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July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 03 Jul 2020, 23:22
by Charlie Brown
So... I have a good idea, but I need to see if there's enough of a critical mass to make it work. So sign up and, depending on our numbers we'll either do this or a more standard spread.

ETA: I've updated the information further down in this thread.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 04 Jul 2020, 05:56
by dodalisque
Well, I have to sign up now because you've got me intrigued. I like the idea of doing something a bit different. That last Enso spread was a very enjoyable new challenge.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 05 Jul 2020, 21:05
by Merrick
I’m in! I want to get more readings in with my new François Gassman tarot from Yves.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 14:03
by Rachelcat
Sign me up! I want to be involved in any experimentation, the stranger the better!

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 04:33
by Charlie Brown

So I'm going to leave sign-up open for a few more days, but we definitely have enough of a quorum to try what I propose. What I want to do this month is focus on what one might call mundane reading. That is, using the TdM majors to find quick answers to very practical, material questions. These most often will be whats or shoulds, but can also be yes/nos, decisions, etc.

For example: What should I have for dinner tonight? Will I be happy if I buy these shoes? etc.

Because these are meant to be quick simple questions with quick simple answers and not a lot of hoo-hah and psychological insight, we're going to do a fair number of these. Everybody is going to ask one question of everyone else in the group. So, as of this moment, we would each ask and answer 4.

Now...because these are trivial, they are also probably time sensitive. You need to know what to eat the same day you ask your question (of course, you could as "what should I eat on Friday?) SO...I think that each reader should maybe post a couple of days and times that they're going to check in so people will know when they can pose their question.

Also, this month, the each READER is going to post a thead. So, for me, it will be ?s for Charlie Brown—TdM July 2020. I will list my availabilities and people will post their questions there.

Does this make sense?

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 04:34
by Charlie Brown
Depending on the question, readers may think different draws are appropriate but I imagine most will be either one or three cards. This might be a good opportunity to use the triptych for those of you looking for a reason.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 04:36
by Charlie Brown
Also, in my experience, the secret to getting this to work is to look at the graphic details of the cards instead of their symbolic meaning. So, in a dinner question, the moon might represent seafood and the world beef. The Sun might mean al fresco dining or grilling.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 04:39
by Charlie Brown
Also, in my experience, the secret to getting this to work is to look at the graphic details of the cards instead of their symbolic meaning. So, in a dinner question, the moon might represent seafood and the world beef. The Sun might mean al fresco dining or grilling.

I won't say there are no dumb questions, but I'll say that no question is too dumb.

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 15:03
by JudyK
What I want to do this month is focus on what one might call mundane reading. That is, using the TdM majors to find quick answers to very practical, material questions. These most often will be whats or shoulds, but can also be yes/nos, decisions, etc.
Oh, this is right up my alley. But I'm not a team or buddy read sort of person. I'll probably poke my nose in to see how it's going, though. 😎

Re: July '20 TdM Sign-Up

Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 05:39
by Charlie Brown
Ok, I'm closing the sign-ups. Readers, post your threads.