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Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 14 Jun 2020, 16:37
by Rachelcat
I can't believe this is my first time joining in with your sacred days! But I'm here now. Thank you for your creativity and generosity, Nemia!

I also had some trouble deciding on a deck. I think I've come to the conclusion that I use the Angel Tarot to read for others and the Budapest for myself. I think today's reading confirms that I chose well. (So we're supposed to do a new post every day, like in the deck of the week? Well, that's what I'm going to do anyway. Hope that's right.)

1. Birth of the Muses – June 14: This card shows how our inspiration and creativity is manifesting.

June 14.jpg

7 Swords

As always, my inspiration and creativity manifest through my love (7 = Venus) of learning and organizing ideas (swords). I just love reading and learning (mostly about esoteric topics and religions) and love organizing and putting the information together so it makes sense. It’s an in-joke among my coworkers that whenever I have to gather or report on information, I put it in a table. That’s just how my mind works. A common manifestation of my creativity is creating spreads. A new spread is a small, manageable creative project that organizes information. (They often turn out to be tables, too!)

I’m happy to reclaim a positive meaning for the “thief card.” Here are swords, red and yellow, curved and straight, yet together they make an organized, harmonious presentation. Some are surrounded by a crown, symbolizing the head and thoughts, and the high status I give them.

Happy Sunday, everyone! See you here tomorrow!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 14 Jun 2020, 16:39
by Merrick
I’m excited to see more readings with the Budapest tarot. It’s one of my favorites and I rarely see it used! Cheers!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 12:08
by Rachelcat
It's definitely a favorite of mine, too! I'll be doing a multi-card reading here for the coming new moon and maybe other stuff later. Stay tuned!

2. Vestalia – June 15: An ancient Roman festival dedicated to Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. This card shows us our hearth, the fire at the center of our life and home, and how to tend to it.

June 15.jpg


I should tend and defend my home with strength! The naked guy (gal?) is very determined to control the lion’s mouth. I need to be equally determined to control what goes in and out of my home. They say a cat is the soul of the home, and I have a little black panther who makes staying and working at home a joy. (Unless she’s refusing to come in so I can go out on my walk!) My animal nature is very connected to home, my place of comfort and nurture.

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 16 Jun 2020, 12:09
by Rachelcat
3. Night of the Teardrop – June 16: Remembrance of the tears of Isis causing the Nile River to overflow. This card shows what our emotions are telling us at this time.


2 Wands

My emotions are telling me to just do it! Although I don’t know what it is. Time to stop feeling and start acting. As a Cancer sun, I have often experienced emotion paralysis. I get too tied up in feeling what I’m feeling and don’t really see that there’s something to be done about it. But there’s always something that can be done. Even if it’s just a resolution to think differently, see things differently, do everyday things differently. Terrible things (this is my code for suicidal thoughts) happen when people think they’re trapped and don’t have anywhere to go or move forward. But really they’re just trapped in their feelings. There’s always something you can do. Wow, I didn’t know we were going there when I turned the card over. My life is so different now that I would never go there again. I’m not sure why it’s coming up today, but I’m glad to be out of it, and feel for people who might still be in it. I have time this morning to send out some healing energy to anyone who might need it.

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 17 Jun 2020, 12:33
by Rachelcat
4. Juno, Goddess of Fertility and Union – June 17: Celebrating the ancient Roman goddess for whom the month of June is named. This card shows us an area of fertile growth in our lives.

June 17.jpg

6 Swords

Almost the same as 7 Swords, with the middle sword missing. And a similar message to the 7 Swords reading. My area of fertility and growth right now is learning and understanding. 6 = Sun, highest and best, and swords = thoughts, meaning it’s a card of clarity and understanding. My system also puts the theological virtues on the 6s, so this is also a card of faith.

This all makes sense and is what I want to hear. I am pursuing various learning threads and have also just started trying to meditate again. I’ve been beating myself up about it for 3 months, and now all of it is coming naturally as a pleasure, not a chore. So I’m also growing and learning about patience and going with the flow!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 18 Jun 2020, 12:16
by Rachelcat
5. Festival of Strawberries – June 18: As the strawberries ripen, this card shows us the sweetness in our lives and encourages us to live in the moment.

June 18.jpg


The sweetness of life is the inner practice of spirituality. Not the trappings, ceremonies, scriptures, community, but the practice. All those things are good in their own way, but not for me, not now. Practicing and living it are the objectives at this time.

Ironically, my experience of strawberry festivals are tied to all those other things! We had them at all the churches I’ve belonged to and visited. They were sweet and fun and really fostered community and fellowship, as getting together to enjoy does. But it’s better for me now to keep the friendship and spirituality sides of my life separate, and concentrate on rebuilding a spirituality that works for me.

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 19 Jun 2020, 12:14
by Rachelcat
6. Oak King – June 19: A dedication to the Oak King, who is now near the height of his power in his battle with the Holly King. This card shows us our strength.

June 19.jpg

3 Swords

It’s all swords all the time! My strength is 3 = manifesting swords = ideas! The center white straight swords is back to tell me I’m not learning and thinking about all these things just for fun, although it is fun. Once I get a good handle on everything, I can pass it on in a helpful way. My friend at work keeps telling me I’m a good teacher, which I think is because I can figure out why she made the mistakes she did and tell her how to avoid them. In any case, this is a strength I like and want and hopefully have. Keep the swords coming!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 20 Jun 2020, 19:54
by Rachelcat
7. Scrying – June 20: In the tradition of scrying at the time of Midsummer, this card shows us a blessing to come.

Since today is the actual solstice this year (5:53pm US Eastern time), I’m going to do my version of a wheel of the year spread today, focusing on the blessings in the year to come.

June 20.jpg

Lady Day, Who am I? Wheel
I could be the kind of person who optimistically rises up or pessimistically thinks I’m going down. Everyone has ups and downs, including me, but no matter what happens, I’m still myself.

Michaelmas, How do I relate? Empress
In relationships, I like to be the one who is giving. I just need to beware of pushing that like I’m better than you because I’m your benefactor. But I don’t really feel that way. I really do like to give. I don’t think I go all the way to momming everyone, but then maybe I do?

Midsummer, Where am I growing from? 3 Coins
I’m slowly, carefully growing away from my intellectually entrenched philosophical materialism. I’m still convinced in my mind that anything that isn’t physical isn’t really real, but I’m growing to believe that that’s not really all there is. Or that I can’t live that way really.

Christmas, Where am I growing to? 6 Wands
(The sex card!) I’d like to think I’m growing toward true victory and hope, but I have a ways to go yet. Maybe this is the solution of the Wheel. The wheel will stop on a rising optimism.

Whitsunday, What do I have? 9 Wands
I have fortitude and not a little bit of defensiveness. But that’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with defending and protecting oneself. Or only if the protection keeps me from letting beneficial things in.

Martinmas, What am I feeling? King of Coins
I’m feeling like I am good with finances. I have all the money and resources I need and I am able to share that around a little bit. This ties in with the Empress. I like to give, at least I like to give money. I’m also in charge of my money and manage it well. At least I feel like I do.

Candlemas, What am I thinking? Sun
This ties in with all my swordsy reading this week. And the 3 Coins here. My intellectual life is growing and flourishing, and I hope will bear fruit of some kind of enlightenment or intellectual breakthrough, bright as the sun.

Lammas, What am I doing? King of Wands
Double-fiery King of Wands in the fire position. I’m all action all the time. I will be doing something, not just thinking about it. And I’ll be in a position to lead, and will be able to lead something well.

Now the experimental part of this spread: The same cards that I read related to topical spread positions, I now read as what will be happening in the times of year.

Midsummer, 3 Coins
Right now and for the next 6 weeks, I’ll be manifesting something physical, or my possessions and surroundings will be very important to me.

Lammas, King of Wands
In August and September, I’ll be leading something or be very active in getting something done.

Michaelmas, Empress
In October, I’ll be concentrating on family and being a mom.

Martinmas, King of Coins
From Halloween until Christmas, I’ll be working on organizing my finances.

Christmas, 6 Wands
As we enter the new year, I’ll be feeling optimistic and hopeful.

Candlemas, Sun
With good reason! Clarity and light and honesty will be mine through the upcoming dark and cold February.

Lady Day, Wheel
In March and April, the optimism might decline a bit as I go through some unexpected changes.

Whitsunday, 9 Wands
But in May I will be full of strength and ready to defend myself no matter what comes.

Happy solstice, everyone!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 21 Jun 2020, 16:30
by Rachelcat
8. Summer Solstice – June 21: We are at the height of the sun’s power, the longest day, in the Northern Hemisphere. This card shows us how to shine our own light like the Sun.

Since I did my solstice reading yesterday, today I’m going to do my new moon reading, using the blessing moon spread. And the solar eclipse spread, too! (By the way, these moon spreads I’ve been using are from the book for the Spirit de la Lune oracle by Marissa Rankin and Rachael Caringella, with some revisions by me.)

Blessing Moon Spread

June 21 blessing moon.jpg

What is rising in my life? Page of Cups
Here’s my favorite card in this deck! Dude is marching, playing the bagpipes, and drinking from a big cup all at once! He knows how to have fun! With wine and song. And maybe he’s marching home toward a beloved woman! Pleasure and youthful enthusiasm are rising in my life right now. A blessing indeed.

How is the energy moving? Page of Swords
With confidence. Here is one of my beloved swords. My youthful enthusiasm is toward learning. There’s still a lot out there for me to learn.

What is being completed? 4 Coins
I truly feel blessed by having plenty and more than what I need. And good health. I don’t have to worry about survival issues anymore.

What is slowing down? 8 Cups
I’m moving out of a self-analysis phase and moving on to an analysis of everything else phase!

What am I making room for? 10 Cups
This is my metta meditation practice! I’ve begun sending happiness and healing to all beings. Cups of happiness for everyone.

Solar Eclipse Spread

June 21 two.jpg

Earth: My current outlook. 2 Swords
I’m focused on analysis and synthesis, thoughts and ideas.

Moon: What threshold is before me? 5 Swords
A struggle for learning, the battle of ideas. I might feel like I have to choose instead of just learning about them. Oh, wait. I think this is current politics, a conflict of ideas. I’m not afraid to choose sides on that! But I might be getting more involved in all that.

Sun: The new path through the portal. Lovers
Even though we feel like we have to choose sides in the current political climate, we can still do it with love and caring for everyone involved and everyone we communicate with. Metta practice is a new path for me, too.

A message from earth. 8 Coins
Earth says don’t forget practical concerns related to the political. People need the basics, and in a way, it’s all about people getting the basics they need.

A message from the cosmos. Ace of Cups
And again, whatever I do, do it with love. I need to be more open and let true caring flow. Not just notional, intellectual golden rule and love they neighbor ideas, but true caring for real people.

And just because I can:

How do I shine my light like the sun?

June 21 three.jpg

4 Wands, 8 Cups, 2 Wands
Take care of myself and my energies, consider my feelings, and then do something about it! Celebrate and be thankful for everything all the wonderful things I have.

Happy new moon in Cancer!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 22 Jun 2020, 12:34
by Rachelcat
9. Honey Moon – June 22: This card shows us how to release anxieties or worries, how to enjoy ourselves.

I made up this spread this morning. It’s supposed to be a cell of a honeycomb.

June 22.jpg

The bee (me): Queen of Coins
I am someone who knows I have everything I need, and I’m not slow to enjoy it!

A worry I have: Knight of Cups
I think I’m most worried about that horse. It’s kind of scary! But seriously, folks. I worry about relationships with family and friends because I’m an introvert and used to have a lot of trouble being present. I’m much more sane now, but I still worry that I’m not being a good friend, parent, sister, daughter.

How to release it: King of Wands
Lots of court cards here! I can let go of the worry by simply acting on it! I can take charge of my relationship life just as I have of the rest of my life. Nothing is stopping me but the worry.

A blessing I have: Chariot
I am blessed because I’m moving forward, and again, in charge of my own life. That really is a blessing, even though it’s a responsibility, It’s one I’m really ready for and happy to take on.

How to enjoy it: 8 Cups
I have to think about it and all the ramifications. It’s not just taking it in. And checking in on how I really feel about it, which is good, but understanding that it creates responsibilities.

The honey (outcome if I follow this advice): Fool
I’ll be able to move forward with a kind of existential freedom. Without all those other people in my chariot. I don’t even need a chariot, just my own two feet and my joyous bells! I never get the fool in readings. This is very powerful and interesting. I’m going to need to 8 Wands this for a while!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 23 Jun 2020, 12:10
by Rachelcat
10. Saint John’s Eve – June 23: Like the herbs traditionally gathered on St. John’s Eve, this card shows what protects or heals us.

June 23.jpg

Queen of Wands, Ace of Coins, 4 Swords

I can be healthy by taking charge of my health, diet, exercise, etc., but with compassion. I need to beware what I take in and truly pay attention to my body. And continue my news blackout. I still need this to keep my mind healthy and not overtax myself with stress. All good advice!

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 12:23
by Rachelcat
11. Guru Purnima – June 24: Indian festival of expressing gratitude to teachers. This card reminds us of a lesson we have learned, or an experience or person who taught us something, that we should remember and have gratitude for as we move forward.

June 24.jpg

6 Wands

I learned to take charge of my family and myself because I had to. There was no one else to do it. It was sometimes difficult and painful, but I’m glad I’m strong now because of it. If I had a perfectly happy conventional marriage and life, I would never have turned out this way. Personal strength is its own reward.

Re: Rachel's Sacred Days of Midsummer: Budapest Tarot

Posted: 25 Jun 2020, 12:21
by Rachelcat
12. Parvati, Earth Mother – June 25: The card shows us how to ground ourselves and how to connect with the earth’s abundance.

June 25.jpg

2 Cups, 7 Cups, 9 Coins

Allow myself to feel the attraction of physical things. Allow myself to feel, period. And, with care and prudence, I will enjoy personal abundance!