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Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 18:22
by iMoodyCrab
Hey there! Nice to be paired with you. Quoting the spread for reference purposes.

kare wrote: 06 Apr 2020, 18:00
Tarot or oracle could be used.

Your partner asks you a question. As the readers, you must pick a significator card for the querent, or for the situation. You can do this by shuffling and pulling one card for the significator. Or perhaps the querent has a card that they consider their significator. Or it could be that you select a card yourself to be the significator based on the question. For example, if it sounds like someone is setting off on the beginning of a journey, you choose the Fool. However you normally choose one.

Then note the significator, and shuffle into the deck. After shuffling, flip the deck face up and now find the significator. The card below it is the underlying or unacknowledged issues informing the situation, or alternatively the past. The card above it is either the future, or a direction to focus on to move forward and make progress. You could modify these.

When you do the reading, also account for the energy of the significator and how it influences the meaning of the other cards. Don't just use it as a place holder. If the significator is reversed, treat it as you normally treat reversals. Or simply don't worry about it being reversed.

Please sign up by April 10. Partners assigned April 11.
Readings posted by April 22.
Feedback posted by April 30.

Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 12 Apr 2020, 06:19
by Merrick
Hi iMoodyCrab! Thanks for reading for me. My question is work focused, specifically what will my work situation look like at the end of this pandemic? Seems salient these days. I’m an essential worker but not in healthcare. I look forward to seeing your reading!

Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 06:01
by iMoodyCrab
Just wanted to drop in a line to assure you that I've done your reading and just drafting the same. My readings are generally much smaller, and less detailed, but since you put in so much effort for me, I'm trying to return the gesture in kind too.

My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused due to delay. Please be assured I've already started writing for you.

Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 06:46
by iMoodyCrab
Dear Merrick,

It has been my absolute pleasure to do this reading for you. Taking some lessons from your reading style, I have tried to compile the below to the best of ability. I sincerely hope it does not disappoint. I, too, used the RWS deck for this reading.

I will not deny that I struggled to search a significator for your scenario. I stumbled upon many cards, played with so many characters in my head before deciding that the card I seek is in Pentacles. For pentacles are centralized on career readings and everything materialistic.

Then came the challenge of which of the 14 Pentacles are you? I knew immediately that it’s not a pip card I seek, but a court card. And finally, I settled with Page of Pentacles. For he is a seeker, service oriented, curious and someone who is ready to face the new challenges up-ahead, come what may. And given the current pandemic, it is a new situation for everyone. However, you being an essential worker, you are on the forefront of it all, ready to heed the situation head-on. I hope my choice of significator resonates well with you.

As recommended, I shuffled my deck, turned it over (face up), and searched for Page of Pentacles.

Here are the cards that came forth (I'm not good at attaching pictures, but it's std RWS deck):

The Emperor-----Page of Pentacles-------Eight of Cups
Underlying----------Significator-----------moving forward

Given the circumstances, The Emperor suggests you’ve directly or indirectly assumed an authoritative role (in a good way) managing your resources – be it in terms of time, money or manpower – in a relatively calm and composed manner (irrespective of seniority at work). You are being looked up to for your this ability. The mountains in the background tell me you are backed up by a solid foundation, even though it may also come across as someone resistant to change. The small stream of water the foothills suggest someone softer than just the tough exterior. I guess everyone needs that tough exterior (brave front) during this difficult phase.

What you are facing is all new to you, this is where the significator maketh sense. It’s a new journey, full of hopes and doubts. Guaranteeing nothing, but expecting everything. Irrespective of all the experience, you stand now in a place where you feel you are learning all over once again. And you are willing to as well. It’s an invitation to start / try something new, perhaps a difference approach.

What struck me most about the three cards was, in every card, each character is looking in a different direction. No one is seeing towards each other. There’s no continuity in the journey, but rather abrupt changes. The emperor sits on this throne in the mountains, the Page is in an open field, and the moving forward, you seem to want to leave it all behind and move on to a completely new chapter.

Your specific question was career wise what happens post the pandemic. I see a change in field and industry. For now, you will give it your all, but eventually you’ll feel that no matter how much effort you put in there is an evident lack of recognition of efforts.

You are the Page, curious and ever learning, even when you leave this all behind you, your journey will always continue, perhaps in a different field. And this time the decision will be more emotionally driven.

I hope the above made sense. I’m open to any questions, corrections and/or criticism incase my card meanings were misinterpreted. I’m a firm believer the cards don’t lie, I just fail to understand them sometimes.

Looking forward to your feedback.


Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 13:00
by Merrick
Thank you so much for this. I’m going to let it percolate with me for a bit before providing in depth feedback as I’d like to sit with the reading and absorb it for a bit. I appreciate how much you put into this, especially given that this isn’t your normal style.

Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 01 May 2020, 00:02
by kare
Merrick wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 13:00 Thank you so much for this. I’m going to let it percolate with me for a bit before providing in depth feedback as I’d like to sit with the reading and absorb it for a bit. I appreciate how much you put into this, especially given that this isn’t your normal style.
Hi, Merrick,

If you need more time to provide feedback, please don't worry. Things come up and months get full. You can always post a response even after the month ends. I hope you are well.

Re: Significator: iMoodyCrab reads for Merrick

Posted: 01 May 2020, 02:38
by Merrick
Gosh, I’m so sorry! I thought I had already given feedback on this.

At the time you did the reading, this did feel apt. I was having issues with the decisions my company was making, and I was about to look for other jobs. However by now things have settled and I’m in a better place emotionally. I do think I’m still searching for the right thing, and this job isn’t it in the long term. So yes, down the road I plan on finding another job in another field. Perhaps the timeline on this ran longer than expected, or maybe it means the effects of the pandemic will take longer to play out than we realize.

Thank you again, I appreciate the reading and appreciate you!