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Significator: Merrick reads for iMoodyCrab

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 18:12
by Merrick
Hello iMoodyCrab! I look forward to reading for you. Let me know your question when you get the chance. :)

Re: Significator: Merrick reads for iMoodyCrab

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 09:35
by iMoodyCrab
Hi Merrick :)

Apologies for the delay in submitting a question, but I've been thinking a lot on how to go about framing this.
I usually refrain from asking any relationship questions, but here goes my desperation.

There's this guy I've been chatting with for the last 2 years. We both live in different countries. We've never met.
What's in store for me & AM at the end of this pandemic? (we've been talking a lot about meeting finally).

Hope the above information is sufficient. I'll be happy to give more context if it helps in narrowing the focus down.

Re: Significator: Merrick reads for iMoodyCrab

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55
by Merrick
iMoodyCrab wrote: 14 Apr 2020, 09:35 Hi Merrick :)

Apologies for the delay in submitting a question, but I've been thinking a lot on how to go about framing this.
I usually refrain from asking any relationship questions, but here goes my desperation.

There's this guy I've been chatting with for the last 2 years. We both live in different countries. We've never met.
What's in store for me & AM at the end of this pandemic? (we've been talking a lot about meeting finally).

Hope the above information is sufficient. I'll be happy to give more context if it helps in narrowing the focus down.
I can tell that this is an important question for you and I want to acknowledge that. I am humbled you would trust me with a reading of such meaning to you. I do not take this lightly, so before I get to the reading proper, I will preface with a bit of my method.

I consider the significator to be of paramount concern in this reading. The wrong significator would, I believe, not properly guide you in your search for an answer to this question. My first thought when reading your situation was to choose The Lovers as the significator. If this is a love question, The Lovers are usually a good place to start. And visually there is a connection to the details of your situation, with the two figures standing at opposite sides of the card, each pining for the other. However there were some aspects of the card that gave me pause. In the RWS, which I decided to use for this reading, the Lovers to me has a strong sense of consummation. Especially with the Biblical Adam and Eve imagery and the angel above looking kindly down, this is not a card of anticipated love. As such, I didn’t feel that this card would be the best match for your significator.

As a result, I ended up going through each card of the deck to see which ones gave me the strongest sense of being the right fit. After going through them all, one card really stood out beyond the rest: The Knight of Cups. Here is a figure on a quest, a seeker. The Knight rides their horse forward but not galloping the way the Knight of Swords does. The cup is not a weapon like a sword or a tool like the wand but an offering. In that vessel one can store their dreams, their hopes, their fears, their anticipation. The Knight is also preparing to cross a river, moving forward to parts unknown.

To me this questing, seeking, cautious but brave Knight could not be a better significator. iMoodyCrab, this was the sense I got from your post. You are feeling ready to offer the cup of your emotions to someone, but not without reservation and the future of this relationship is unknown to you. If you do meet, you’ve crossed the river and there’s no going back. The relationship you’ve had up until now will change and you will both have to navigate that new landscape together.

So, to the reading itself. Once I solidified the Knight of Cups as your significator, I shuffled the deck thoroughly, continually repeating your question out loud with each shuffle. I fixed the image of the Knight in my mind and imagined an additional card on either side of the Knight. Finally I turned over the deck, found the significator, and put it in the center of the spread, with the card below it to the left and the card above to the right, face down, as so:


I took in the energies of the Knight one more time before flipping over the remaining cards and this is what I have for your reading:


To the left, the Page of Wands. To the right, The Star. And our venerable Knight of Cups sits in the center.

I’m seeing the Page as the first phase of this relationship, the 2 years you’ve been talking online. You can see the Page has obvious interest in the wand but little understanding of how to wield it. To me wands represent drive and forward action. The Page has the tool but cannot effectively use it. There’s a hesitancy there. 2 years is a long time to talk to someone you’re interested in getting to know better without ever meeting in person. There’s interest on both sides but the forward motion wasn’t there until now.

The Knight as I explained above is my significator for you. I feel that this best represents where you are at now, interested in moving forward, seeking out the next phase of this thing with AM, holding out the chalice but still armored in case that should prove necessary. I’m also seeing continuity from the Page to the Knight, with the Page standing smack dab in the middle of a desert while the bare, yellowish landscape at the bottom of the Knight card looks as if he’s come to the desert’s edge, with a new topography ahead.

And finally we have The Star. Another continuity here as it almost looks like the river winding through the Knight card finds its end at the left of the Star. It’s hard for me to take The Star as a stand-alone card to be honest. I always think of it as the calm that settles when The Tower has come down, and the peace that exists before The Moon begins stirring up the waters of the soul. I see it as a temporary respite from the more tumultuous forces surrounding it, the eye of the hurricane if you will.

Now more than ever it seems we’re experiencing a Tower moment. This pandemic is upending almost everything, and I noticed your question specifically asked what is in store for you and AM when this pandemic ends, so I find it highly significant that The Star completes our reading journey.

To put it all together, I’m reading that you and AM will find relief and reprieve with one another, a coming together in an open, honest, and vulnerable way that will follow the upheavals of this pandemic. This will be a time of deep feelings, both of newness, experiencing each other in person for the first time, but also of renewal as together you experience the collective reemergence of the world post-pandemic. This won’t be the end of your journey by any means, but absolutely a meaningful event in both your lives.

I hope this resonated with you and if you have any feedback I would love to discuss it with you. Cheers!

Re: Significator: Merrick reads for iMoodyCrab

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 17:38
by iMoodyCrab
You have me stumped with your reading.
It’s getting late and I’m typing this with a dim light on my phone. Be assured I’ll submit a more detailed feedback. But I just had to say this... that reading was worthy of payment. It was insightful, beautiful and so well drafted.

Thank you. I hope I do justice to my reading for you.

Re: Significator: Merrick reads for iMoodyCrab

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 06:01
by iMoodyCrab
Dear Merrick,

As promised, the detailed feedback below. Each aspect of your reading was extremely relate-able, I'll try to go by each point.
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 To me this questing, seeking, cautious but brave Knight could not be a better significator.
I totally agree... you explained it so well that I am convinced there couldn't have been a better significator for my reading.
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 The cup is not a weapon like a sword or a tool like the wand but an offering.
I love this line!
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 I’m seeing the Page as the first phase of this relationship, the 2 years you’ve been talking online. You can see the Page has obvious interest in the wand but little understanding of how to wield it. To me wands represent drive and forward action. The Page has the tool but cannot effectively use it. There’s a hesitancy there. 2 years is a long time to talk to someone you’re interested in getting to know better without ever meeting in person. There’s interest on both sides but the forward motion wasn’t there until now.
I love your explanations, they are just so personalized, they speak to me. Yes, we both are so obviously interested in each other, but circumstances just never allowed us to meet yet, which is such a shame. But I like how you pointed out lack of movement here. We've made 3 attempts to meet, and each time something happened at his end resulting in cancellation. This time he came around, apologized for all the 3 times profusely, and now he's making a genuine attempt to visit me post pandemic.
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 Now more than ever it seems we’re experiencing a Tower moment.
This has been the case for us since Jan, to be honest. It's finally coming to an end where we are already in a semi-peaceful place, minus the fact that we've yet not met.
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 I always think of it as the calm that settles when The Tower has come down, and the peace that exists before The Moon begins stirring up the waters of the soul. I see it as a temporary respite from the more tumultuous forces surrounding it, the eye of the hurricane if you will.
The Moon is my fav card! If that's where we are heading, I'm happy. Cause the Moon always brings emotions to the surface. I'm more than ever looking forward to meeting him finally.
Merrick wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 06:55 To put it all together, I’m reading that you and AM will find relief and reprieve with one another, a coming together in an open, honest, and vulnerable way that will follow the upheavals of this pandemic. This will be a time of deep feelings, both of newness, experiencing each other in person for the first time, but also of renewal as together you experience the collective reemergence of the world post-pandemic. This won’t be the end of your journey by any means, but absolutely a meaningful event in both your lives.
May your words come true! Perhaps after reading this, I'll end up manifesting the same, who knows!

Once again, thank you so much for such a detailed and informative reading. I genuinely appreciate the effort you've put in for me.
