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Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 11:32
by Joan Marie
This question is in regard to the Cult of Tarot Community Deck currently in progress.

Please to comment as well as answer the the question!

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 13:52
by Diana
If we choose numbers, then either we're going to disfavour the RWS folk, or we're going to disfavour the TdM and Thoth folk.

So I voted no numbers.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 14:38
by qndynes
Marigold wrote: 16 Jul 2019, 13:52 If we choose numbers, then either we're going to disfavour the RWS folk, or we're going to disfavour the TdM and Thoth folk.

So I voted no numbers.
I agree here with Marigold, to avoid disfavoring the different tarot schools it is best to keep the majors unnumbered, without the numbers.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 16 Jul 2019, 19:35
by katrinka
Go ahead and number them. I'd suggest the TdM/Thoth order, as two systems outweigh one.
If you try to cater to everyone, you end up with something bland.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 20:49
by reall
Yes. just add Both number on cards; rws/thoth & problem solved! :D

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 08 Aug 2019, 11:46
by Joan Marie
reall wrote: 02 Aug 2019, 20:49 Yes. just add Both number on cards; rws/thoth & problem solved! :D
I don't think so. I think we need to pick one. And I am really leaning toward needing to number the cards.

No numbers is all good and well for people who really know the cards, but for others who may be dependent on lwb's or other books, no numbers could be a bit of a pain.

I like katrinka's democratic approach, but aren't (I'm guessing) about 90% of non-Thoth/TdM decks numbered like RWS?

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 08 Aug 2019, 12:42
by AstralPasta
I guess there's always the option of printing two Strength and two Justice cards for folks to choose, but that might be tricky and require talking to the printer to make that work....

I forget which deck out there did that.... It might've been majors only though. It might've been the early Daniloff. My old roommate had showed me.

Lmao is there a way to make the number 11 look like the number 8? I'm sure there are some frustrated math teachers out there who would say yes 😜 jk jk

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 10:53
by Diana
In one of the political collectives I was member of once, when we couldn't reach a consensus about something, we just tossed a coin if it wasn't a hugely important decision.

This is going to be a pretty niche deck. And I would think it will interest people who are already aware of the numbering of the cards and won't need reminding that a Magician is 1 and that Death is 13. I think it would even be quite interesting to have the cards without numbers on. Makes it sort of quirky in a nice way.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 04:07
by AstralPasta
I agree with Marigold on this being a niche deck. I can't really imagine a beginner starting out with this deck. Unless it's online only maybe, but then we could probably put that somewhere else in the description or something if we really had to. 🙃 Having readers be able to choose without the card contradicting makes the most sense for me.

Also, interesting idea with the coin flipping 😁 or tarot reading! Hah! Jk 😜

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 09:18
by Joan Marie
AstralPasta wrote: 24 Aug 2019, 04:07 I agree with Marigold on this being a niche deck. I can't really imagine a beginner starting out with this deck.
I'm still not sure.

My thinking regarding this particular idea is that experienced readers are aware of the numbers discrepancy and are used to dealing with it. However newer people may be just annoyed at not having numbers. Especially when consulting books etc.

One niche group I believe this deck will appeal to most is people on this forum, and not all are as familiar with the card numbering differences as others.

Another thing to consider is that even if the numbers are left off, the cards still have to be displayed in some order online, although that's not a critical consideration, it is a consideration.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 09:51
by Diana
You've made good points there Joan Marie. In this case, I'd adopt the numbering of Justice 8 and Strength 11. It's both Thoth and TdM. So we're covering two schools of thought here. Waite's numbering is a bit forced and a bit arrogant... (in my honest and not very humble opinion).

But I'm not going to have any sleepless nights if the other option is chosen. As long as it's not one of my cards which it isn't.

Re: Poll: Numbering the Majors

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 16:18
by Junipera
I think it is important to identify your target audience and then create a profile of your stereotypical audience member. All your questions will answer themselves. The entire world of tarot readers is not your audience. You cannot please everyone. Pick a group to please and please them fully.