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WIP Joan Marie

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Joan Marie
Forum Designer
Posts: 5308
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

WIP Joan Marie

Post by Joan Marie »

Joan Marie Card 01.jpg

I think this might be finished.

I'm calling this card "Celebrate Yourself"
It's a great survival skill anytime but these days it can really be an art mostly because it can be really hard to do.
I learned the concept from the young woman depicted here, Shauna McQueen.

This is from a selfie she sent me. In the bottom right hand corner is an areal view of Las Vegas where she lives with her boyfriend, my son.
And today is her birthday. I finished the card for her.

I will try to elaborate in the description what this card means and how it relates to the theme. It's sort of beyond "self-care." It's about loving yourself enough to be good to yourself, to lift yourself up and to have million little tricks for doing that. It's about appreciating just that you got through something difficult and celebrating your power, your spirit.

I think we all tend to be really good at beating ourselves up for our failures and shortcomings, but how good are we at the opposite?
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