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I Am So Happy!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 15:51
by Joan Marie
About 23 seconds ago I sent off the completely edited and formatted "L'il White Book" for Button Soup Tarot!

That was the last of the 3 parts (Cards, Box, Booklet) that needed to be finished.

I can tell you it was the most daunting part for me (not the only, just the most)

It was the one part of the whole project that I felt was not well organised. I honestly never thought I was going to collect all that complete information from all the artists because there was originally not "clean/organised " way to submit it 0r to organise it once it was submitted. Add to that there essentially no parameters provided for anyone to follow.

But in the end everyone came through and the result is something that could go down in tarot history as the most original LWB ever.

I really am so pleased with it. I am as excited to see it as I am the deck now.

It came in at exactly 100 pages. Astonishingly.

here is a sneak peek at the cover:

2019-12-20 04.48.53 pm.png

I am so relieved to have everything off to the printer.
As soon as I have an update from her I will let you know.

She's so sweet. She's working very hard for us.

Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 17:13
by Diana
Well done Joan Marie !! You've worked hard and well. What a great experience all this has been.

Can't wait to receive a deck and to read the LWB!!

Happy days indeed.

Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 20 Dec 2019, 18:17
by Joan Marie
Diana wrote: 20 Dec 2019, 17:13 Well done Joan Marie !! You've worked hard and well. What a great experience all this has been.
Thank you!! ❤️❤️

Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 25 Dec 2019, 07:18
by Ailsaek
Diana wrote: 20 Dec 2019, 17:13 Well done Joan Marie !! You've worked hard and well. What a great experience all this has been.

Can't wait to receive a deck and to read the LWB!!

Happy days indeed.
What she said. This is going to be amazing!

Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 29 Dec 2019, 03:15
by BreathingSince72
Joan Marie,

Im very excited for you. You have worked long and hard on this project. That said, it never surprises me to see you complete something successfully. That's just who you are. I'm certain the finished project will be amazing


Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 22:24
by Blissful
Hiya! I've searched around but couldn't find what I was looking for - is there a list somewhere that tells us who made each final card? I'd love the link if there is! Thanks!

Re: I Am So Happy!

Posted: 12 Jan 2020, 21:41
by Joan Marie
Blissful wrote: 11 Jan 2020, 22:24 Hiya! I've searched around but couldn't find what I was looking for - is there a list somewhere that tells us who made each final card? I'd love the link if there is! Thanks!
Hi- Yes, I should post that information. It does appear in the LWB that comes with the deck, but it should also be available here.

There is for now, the google docs I used for sign ups. You can see them here:

Major Arcana

Minor Arcana

Thanks for asking and I will get that posted this week.