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Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 11 May 2020, 16:40
by Merrick
Hello! What question do you have for me? Also let me know if you want me to use a particular deck or decks, the ones in my profile should be up to date.

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 15 May 2020, 22:48
by Charlie Brown
If you're amenable, I feel like this spread, at least the way that Kare demonstrated, seems like a good candidate for one of those "general" readings that people like on the internets. Or, maybe more specifically, something like "How can I be most effective over the coming months?"

I don't really care what decks you use, but if you want a suggestion, I'll suggest the Noblet majors for the 3-cards and Thoth for the surrounding ones.

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 15 May 2020, 23:05
by Merrick
I can work with that!

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 20 May 2020, 05:27
by Merrick
Charlie Brown wrote: 15 May 2020, 22:48 If you're amenable, I feel like this spread, at least the way that Kare demonstrated, seems like a good candidate for one of those "general" readings that people like on the internets. Or, maybe more specifically, something like "How can I be most effective over the coming months?"

I don't really care what decks you use, but if you want a suggestion, I'll suggest the Noblet majors for the 3-cards and Thoth for the surrounding ones.
Alright, per your request I’m using the spread from kare’s original post with the Noblet majors for the initial three card spread and Thoth for the surrounding cards. I will say that even though Thoth was the first tarot I ever owned, it’s also the deck I have the hardest time reading and the deck I have the least experience with. However I’m always up for a challenge and it’s nice to have a reason to use a deck that has essentially become ornamental in my collection.

Here is my initial three card draw:

My gut reaction was “In this time where everyone is tied up and turned around, bring your talents and creativity to the community.” The Lovers usually is about choice but in this context I see a gathering of people. We’re all itching for more connection right now, and finding ways to make those connections while staying safe will be of great service.

Then I added the four cards from the Thoth deck:

The first thing that draws the eye is The Fool. Aside from being the only triumph in the set, The Fool is one of the most arresting cards in the deck. The swirling vortex of lines and the figure of The Fool stretching to the very boundaries of the card, threatening to burst out at any second, make for an unforgettable image that overpowers the rest of the spread. The Fool is in the coins position, and to me that says the imperative message is to be here now. Life is strange right now being grounded and present in each moment is essential to maintaining your balance.

Speaking of balance, the other cards are a progression of four to five to six, from balance to disruption to a new type of balance. The four of swords implies a sort of standstill, certainly a balance but perhaps the conditions of the pandemic have made things feel stale, with no forward motion. Moving from the four to the five will push you to a new place, although as the card says it’s not going to be nice. However, working through that will reward you with a new balance that stems your efforts and creativity. I’m seeing the road as rocky but ultimately worth going down.

I hope this was a helpful reading!

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 25 May 2020, 22:14
by Charlie Brown
You know, it was very interesting how much this reading seemed to tie into the one that Dodalisque did for me in the TdM circle. Your first bit about bringing my talents to the community was very relevant. I'd refer you to the feedback I left Dodalisque if you'd like a little more background. The themes of balance and opposition (and the fool) also came up in both your readings and the feedback is similarly of dual relevance.


Your reading of the number progression in the outer cards made a lot of sense. I think that looking at their elemental positions elaborates them in a nice way too, vis a vis my recording project. Coming back after a long break, this is the first time I've put my mind towards music in a while (4 of Swords in Air position), the 5 shows the difficulties of working in a new/different creative modality (5 of Cups in the fire position), but it's ultimately been very good for me emotionally to do this (6 in the water position).

Something else that really struck my eye, especially in light of Dodalisque's reading, was the presence of both Fools. What I saw visually was the idea of/need for The Fool to elevate himself in order to get the most out of his journey.

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 26 May 2020, 02:36
by Merrick
Yes! I love when two readings dovetail like that. And had I known it was a music project you were working on, I would have pointed out that Le Bataleur holding his baton looks like a conductor. I’m glad this was of help to you!

Re: Merrick reads for Charlie Brown: 1 reading, 2 decks

Posted: 27 May 2020, 21:19
by Charlie Brown
Actually, that "fool elevating thing" was wrong. I was seeing Bateleur as the fool and/or the fool as the Magus. They aren't actually the equivalent cards.