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Your Reviews Please

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Joan Marie
Forum Designer
Posts: 5308
Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Your Reviews Please

Post by Joan Marie »

Greetings All!

By now, with just a few exceptions, you should have received your Button Soup Tarot decks. If you haven’t got yours yet, rest assured it is on the way.
Some that were ordered in the last few weeks were a little late getting shipped because of the recent problems in China, but everything is caught up now and shipping as normal.

Many of you have written me or posted here on the Forum or on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. including pictures and reviews. I’ve also seen several wonderful unboxing videos of the deck. This has been so great to see and so helpful.

I would like to ask a quick favour from you.

The deck is available at my website, Rabbit’s Moon Tarot. If you could go there and leave a review of the deck it would be so helpful to people who are considering getting it. Just a few words or a more detailed review, whatever you can do, would be so appreciated.

Here is the direct link to the page where you can post a review.

Just scroll down and click "Reviews" about halfway down on the left side of the page.

Thanks again for all your support and kind words and all the wonderful videos and posts and readings etc. You are all helping make Button Soup a real success and supporting the Cult of Tarot Community!

-Joan Marie

Last bumped by Joan Marie on 28 Feb 2020, 11:13.
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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