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Reading Pairs for Working With a Significator

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Posts: 263
Joined: 02 Jan 2019, 15:01

Reading Pairs for Working With a Significator

Post by kare »

Hi, Everyone! Thanks for participating in this activity with me.

Here are the randomly chosen pairs:

Merrick and iMoodyCrab
Diana and Karen

Create a new post titled in this pattern: Significative: kare Reads for Diana, and invite your partner to ask their question. Everything connected to that reading, including the feedback for the reading, is then posted as a response to that original post.

The partner then starts their own new post for the reading they will do. Ex: Significator: Diana Reads for kare.

Please be mindful of deadlines. It is helpful when you start the new post and also ask your question as soon as possible so your partner has enough time to do the reading.

Thank you, and let me know if you have questions or have issues meeting deadlines.

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