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oracle: A new card

Posted: 08 Aug 2020, 13:54
by Joan Marie
This one from Paula Millet:
Paula Millet WM.jpg

What do you guys think? This deck is going to be very special!

Re: oracle: A new card

Posted: 08 Aug 2020, 14:51
by Nemia
Oh this is AMAZING. Simply amazing. What a wow card, oh this is exciting. There are sooo many directions one could take this card in a reading. The starry sky - the autumn leaves - there serene face of the spider queen - the web.

Oh I'm so afraid of spiders and this card tells me so much I get goosepimples right now.

This is what an oracle should be like. You get the information - now see how it applies to your life.

Watching this deck develop I get a real feeling why some people prefer oracle cards to tarot.

Re: oracle: A new card

Posted: 08 Aug 2020, 15:17
by ianbryanttarot
Love it! It reminds me of Arachne of Greece and the Egyptian goddess Neith. So much to translate from this card.

Re: oracle: A new card

Posted: 08 Aug 2020, 18:13
by Nemia
I didn't know Neith - but Arachne, yes, and Shelob and Charlotte the spider... a web of associations indeed.

Re: oracle: A new card

Posted: 10 Aug 2020, 19:46
by JulianneVictoria
Just stunning!