outcome of our work together: belladonna
Here’s another face, again acceptable to me because “belladonna” means beautiful lady, so already personified. What looks like innocent beauty can be dangerous? Respect the power of the deck, don’t just play around with it.

Stay tuned for more liminal spirits! Have a great week!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Compass Spread from the book
What should I focus my energy on this week?


Orientation, issue: peacock
I need to focus on recognition. I want to be acknowledged for what I do and what I am.

North, background: metal
I have a good set of tools, which I pretty much made myself. They enhance my power. There’s also the connection between iron and blood, and the whole concept of alchemy. But I don’t know how they are the background to my issue. I’ll keep my eyes open.

East, something new to consider: belladonna
Beauty and danger again. Beware of something that looks too good to be true, because it probably is.

South, action to take: walnut
Protect myself by eliminating the competition, and use my brain!

West, something to let go of: ocean
I should let go of patience and always being there. The ocean patiently wears down rock into sand. And it’s always there. If you live by the ocean, you soon don’t hear the waves, they’re just part of the general soundscape. I should stand out instead, like a peacock’s squawk!

Interesting! Advice I would never give myself, or anyone, but here it is from the liminal spirits.

Have a happy and prosperous week, everyone!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

3 cards, no positions
Something I need to know


To stay clever at my job, I need to transform my tools.

Using a Lenormand fox meaning. Just like molten metal, when the moth goes from caterpillar to moth, it liquefies and then turns into something completely different. So if I want to ascend to a higher level of competence, I need to reshape the things I usually do.

This could also be my intellectual life. I’m at a transition there. There used to be so many things to learn, I didn’t have time for it all, and now I’m at a loss to figure out what I should be learning about. Maybe it’s time to stop learning, or learn in a different way . . .

Deep thoughts for a shallow mind! Happy Tuesday to you!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

All-Purpose Spread


Me: moth
Am I still in the midst of my transformation, or have I just recently come out of it?

Issue: mugwort
I’ll be thinking seriously about the role of divination in my life today. Can I see things? Do I want to?

Outcome: forest
Book: “Things might seem ordinary, but there are mystical forces afoot. . . . There will be a revelation soon.” Seems like an appropriate outcome for the issue . . .

Advice: burial ground
To complete my transformation, I have to bury the old as well as embrace the new. Don’t forget that part of the change.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a lovely Wednesday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

It’s a dark, gloomy morning, calling for a big spread, the first part of the Celtic cross, 7 cards.
I keep asking the same question: What do I need to know about my reading and studying for the next few months?


Me: toad
I’m a hidden princess who is very sensitive to my environment.

Cover, atmosphere: honeybee
There is work to be done, sweetness to be made, and community to serve.

Cross, obstacle: deer
This is my least favorite card in the deck because it’s too anthropomorphized. What’s holding me back is I’m being too hidden, too gentle.

Crown, goal: snake
My ideal is to learn some real wisdom, something that makes a difference in real life, something that is hidden and esoteric, but also real, which will change my life, in a good way.

Beneath, background: cedar
I’ve already learned a lot of esoteric, spiritual, and ritual things, and have flushed out most of the unhelpful stuff. I have a good foundation for my future studies.

Behind, past: fiber
Same idea: I’ve woven many strands of knowledge together, now is the time to make some useful fabric from it.

Before, future: burial ground
I’m reading this as a plain death card, but I still have two interpretations for it: Along with two other transformation cards, toad and snake, I will completely let go of and break ties with certain parts of my knowledge base. OR the best way forward is to completely finish what I was working on so I can move on to something else.

Hmm, lots to think about. And I’ll still be thinking about it long after today.

Happy Thursday to you!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Friday All-Purpose Spread
Is publishing something I’ve written in my future?
(I got the English department newsletter from my college. Our young, hip professor from the 80s is retiring, and they’re starting a new writing and publishing major. It got me thinking of this question.)


Me: cat
A cat is a fierce guardian, a playful goof, and a lazy sensualist. I can relate to all of these! I’m curious about the process, and curious about whether I can actually do it. I've been too guarded to share my ideas, and too lazy to finish what I’ve started!

Issue: snake
This really is a liminal deck; so many cards are about transformation. I can’t share something I’ve written until I have something to say that might be interesting or helpful. So the fact that I’m old is an advantage. I can share some wisdom of age. And I’ve also learned some things in my life changes that might be helpful for other people too.

Outcome: honeybee
I will eventually buckle down to work on it. And will be able to share something with a community. It won’t be perfect or world-changing, but it will be sweet!

Advice: time
This ties in with what I said for snake. It all has to happen at the right time. But I also have to make time to work on it, with a schedule, creating habits and all that. So a balance of waiting for the right time and using my time wisely. Very sensible advice.

Happy Friday, everyone!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 33 Liminal Spirits Oracle

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday, last day for the liminal spirits
What do I need to know about presidential politics?
I’m still on my news blackout, but what I’m hearing from conversations is literally scaring me. I think what I need to know and what can I do are the right questions, thus, the Compass Spread again.


Orientation, issue: fox
Obviously there is deception going on. But the really important thing may turn out to be who is smarter. And it may all come down to survival. Not very comforting . . .

North, background: hare
In the past, we’ve had fertility and plenty. Now that things aren’t so fat, the foxes are coming out more. In the past, politicians were afraid to come out and show that they’re ruthless, selfish, and lawless. Now, not so much . . .

East, something new to consider: corvid
There will be more encouraging news, that the country and communities are more concerned than I think. That we will come together to make this a better place.

South, action to take: snail
Slow and steady wins the race? We have to do what we can, but keep doing it until we’re out of danger. Take my home with me. Protect myself and my home and my family. That’s always good motivation to act when you have to.

West, something to let go of: monkshood
Let go of fear. That’s not the right way to look at this. Like I said to my son, maybe the most recent, yes, scary, things will wake people up so they will act to get rid of the very real scary stuff. The book says one man’s meat is another man’s poison. So the really bad stuff may cause a cure.

Trying to be positive here! Have a happy weekend!
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