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Sign up: Working With a Significator

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 18:00
by kare
Hi, Everyone,

I hope you are all well. This month I thought we could do a short reading. Due to quarantine here, I have a full house and not so much personal space at the moment, so shorter readings seem fitting. Here's the activity:

Tarot or oracle could be used.

Your partner asks you a question. As the readers, you must pick a significator card for the querent, or for the situation. You can do this by shuffling and pulling one card for the significator. Or perhaps the querent has a card that they consider their significator. Or it could be that you select a card yourself to be the significator based on the question. For example, if it sounds like someone is setting off on the beginning of a journey, you choose the Fool. However you normally choose one.

Then note the significator, and shuffle into the deck. After shuffling, flip the deck face up and now find the significator. The card below it is the underlying or unacknowledged issues informing the situation, or alternatively the past. The card above it is either the future, or a direction to focus on to move forward and make progress. You could modify these.

When you do the reading, also account for the energy of the significator and how it influences the meaning of the other cards. Don't just use it as a place holder. If the significator is reversed, treat it as you normally treat reversals. Or simply don't worry about it being reversed.

You will be randomly assigned a partner to exchange readings with and to provide feedback for. These will be posted in this forum for all to learn from. Please send your partner your question as soon as they contact you so that they can have all the time they need to do your reading.

Please sign up by April 10. Partners assigned April 11.
Readings posted by April 22.
Feedback posted by April 30.

Thank you! Let me know if you have questions. Post them here or PM me.

Re: Sign up: Working With a Significator

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 19:09
by Diana
I'm in!!!

Re: Sign up: Working With a Significator

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 01:50
by iMoodyCrab
Worth a shot... count me in!

Re: Sign up: Working With a Significator

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 17:50
by Merrick
I’ll join as well, sounds like fun!