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kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 12:58
by kare
Hi, Rachelcat,

I have a variety of oracle decks. Some moon-based, an Arthurian one, some based on astrology, a whimsical cat one, a unicorn one, a mandala one, and a couple that are more surreal. Feel free to pick, or I can choose based on your question.

So what is your question for me?

Thanks! It's looking like we might be working together in two different activities this month, so I don't mind if there is some overlap of your questions. It could be a chance for us to go more in depth on one. Whatever you prefer.

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 20:45
by Rachelcat
Hi! Yes, it will be fun working together, but as I said, I have trouble coming up with questions. (Although I think I have a few more mundane one for our other exchange.)

I quite like the idea of a moon or astrology oracle! Or whatever you think is best. (I feel bad, but I don't think I want cats right now!)

My question is should I be focused on using the extra time and energy I have during this work at home time for some kind of self-improvement? Or should I chill and enjoy and relax while I can?

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 22:25
by kare
I actually have a deck that combines astrology and moon cycles, so I will use that one. It's the Moonology Oracle. This is such a great question. I will post as soon as I can. Thank you!
Rachelcat wrote: 08 Jun 2020, 20:45 Hi! Yes, it will be fun working together, but as I said, I have trouble coming up with questions. (Although I think I have a few more mundane one for our other exchange.)

I quite like the idea of a moon or astrology oracle! Or whatever you think is best. (I feel bad, but I don't think I want cats right now!)

My question is should I be focused on using the extra time and energy I have during this work at home time for some kind of self-improvement? Or should I chill and enjoy and relax while I can?

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32
by kare
Rachelcat wrote: 08 Jun 2020, 20:45 My question is should I be focused on using the extra time and energy I have during this work at home time for some kind of self-improvement? Or should I chill and enjoy and relax while I can?
I am using the Moonology Oracle, which combines astrology with the moon cycles. I have to confess I don't really follow astrology or know much about it other than some of the more general symbolic associations that help with interpreting tarot. I liked this oracle for the artwork. Some of the cards superimpose astrological symbols over the moon, but some are just gorgeous images of the moon. Plus I love moon oracles. Anyhoo...

This LWB has several spreads and most are connected to the moon cycles. I chose the one for the waxing moon (the moon nearing fullness) and I also pulled the shadow card from the bottom of the deck after pulling for the spread. I liked the position descriptions in this spread for your question, but I also like the idea of approaching fullness, like this is a time for you to embrace growth--whether that be from self-improvement or relaxation.

A note about the cards and the guidebook, which is quite thick. The cards have key phrases printed on them, but the guidebook offers several more for each card, and so I will be looking at those too to determine which most applies to your question.

Card 1 (top)-What's rising up in me between now and the full moon (and we just had one, so the timing is perfect--it's the beginning of a lunar cycle now). Full Moon in Gemini. This card indicates that rather than forcing the issue, you should let it come. There's also an indicator that undertaking some study you are interested in would be a good choice. I like the idea of the full moon, that it's a time of manifestation, so what is it that you most want to manifest, and let that guide you to your answer.

Card 2: What's the solution to any challenge I face now? (right side. The spread moves clockwise.) Full Moon in Sagittarius. Look at the bigger picture. Of the five cards, three are full moons. This idea of stepping back and taking a broader view also fits with the symbolism of manifesting what you want. Rather than thinking about what you should be doing, think about needs and desires. What end goal do you have? Do you want to come out of this time rested and reenergized? Do you want to engage with some inspired or creative drive? Also, back to the Gemini--the idea that you can have both maybe? They are twins.

Card 3: The advice. New Moon in Aquarius (bottom) and the image here reminds me of Temperance. A balance between the inner world and the outer world, or the worldly and the spiritual. Aquarius is an air sign, so gives priority to the intellect and suggests taking a pragmatic view and suggests thinking outside the box. It's also one of two new moon cards in this reading. Beginnings, goal setting, thinking about where you want to go. So I think this card is encouraging you to think about what you want the outcome to be after this time is over and let that guide your decision about how you manage your time. I also think there is a suggestion to not just think in terms of only one or the other.

Card 4: The final outcome. (left) Full moon. So your reading started with "the answers are coming" and is ending with "I am getting the answers I need" (guidebook). This is a big energy card, and the card suggests you also check in with your emotions and surrender to not only the divine, but to the situation. Are you trying to exert too much control over your situation, and if so, why?

Shadow card: What underlies the issue. New moon in Libra. Another card about romance lol. I'm not sure what the implications of that particular issue may be other than letting yourself invite passion in, whether it be for a person or an undertaking. A card of balance, give and take, encouraging you to balance thoughts with emotions. Your question had a dichomoty to it--and I think this card is suggesting you find a balance between the two rather than looking at it as an either/or.

Final things: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius are all air signs.
Sagittarius is not only fire, but it is associated with the Temperance card in the tarot. So I think besides the cards suggesting you factor in your emotions, there is an overwhelming theme of using the intellect to tackle your question. Of course Sagittarius is the spark of inspiration in the big picture. The connection to temperance I think means that you can have it all. The encouragement to use your intellect doesn't mean disregarding your creative fire or emotional needs, but rather that you are able to find a solution that gives you everything you want. That balances and meets all of your needs and desires. It's also hard to deny the imagery of the balancing scales of Libra (justice? good decision-making?) and the arrow aiming high of Sagittarius.

More I have remembered. The Gemini are the Lovers in the tarot. Sometimes I see that card as the two sides of the self coming together in perfect union. Perhaps like your ideas about what to focus on, or maybe it is more about what underlies your question--which needs or desires are you trying to address? And Aquarius is the star rather than temperance. It brings together the abundant success of the sun and the emotional waters of the moon, it is hope but with a direction, and it is a card that unifies two apparent opposites.

Thank you so much for letting me read for you. I hope this helps.

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 00:30
by kare
I should mention, some of my references to what the cards represent are based on the key phrases on the cards but I didn't always type those out, so this is a reminder to read the phrases on the cards if I make a reference to one that doesn't make sense, and apologies for that.

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 12:49
by Rachelcat
Hi! I really like this reading, both the helpful information and your reading style. Here's the feedback:
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 1 (top)-What's rising up in me between now and the full moon (and we just had one, so the timing is perfect--it's the beginning of a lunar cycle now). Full Moon in Gemini. This card indicates that rather than forcing the issue, you should let it come. There's also an indicator that undertaking some study you are interested in would be a good choice. I like the idea of the full moon, that it's a time of manifestation, so what is it that you most want to manifest, and let that guide you to your answer.
Gemini saying I’m overthinking things again! Yes, I can figure out what I should do by thinking about what I want to do. And studying is what I like to do, so that’s a plus.
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 2: What's the solution to any challenge I face now? (right side. The spread moves clockwise.) Full Moon in Sagittarius. Look at the bigger picture. Of the five cards, three are full moons. This idea of stepping back and taking a broader view also fits with the symbolism of manifesting what you want. Rather than thinking about what you should be doing, think about needs and desires. What end goal do you have? Do you want to come out of this time rested and reenergized? Do you want to engage with some inspired or creative drive? Also, back to the Gemini--the idea that you can have both maybe? They are twins.
Right, if I know what I want to end up with, it should be easy to figure out how to get that. I like Gemini as you can have both!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 3: The advice. New Moon in Aquarius (bottom) and the image here reminds me of Temperance. A balance between the inner world and the outer world, or the worldly and the spiritual. Aquarius is an air sign, so gives priority to the intellect and suggests taking a pragmatic view and suggests thinking outside the box. It's also one of two new moon cards in this reading. Beginnings, goal setting, thinking about where you want to go. So I think this card is encouraging you to think about what you want the outcome to be after this time is over and let that guide your decision about how you manage your time. I also think there is a suggestion to not just think in terms of only one or the other.
So, yes, set a goal, but one that I really want. And I can have both again. Cool!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 4: The final outcome. (left) Full moon. So your reading started with "the answers are coming" and is ending with "I am getting the answers I need" (guidebook). This is a big energy card, and the card suggests you also check in with your emotions and surrender to not only the divine, but to the situation. Are you trying to exert too much control over your situation, and if so, why?
I’m always trying to assert too much control. I’m a control person. Which was bad when I was the mother of a toddler (30 years ago)! (I always use that as an example of my controlling nature.) But I do it to myself, too, all the time. Giving up control definitely will help in this situation. I definitely like going from the answers are coming to I’m getting the answers!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Shadow card: What underlies the issue. New moon in Libra. Another card about romance lol. I'm not sure what the implications of that particular issue may be other than letting yourself invite passion in, whether it be for a person or an undertaking. A card of balance, give and take, encouraging you to balance thoughts with emotions. Your question had a dichotomy to it--and I think this card is suggesting you find a balance between the two rather than looking at it as an either/or.
The reading is getting very clear on I can have both. And also trust my passion/desires. I really don’t have anyone to please but myself (except for work stuff). No, I don’t think the romance stuff has to do with me :roll: , but I like how you read it as passion!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Final things: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius are all air signs.
Sagittarius is not only fire, but it is associated with the Temperance card in the tarot. So I think besides the cards suggesting you factor in your emotions, there is an overwhelming theme of using the intellect to tackle your question. Of course Sagittarius is the spark of inspiration in the big picture. The connection to temperance I think means that you can have it all. The encouragement to use your intellect doesn't mean disregarding your creative fire or emotional needs, but rather that you are able to find a solution that gives you everything you want. That balances and meets all of your needs and desires. It's also hard to deny the imagery of the balancing scales of Libra (justice? good decision-making?) and the arrow aiming high of Sagittarius.
Yes, all those air signs, along with Sag as higher learning. I think they mean I’m good to concentrate on learning and reading as my main focus, which is my passion and fun for me. I like your reading of the symbols, balance and aiming high. (My sorority’s motto was Aim High in Greek, not that we learned Greek in college . . . )
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 More I have remembered. The Gemini are the Lovers in the tarot. Sometimes I see that card as the two sides of the self coming together in perfect union. Perhaps like your ideas about what to focus on, or maybe it is more about what underlies your question--which needs or desires are you trying to address? And Aquarius is the star rather than temperance. It brings together the abundant success of the sun and the emotional waters of the moon, it is hope but with a direction, and it is a card that unifies two apparent opposites.
These are lovely majors readings! I never heard of the Star combining the powers of the Sun and Moon, but it certainly makes sense. I still like your earlier Aquarius-Temperance association. :D I use the GD astro assignments myself, but sometimes they can seem quite arbitrary, especially Temperance-Sagittarius and Chariot-Cancer.

The spread worked, but I think mostly because of your expertise in reading. I would be stymied if I was reading a full moon card in a waxing moon position, etc.!

Thank you very much for the lovely reading. It puts things in perspective for sure. I really need to stop second-guessing myself and go with what feels right (within reason).

Thanks again! I’ll see you over in the Rehash exchange!

Re: kare Reads for Rachelcat: Oracle

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 13:25
by kare
Rachelcat wrote: 10 Jun 2020, 12:49 Hi! I really like this reading, both the helpful information and your reading style. Here's the feedback:
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 1 (top)-What's rising up in me between now and the full moon (and we just had one, so the timing is perfect--it's the beginning of a lunar cycle now). Full Moon in Gemini. This card indicates that rather than forcing the issue, you should let it come. There's also an indicator that undertaking some study you are interested in would be a good choice. I like the idea of the full moon, that it's a time of manifestation, so what is it that you most want to manifest, and let that guide you to your answer.
Gemini saying I’m overthinking things again! Yes, I can figure out what I should do by thinking about what I want to do. And studying is what I like to do, so that’s a plus.
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 2: What's the solution to any challenge I face now? (right side. The spread moves clockwise.) Full Moon in Sagittarius. Look at the bigger picture. Of the five cards, three are full moons. This idea of stepping back and taking a broader view also fits with the symbolism of manifesting what you want. Rather than thinking about what you should be doing, think about needs and desires. What end goal do you have? Do you want to come out of this time rested and reenergized? Do you want to engage with some inspired or creative drive? Also, back to the Gemini--the idea that you can have both maybe? They are twins.
Right, if I know what I want to end up with, it should be easy to figure out how to get that. I like Gemini as you can have both!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 3: The advice. New Moon in Aquarius (bottom) and the image here reminds me of Temperance. A balance between the inner world and the outer world, or the worldly and the spiritual. Aquarius is an air sign, so gives priority to the intellect and suggests taking a pragmatic view and suggests thinking outside the box. It's also one of two new moon cards in this reading. Beginnings, goal setting, thinking about where you want to go. So I think this card is encouraging you to think about what you want the outcome to be after this time is over and let that guide your decision about how you manage your time. I also think there is a suggestion to not just think in terms of only one or the other.
So, yes, set a goal, but one that I really want. And I can have both again. Cool!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Card 4: The final outcome. (left) Full moon. So your reading started with "the answers are coming" and is ending with "I am getting the answers I need" (guidebook). This is a big energy card, and the card suggests you also check in with your emotions and surrender to not only the divine, but to the situation. Are you trying to exert too much control over your situation, and if so, why?
I’m always trying to assert too much control. I’m a control person. Which was bad when I was the mother of a toddler (30 years ago)! (I always use that as an example of my controlling nature.) But I do it to myself, too, all the time. Giving up control definitely will help in this situation. I definitely like going from the answers are coming to I’m getting the answers!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Shadow card: What underlies the issue. New moon in Libra. Another card about romance lol. I'm not sure what the implications of that particular issue may be other than letting yourself invite passion in, whether it be for a person or an undertaking. A card of balance, give and take, encouraging you to balance thoughts with emotions. Your question had a dichotomy to it--and I think this card is suggesting you find a balance between the two rather than looking at it as an either/or.
The reading is getting very clear on I can have both. And also trust my passion/desires. I really don’t have anyone to please but myself (except for work stuff). No, I don’t think the romance stuff has to do with me :roll: , but I like how you read it as passion!
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 Final things: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius are all air signs.
Sagittarius is not only fire, but it is associated with the Temperance card in the tarot. So I think besides the cards suggesting you factor in your emotions, there is an overwhelming theme of using the intellect to tackle your question. Of course Sagittarius is the spark of inspiration in the big picture. The connection to temperance I think means that you can have it all. The encouragement to use your intellect doesn't mean disregarding your creative fire or emotional needs, but rather that you are able to find a solution that gives you everything you want. That balances and meets all of your needs and desires. It's also hard to deny the imagery of the balancing scales of Libra (justice? good decision-making?) and the arrow aiming high of Sagittarius.
Yes, all those air signs, along with Sag as higher learning. I think they mean I’m good to concentrate on learning and reading as my main focus, which is my passion and fun for me. I like your reading of the symbols, balance and aiming high. (My sorority’s motto was Aim High in Greek, not that we learned Greek in college . . . )
kare wrote: 09 Jun 2020, 14:32 More I have remembered. The Gemini are the Lovers in the tarot. Sometimes I see that card as the two sides of the self coming together in perfect union. Perhaps like your ideas about what to focus on, or maybe it is more about what underlies your question--which needs or desires are you trying to address? And Aquarius is the star rather than temperance. It brings together the abundant success of the sun and the emotional waters of the moon, it is hope but with a direction, and it is a card that unifies two apparent opposites.
These are lovely majors readings! I never heard of the Star combining the powers of the Sun and Moon, but it certainly makes sense. I still like your earlier Aquarius-Temperance association. :D I use the GD astro assignments myself, but sometimes they can seem quite arbitrary, especially Temperance-Sagittarius and Chariot-Cancer.

The spread worked, but I think mostly because of your expertise in reading. I would be stymied if I was reading a full moon card in a waxing moon position, etc.!

Thank you very much for the lovely reading. It puts things in perspective for sure. I really need to stop second-guessing myself and go with what feels right (within reason).

Thanks again! I’ll see you over in the Rehash exchange!
I actually have meant to explore the connection between Temperance and the Star because the images are undeniably similar, and I think all of that was intentional. But alas, I haven't spent the time yet.

I think the idea of letting go also came up in your other reading.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I am so glad it was helpful.