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Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 16:31
by kare
Hi, Diana,

I hope you are well. What question can I try to answer for you? Thank you!

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 12 Apr 2020, 06:50
by Diana
Hi kare, I'm doing fine. Hope you are too.

It's difficult sometimes isn't it, finding questions for these reading circles. I've been racking my brains for the last hour.

This is what I came up with. I give English lessons (at people's homes) and since the self-isolation measures, they have been cancelled until the measures are lifted. I realise that I don't miss them at all and am tempted to stop completely. My students will be disappointed, but there are plenty of English teachers out there. The money comes in handy, but I can manage without. It's more pocket money for frivolities like hairdresser or soya lattes at Starbucks or a little weekend break - definitely not a necessity.

What does the Tarot say? Is it a good time to take a backseat and stop attempting to teach French people what a Perfect tense is? And let someone else take over this task?

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 12 Apr 2020, 13:29
by kare
It is difficult finding questions to ask. What an interesting experience to have to find that you don't miss your lessons. This quarantine has been a revelation in terms of how I and my family live our lives as well. I would be happy to do a reading on this for you. I think I will determine your significator by drawing from the deck first and seeing what it gives me, unless you have one you usually consider to be your significator.
Diana wrote: ↑12 Apr 2020, 06:50 Hi kare, I'm doing fine. Hope you are too.

It's difficult sometimes isn't it, finding questions for these reading circles. I've been racking my brains for the last hour.

This is what I came up with. I give English lessons (at people's homes) and since the self-isolation measures, they have been cancelled until the measures are lifted. I realise that I don't miss them at all and am tempted to stop completely. My students will be disappointed, but there are plenty of English teachers out there. The money comes in handy, but I can manage without. It's more pocket money for frivolities like hairdresser or soya lattes at Starbucks or a little weekend break - definitely not a necessity.

What does the Tarot say? Is it a good time to take a backseat and stop attempting to teach French people what a Perfect tense is? And let someone else take over this task?

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 12 Apr 2020, 16:01
by Diana
kare wrote: ↑12 Apr 2020, 13:29 I think I will determine your significator by drawing from the deck first and seeing what it gives me, unless you have one you usually consider to be your significator.

The concept of significator isn't something that exists in my universe normally, so I don't have one. Although since forever, when I'm doing readings for myself La Papesse comes up. And she has a book so it could be an English grammar book. So if you feel comfortable with that, why not her?

Or do significators have to be Court cards??? I really don't know, I never use them.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 15:52
by kare
I will use La Papesse. Any card can be a significator the way I use them, when I do. I will post soon.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 18:39
by kare
Hi, Diana,

So I first want to start with my methodology. And I used the Kawaii Tarot, which is a spartan pip deck in the RWS style. I believe it follows an art style called Kawaii, which I know nothing about, but the deck was very inexpensive, small, and too cute. So I shuffled looking for the High Priestess/La Papesse and the cards before and after it. Because all three came out reversals, and the deck is a very new one with not as many shuffles in its short life, I checked and realized that most, though not all, of the cards in the deck were reversed. So I decided to verify whether I should read the cards as reversed or just flip them all upright. To do that, I shuffled the cards back into the deck and decided I'd find the High Priestess again, and if she was reversed again, I would read the original draw as reversals. As I was shuffling, Judgment jumped out and landed face up reversed. I took that as a sign to add the card into the reading and that reversals were on the menu, and then without shuffling further I found our girl HP and saw she was still reversed. I'm not superstitious, but I do like to just go with what the deck puts out there in the way that it puts it out there.

I originally pulled a reversed Hermit, reversed HP, and reversed Magician. I spent a lot of time mulling over the possibilities and decided that these cards represented a snapshot of where you are currently with your issue of whether to ultimately continue giving English lessons or not. My short version of the answer before getting into detail is that I think you should delay a decision until things are back to normal. The reason is, according to the cards, that the current situation we are in is both very strange and temporary. How you feel now in your current circumstances may ultimately change, or not, when life returns to normal. When life returns to normal, those circumstances comprise the factors you should consider in your decision, since it is a decision presumably based on continuing to teach when life returns to normal.

I see the reversed Hermit as representing your current situation. You had to withdraw from teaching, and of course self-isolate, and this situation has given you an opportunity to look at things from a new perspective, but it is also a situation forced upon you rather than one of choice. I think the reversed card also presents a question to consider: would you choose to withdraw from the social act of teaching when you have the choice to do so and can move out of other forms of self-isolation? I don't see the financial aspect really showing up in the cards, so this seems like an unimportant factor, especially as you have noted that it is not critical for you to continue to do this work.

Reversed HP. In general this is the card of your inner wisdom. I think of it in contrast to the High Priest. The idea that if he represents social and traditional wisdom, maybe religious wisdom, ancestral or cultural wisdom, wisdom that we gain from the community, then the High Priestess represents that wisdom that comes from within ourselves and ultimately ammounts to things like intuition. Reversed here to me indicates again that idea that you are in a holding pattern right now that has no specific end time, and no clear set of outcomes. I think that this card not only represents you and your situation, but also the advice on how to embrace it--to allow yourself to hold in place as is with no final decisions yet.

Reversed Magician. This card is ostensibly in the "how to move forward" place, but to me it clearly represents your skills and also your power to control or effect your situation to your desired outcomes. Right now in many ways these are both on hold. But the card is also a promise of what is to come. You stepping back into that authority over your situation, and even into a relationship with your skill set that fulfills you and reinforces your sense of satisfaction with what you are choosing to do with your energy. That may or may not be teaching, but I think the card is suggesting that the approach you should take when thinking about the future is not whether to give up this work or not, but how can you orient your time and energy in such a way that satisfies, motivates, and inspires you, that has you occupying that powerful personal space.

Reversed Judgment. The card that didn't want to be left out. This card just encapsulates the entire theme of your reading. It has presented itself, so it means that you are at a crossroads in terms of decision-making. You now have a decision to make because a new possibility, not teaching, has occurred to you. But it isn't a decision that has to be made now, so take the time you need to make it. It is a card of decisions, consequences, accepting responsibility for decisions, and then letting go and moving on to something better. I think it shows that this is in some ways a very exciting moment for you, but not a decision that has to be made immediately.

This is a full 78-card deck, and you got all majors, so that to me reinforces the significance of this decision for you. I also see the Magician and Judgment as very positive cards thematically, and I don't read reversals as just negative versions of cards, so I would say to just enjoy this moment of unexpected possibility and take your time with your decision. Even consider waiting until life returns to normal to see how you feel at that time. I also think this is indicated by getting all reversals--the sitting in the moment rather than making a decision now.

I really hope this helps. Thank you so much for letting me read for you.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 20:49
by Diana
Oh thank you so much kare! Looks lovely this reading. I'll give feedback along with your reading tomorrow. 😘

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 09:20
by Diana
kare, I'm feeling out of sorts today. Very nervous and irritated. The outer world has disturbed my inner world. I can't do anything tarot related today. I have to heal myself through meditation and going for a long long walk along the lake. A long long long long one. I'll come back tomorrow to this thread I hope, refreshed and renewed.

I live on the shores of Lac LΓ©man (Lake Geneva in English). It's a big lake. One of the biggest in Europe. Just across is France and the Alps. They are still snow capped. The sun is shining, the trees are blossoming, the birds are singing. It's better for me to retire there and not stay in front of my computer and hang out on my bed all the time.

I'm sure you'll understand!

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 14:18
by Diana
Dear kare, I've read your reading thoroughly twice. it's really interesting how you put it all together and also the tale of the reversed cards is very interesting. It seems to reinforce the main thrust of the message that these are no times to make decisions. Everything is upsidedown at the moment and therefore any decision I make now will also be upsidedown.

I was going to take your post and pick it to pieces, but honestly, apart from nodding my head and saying "indeed" and "that's a smart observation", I wouldn't have anything of substance to say. You've said it all, kare!!

But this is what I find really striking so I do want to quote it : You had to withdraw from teaching, and of course self-isolate, and this situation has given you an opportunity to look at things from a new perspective, but it is also a situation forced upon you rather than one of choice. I think the reversed card also presents a question to consider: would you choose to withdraw from the social act of teaching when you have the choice to do so and can move out of other forms of self-isolation?

This is no time for making decisions as this whole dilemma was not thrust upon me by choice. I must wait until the dust has settled. There's a lot of dust and we don't know what new storms will create any more sandstorms. I don't need to make any decision now. When the time comes that it's okay to return to people's houses, depending on the recommendations given by the Swiss authorities, there'll be plenty of time to act. Perhaps the answer will come when I have my first pupil phoning me to ask if we can resume.

Thank you so much. This was very very helpful.

Now I'm going to prepare to do your reading. I'm still not in the groove. Far from it. I can't connect to my cards these days and the tarot seems very far away. It's never been so far away in fact. But I'll do my best. And if I feel my reading was off, I'll let you know you.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 15:01
by kare
Thank you for your feedback. I do sometimes look at reversals as presenting a question to consider. When I get them, I don't stick to any one way of interpreting them, for example as simply the opposite of the upright. They present food for thought, ways to ask questions, slow down and ponder. Your perspective on my reading is helpful.

If you don't feel able to do a reading for me this month, please don't worry about it. The quarantine has thrown me so far off my game that I feel like just focusing on self care right now is totally legit.
Diana wrote: ↑19 Apr 2020, 14:18 Dear kare, I've read your reading thoroughly twice. it's really interesting how you put it all together and also the tale of the reversed cards is very interesting. It seems to reinforce the main thrust of the message that these are no times to make decisions. Everything is upsidedown at the moment and therefore any decision I make now will also be upsidedown.

I was going to take your post and pick it to pieces, but honestly, apart from nodding my head and saying "indeed" and "that's a smart observation", I wouldn't have anything of substance to say. You've said it all, kare!!

But this is what I find really striking so I do want to quote it : You had to withdraw from teaching, and of course self-isolate, and this situation has given you an opportunity to look at things from a new perspective, but it is also a situation forced upon you rather than one of choice. I think the reversed card also presents a question to consider: would you choose to withdraw from the social act of teaching when you have the choice to do so and can move out of other forms of self-isolation?

This is no time for making decisions as this whole dilemma was not thrust upon me by choice. I must wait until the dust has settled. There's a lot of dust and we don't know what new storms will create any more sandstorms. I don't need to make any decision now. When the time comes that it's okay to return to people's houses, depending on the recommendations given by the Swiss authorities, there'll be plenty of time to act. Perhaps the answer will come when I have my first pupil phoning me to ask if we can resume.

Thank you so much. This was very very helpful.

Now I'm going to prepare to do your reading. I'm still not in the groove. Far from it. I can't connect to my cards these days and the tarot seems very far away. It's never been so far away in fact. But I'll do my best. And if I feel my reading was off, I'll let you know you.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 18:13
by Diana
kare wrote: ↑19 Apr 2020, 15:01 If you don't feel able to do a reading for me this month, please don't worry about it. The quarantine has thrown me so far off my game that I feel like just focusing on self care right now is totally legit.
kare, I've been sitting with my cards beside for hours now. I don't even feel like taking them out of the box. I'm in an unfamiliar place, not uncomfortable, but there's a big adaptation taking place I think. Due to the massive and sudden planetary situation I suppose. I'm okay with it but I need to be in another place and let the transformation take place.

It's not only mental the transformation, in fact it's also physical. I can feel it sort of making some modifications almost to my physical cells. It's the impression I get. I don't know where the reality lies. These are things beyond my ken. I know though that I must just sit and observe and not put any extra pressure on me.

I suppose it's a bit like when you've had a big supper, you don't have room anymore for dessert.

What I suggest is that I skip this one as you kindly suggested. And I do a reading for you at any time you need one. Either here or privately. When I'm ready to take out my cards again.

However, having the cards beside me in their box is oddly comforting. LIke having a friend by one's side who doesn't speak but just observes and listens.

I'm truly sorry. I don't usually do this kind of thing. First time I think.

Re: Significator: kare Reads for Diana

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 18:57
by kare
I understand. I myself have never felt so out of sorts, and I've been wondering where I misplaced myself. I'm glad to hear that you will be setting aside the reading if it is what you need. And don't worry about doing one later. We will both be on this forum for a long while, I imagine. Please take care.
Diana wrote: ↑19 Apr 2020, 18:13
kare wrote: ↑19 Apr 2020, 15:01 If you don't feel able to do a reading for me this month, please don't worry about it. The quarantine has thrown me so far off my game that I feel like just focusing on self care right now is totally legit.
kare, I've been sitting with my cards beside for hours now. I don't even feel like taking them out of the box. I'm in an unfamiliar place, not uncomfortable, but there's a big adaptation taking place I think. Due to the massive and sudden planetary situation I suppose. I'm okay with it but I need to be in another place and let the transformation take place.

It's not only mental the transformation, in fact it's also physical. I can feel it sort of making some modifications almost to my physical cells. It's the impression I get. I don't know where the reality lies. These are things beyond my ken. I know though that I must just sit and observe and not put any extra pressure on me.

I suppose it's a bit like when you've had a big supper, you don't have room anymore for dessert.

What I suggest is that I skip this one as you kindly suggested. And I do a reading for you at any time you need one. Either here or privately. When I'm ready to take out my cards again.

However, having the cards beside me in their box is oddly comforting. LIke having a friend by one's side who doesn't speak but just observes and listens.

I'm truly sorry. I don't usually do this kind of thing. First time I think.