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?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 18:36
by dodalisque
Mondays and are Tuesdays are the best days for me to sit down at the computer, so time-sensitive questions should be posed on either July 13/14 or 20/21.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 15:13
by Rachelcat
Hi! A very mundane question for you:

I'm cat sitting my son's cat for a few days. I left his treat box open and he ate most of his treats overnight. Will the cat get sick? (He hasn't so far . . .) Is my son mad at me because I was so careless?

Thanks! (Opening my question thread now!)

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 19:48
by Merrick
Will my son be more amenable to eating the foods we prepare him this month?

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 19 Jul 2020, 16:37
by Charlie Brown
Ok, since a week has passed. I deleted my last question and need to think up something else.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 24 Jul 2020, 20:22
by dodalisque
Charlie Brown wrote: 19 Jul 2020, 16:37 Ok, since a week has passed. I deleted my last question and need to think up something else.
Sorry I missed your question. This is a pretty frantic month for me. Ask me the same question again if you like. Even if you already know the answer, I don't.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 25 Jul 2020, 18:43
by dodalisque
Rachelcat wrote: 13 Jul 2020, 15:13 Hi! A very mundane question for you:

I'm cat sitting my son's cat for a few days. I left his treat box open and he ate most of his treats overnight. Will the cat get sick? (He hasn't so far . . .) Is my son mad at me because I was so careless?

Thanks! (Opening my question thread now!)

The deck I am using is the Ancient Tarots of Liguria-Piedmont (Lo Scarabeo, 1995) designed in 1860 by Giovanbattista Guala in Ghemme, just drawing from the Majors.


Wheel of Fortune / Pope / Lovers

Oh dear, your poor cat. I've been so slow replying that he's probably dead by now and your son is not speaking to you. The turning, churning Wheel looks to me like how an upset tummy feels. The monarch at the top of the Wheel looks like she is distributing treats and the animal on the left is chasing them while the one on the right is coming back for more. If the cat is coming back for more then he is not sick.

However, the cards predict that your cat might get sick sometime soon. Those could be rodents on the Wheel and he might chase and eat a bad mouse or rat. When you take him to the vet, i.e. the Pope, he will recommend giving the cat an injection. I say this because on the Lovers card the man is the cat being held between two nurses while Cupid gives the cat a shot. Everything is going to be OK because the numbers on the cards X/V/VI add up to 21, the perfection of the World card.

In answer to your second question about whether your son will be mad at you for being so careless...he's going to be mad at you about some damn thing, whether you are in the wrong or not. Your son is the petty little tyrant on top of the Wheel, but you are the Pope, the real power. I notice they are always pointing in opposite directions. The final card tells us that conflict is how a mother and son express their love and concern for each other. Your role is to receive unjust criticism. The Wheel looks like a dartboard and Cupid has the dart. Parents, like the Pope, are sitting targets.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 25 Jul 2020, 18:59
by dodalisque
Merrick wrote: 13 Jul 2020, 19:48 Will my son be more amenable to eating the foods we prepare him this month?
The deck I am using is the Ancient Tarots of Liguria-Piedmont (Lo Scarabeo, 1995) designed in 1860 by Giovanbattista Guala in Ghemme, just drawing from the Majors.


Hermit / Moon / Strength

The simple answer is no. Your son is the Hermit, going his own way, looking for scraps and junk food elsewhere, while your wife is the woman on Strength trying to force him to eat healthy stuff. The fight is over whether he will eat seafood (the crab or lobster on the Moon card) or meat (the two dogs). I suspect he wants those things and you are requiring him to eat salad. The Moon could be the solution. It looks like a cross between a juicy melon and a pineapple, so perhaps fruit will tempt his taste buds. Also, as we all know, the Moon is made of green cheese, so perhaps cheese will provide the necessary protein if you are trying to steer him away from meat.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 25 Jul 2020, 19:11
by dodalisque
Charlie Brown wrote: 19 Jul 2020, 16:37 Ok, since a week has passed. I deleted my last question and need to think up something else.
I found your old question:
"I'm recovering from a small back injury ( it's a recurring thing).
Am I better off maximizing my rest or going for long walks in order to keep it loose."

The deck I am using is the Ancient Tarots of Liguria-Piedmont (Lo Scarabeo, 1995) designed in 1860 by Giovanbattista Guala in Ghemme, just drawing from the Majors.


Empress / Justice / Tower

The Tower looks like the worst back spasm in history. This is what you get from sitting in chairs all day, at home (Empress) and at the office (Justice). The problem is that their hands are full. You are dealing with a lot of stress. You need to find time to set aside your shield, sceptre, sword, and scales - the 4 S's - and lay flat on the floor or do a little walking or gentle exercise and stretching. Be very careful of doing gymnastics and vigorous exercise like those two acrobats on the Tower card.

Re: ?s for dodalisque - TdM July 2020

Posted: 25 Jul 2020, 21:35
by Rachelcat
dodalisque wrote: 25 Jul 2020, 18:43 Wheel of Fortune / Pope / Lovers

Oh dear, your poor cat. I've been so slow replying that he's probably dead by now and your son is not speaking to you. The turning, churning Wheel looks to me like how an upset tummy feels. The monarch at the top of the Wheel looks like she is distributing treats and the animal on the left is chasing them while the one on the right is coming back for more. If the cat is coming back for more then he is not sick.
Lol!! No,no, Little Dude seems fine, and Richard is not hating on me more than usual! That was true. When the cat kept coming back for more treats, I figured he wasn't sick.
dodalisque wrote: 25 Jul 2020, 18:43However, the cards predict that your cat might get sick sometime soon. Those could be rodents on the Wheel and he might chase and eat a bad mouse or rat. When you take him to the vet, i.e. the Pope, he will recommend giving the cat an injection. I say this because on the Lovers card the man is the cat being held between two nurses while Cupid gives the cat a shot. Everything is going to be OK because the numbers on the cards X/V/VI add up to 21, the perfection of the World card.
Hmm, interesting. I hope this won't happen. I"ll let you know if the Dude needs a shot! Glad all will be well in any case!
dodalisque wrote: 25 Jul 2020, 18:43In answer to your second question about whether your son will be mad at you for being so careless...he's going to be mad at you about some damn thing, whether you are in the wrong or not. Your son is the petty little tyrant on top of the Wheel, but you are the Pope, the real power. I notice they are always pointing in opposite directions. The final card tells us that conflict is how a mother and son express their love and concern for each other. Your role is to receive unjust criticism. The Wheel looks like a dartboard and Cupid has the dart. Parents, like the Pope, are sitting targets.
This is hilarious! I told his father on the phone the other day I'll do anything Richard tells me to. Father says, and he won't hesitate to tell you what to do! So true! But the truth is he would do anything I ask him to, too. So we're even. We learned to take care of each other by having to survive living with said father for so many years . . . But that's a different story!

I like the way you read the two parts of the question separately but with the same cards. Cool technique! Thanks for the fun reading! All is well with cats and sons!