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A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 10 Oct 2021, 16:40
by Rachelcat
A recently received Kickstarter. I have a feeling there was an earlier edition, and this is a newer black edition. The box and the backs are black with shiny bits, and the edges and borders are black.

There are 16 “bonus” cards. When I opened the box, they were the first cards I saw. Wow, was I confused for a minute! Like “is this the Fool? Which one is the Hierophant??” I think I’ll shuffle them in for readings. Why not?

The booklet is titled, “The Major Arcana,” but it also includes upright and reversed keywords for the minors and the bonus cards. The upright and reversed meanings for the majors seem to be blank verse, with elevated, poetic language.


Time for a good wash and shuffle and interview!


Most important characteristic: Six of Swords
The deck is very much an intellectual exercise. I would argue that it’s definitely a creative one, but this card says the theme was the overriding impetus for the project. It’s an attempt to move forward into uncharted waters. (Ha.)

Strength: I. The Magician
This reinforces the intellectual idea above. The strength of the deck is its concept, this time combined with the execution of the concept. It’s the total package: all four suit items present means all elements were tapped in the creation of the deck.

Weakness: VI. The Lovers
You either love it or hate it? It’s not good with relationship readings? This is very Adam and Eve, with the two trees. The snake is in her head. Maybe it’s too gender normative than a robot deck should be!

What can deck teach me? VIII. Strength
The human-form robot overcomes a centipede-form robot. Even though (or because) it’s full of robots, the deck can teach me about being human and dealing with the animal side of being human.

How can I learn it? Six of Coins
By being generous to and tolerant of the animal side. Accept it and give it its due.

Outcome of our work together: The Drowning Man
This is one of the bonus cards as an outcome. I should have known. In the end I may be overwhelmed. That there are just too many robots to deal with here, and I’ll be longing for some flesh and blood before the week is out!

All very interesting! I look forward to seeing what else comes up this week! Have a happy Sunday!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 18:37
by Rachelcat
What should I be doing about a dress for the wedding?


Physically: VIII. Strength
I have time and energy to work on it, so I should use that. Plan some time to make a plan and follow through with it.

Emotionally: Hubris
Don’t think I have all the time in the world. Don’t be comfortable with not having it straightened out. I think I have it under control, but I shouldn’t be so sure!

Intellectually: Eight of Wands
Make a plan. And follow the plan to wherever it flows.

Actively: The Scarecrow
Don’t get stuck in inaction. Or tied to one idea!

Spiritually: Ten of Swords
I should listen to advice and recommendations of friends and family, and then use it or not, just as I want. Others’ ideas can help, but they shouldn’t pin me down to them.

Hmm, some not very friendly cards here, but I twisted them to make sense to my mundane (but important!) question.

Have a great day!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 13 Oct 2021, 17:32
by Rachelcat
Tuesday on Wednesday
I was confused on what day it was on Monday. And then I missed Tuesday. So here it is now!

Why the who is in the what


(Reading with a side of cat!)

Ace of Swords, Knight of Swords, Eight of Wands, XIV. Temperance
Ok, this is a lot of air: 2 swords, knight, eight. That’s 4 of 6 items air. What’s left? One fire (Wands) and either water or fire for Temperance. So no earth.

In the intellectual realm, I’m very much in my head about making plans of action. I’m not really seeing the physical, concrete actions of my plans working out yet. And I need to realize that life is always a blend (Temperance) of plans and reality. Man (human) proposes, god (reality) disposes.

I’m getting the idea that this deck perceives swords as very destructive. Why is the hand (let alone a severed hand) grasp the blade and not the hilt? And the knight and his mount are breaking up some stuff! Why is the robot in the eight shooting down a river on a raft rather than flying? Not very air of fire, except for the rapid motion. And I’m assuming flying robots exist? Maybe not in this deck? We’ll have to investigate that more thoroughly!

See you soon with today’s reading!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 13 Oct 2021, 19:17
by Rachelcat
All-Purpose Spread


Me: The Scarecrow
Right now I feel like I’m all show and no substance. I’m imprisoned by my show and can’t move on because I have to keep up appearances.

Issue: Six of Coins
This predicament has to do with charity and giving. I guess the tutoring gig. We haven’t started yet, so I’m hanging around still not knowing how it will go.

Outcome: The Helpless
For now I’ll remain hung up and helpless on this issue. But I’ll figure it out eventually. It’s just a matter of time.

Advice: Seven of Coins
In the meantime, I should enjoy and share what I DO have. And that’s a lot, so I’m good!

Have a great day, everyone!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 18:08
by Rachelcat
Thursday on Friday
Catching up again!

Schedule in general
Four Noble Truths Spread


Issue: XIII. Death
Once the new schedule kicks in, everything will be different. The way I’m living now will be over.

Cause: Queen of Cups
I know that, that’s why I’m very emotional about it. I’m worried and excited and confused . . . I love this queen. She’s scrying in her cup. And she’s in the water. Even her cloak flows . . .

Outcome: Page of Cups
A very different read on cups here! It will turn out to be as different as I expect, but I’ll be emotionally ready to handle it, in a way I haven’t handled change in the past. He’s pretty jaunty for riding a fish robot in the ocean waves!

Advice: Ace of Coins
In order to get that outcome, I just need to be practical. Do what needs to be done. And the beauty of the new system will bloom!

These are all very interesting cards! See you soon with today’s reading!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 15 Oct 2021, 18:32
by Rachelcat

Rachel’s Serenity Prayer Spread


All three majors are bonus cards . . . !

Something I can’t change: Three of Coins
I can’t change the way things are. To some extent I can change my finances and my health, but I’m limited in that by reality.

How do I accept it? Page of Cups
With confidence! What’s important is how I feel about my physical circumstances. The limitations aren’t the problem. Unless I have a bad attitude about them. Instead I should have beginner’s mind about them.

Gift of serenity: The Demon
Demons are imaginary. I can slay them with my mind and my emotions. I’m in charge of what goes on in my own head.

Something I can change: Two of Coins
While I can’t change the limitations of nature, I can change how I deal with them. I can balance getting and spending very easily!

How do I change it? Knight of Swords
By making a plan and sticking to it. My power is in my mind. Only in that way is it mind over matter!

Gift of courage: The Conman
I can trick myself into doing the right thing if I have to! Fake it ‘til I make it!

The difference: Eight of Wands
The difference between the limitations of nature and control over my material circumstances is planning and then acting on the plans. And that’s it!

How do I recognize it? King of Swords
By using my head to be in charge of my own life. Love the bird!

Gift of wisdom: The Elder
At last an appropriate card! I should take advantage of the wisdom of age. Give myself sage advice. I haven’t lived so long for nothing!

Well, this was enlightening! Have a happy weekend coming up everyone!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 16 Oct 2021, 18:56
by Kate Tarot
Well, I thought I'd like to play along. The additional 16 cards kinda threw me but I'll work with them for a while and see how things shake out.

This is what I got on the initial deck interview spread. Sorry, I haven't figured out how to upload images here yet.

Card 1: What kind of deck are you? 5 of Wands
Competition rivalry, conflict, tension, diversity

Card 2: What is your personality type? The Chariot
Reassured, refined, rebellion, revolutionized. Follow thy heart, it shall lead ways. Recollect thyself, reform thy path. Determine thy mind and harden thy soul. Mend thy fate, as hard it be, from perfection shall prosper, forged success indeed”.

Card 3: What is your strongest personality trait/s? Queen of Swords
Independent, complexity, unbiased, receptiveness, clear mindless

Card 4: What is your weakest personality trait/s? 8 of Cups
Walking away, disillusionment, leaving behind

Card 5: What are our common personality traits? 4 of coins
Conservation, saving money, frugality, security

Card 6: What are our differences in personality traits? 5 of Swords
Unbridled ambition, conflict, win at all costs, sneakiness

Card 7: What personality traits do you work best with? 7 of Wands
Perseverance, defensive, protection, challenge

Card 8: What personality traits do you avoid? 3 of Swords
Heartbreak, suffering, great emotional pain

Card 9: What is the potential outcome of our personalities being compatible? The Saturnalia
Unbridled passion, recklessness, intense joy

It’s taken me a couple of days just looking at this pull to get some sense of it. I find that can happen, particularly with a new deck, and when it’s a “different” deck, it’s more pronounced. The Tarotbot deck has an added 16 bonus cards on top of the usual 78. Of course, I could have removed them before the shuffle, but I was curious on how this deck reacts in its “natural state”.

My guess is that the creator of the deck strongly emphasizes the Major Arcana. Most of the guidebook is in the meanings and interpretations the artist has assigned to the Majors. And as Rachelcat put it, it’s written in a very poetic language. I copied the meanings directly from the Tarotbot guidebook to give you a sense of what I’m talking about. See the entry for The Chariot.

From the deck interview, I think this deck and I will get along well. Personality wise, we’re closely matched, maybe a bit too much so but time will tell. Like it, time and experience has made me “reassured, refined, rebellious and revolutionized.”

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 13:03
by Rachelcat
Hey, thanks for joining in! I like your interview spread! I need to catch up for yesterday, and then I'll move on to another deck today. But you're welcome to keep going here!

See you shortly with a "Saturday on Sunday" reading!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 18:46
by Rachelcat
Saturday on Sunday
Last day for Tarotbot
I had a computer-free day yesterday, so here we are!

Where am I headed in my tarot life?
Practical Tree of Life Spread


Force and Form: Three of Swords, Queen of Swords
Learning, information, and knowledge take the form on emotional intelligence and authority.

For and Against: Eight of Cups, Page of Wands
I’m good at putting my mind to understanding emotions. Kind of the contrapositive of the Queen of Swords.
But I’m not that good at putting energy into it. I’m getting lazy and losing my beginner’s enthusiasm.

Emotions and Thoughts: XVIII. The Moon and XVII. The Star
Cool pair of cards! My emotions are pretty emotional and unfocussed. I’m woo-woo and I don’t know what to do . . . about that. That’s my Cancer sun (mechanical lobster) coming through.
But I consciously have an attitude of gratitude and know I’m blessed. I should be thinking I can help people with my tarot work.

Physical and Persona: Ace of Coins, XV. The Devil
I’m about to give away a bunch of decks! A lot of my tarot life consists of collecting decks and just having decks, working on my classifications and collection list, etc. I get a lot of innocent enjoyment from that. And that’s ok.
I’m worrying about the intersection of tarot studies and atheism studies. Is tarot just a slightly less toxic method of control of people by fear and manipulation? I think it doesn’t have to be, but it definitely could be used that way, and often is by con artists.

Advice and Spiritual Aspects: Nine of Wands, The Saturnalia
Be strong where I know I’m right. I can defend my interests in tarot, and I should. To myself, and others if need be.
If it’s fun, enjoy it! It’s not hurting anyone, including me. Fun is good! Go for it!

Well, that’s a good note to end on! This reading and working with Tarotbot for now! I’ve had fun with the deck, but I don’t feel like I’ve dug into the robot ends of things. I’ll have to pick it up another time, I guess!

Now on to this week’s deck! Be back soon!

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 17 Oct 2021, 20:35
by Kate Tarot
Oct 17 COT.jpeg
One of the things I've been considering doing is switching to a completely vegetarian diet. Right now, we're running about 40-50% of our meals being meat-free. The question for the cards is 'Is now the right time for me to switch to a fully vegetarian diet?"

Starting energy: The Imposter: Lying, cheating and deceiving others. Really don't know how to interpret this card in this reading. I'm beginning to suspect that these "bonus" cards (there are 16 in the deck) are going to prove to be more of a pain in the keister than any form of help.

Central energy: The Fool -- new beginning on a positive path for me. It's the start of a new outlook for me.

Sustaining energy: Ace of Cups -- New feelings, spirituality. I look at this as an echo of the Fool card.

Summary: The last 2 cards of the reading make sense. Switching to a fully vegetarian diet would be a new start for me. It could be the next step on my healing journey and the Fool is often our personal guide. I also read the Fool and the Ace of Cups as "Yes" cards. But seriously, I have zero idea of what to do with that first card. It brings more questions than answers. Who is the liar? Me? Someone else? It doesn't make any sense in the reading and the included guidebook is less than helpful.

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 18:52
by Ciderwell
Kate Tarot wrote: 17 Oct 2021, 20:35I have zero idea of what to do with that first card. It brings more questions than answers. Who is the liar? Me? Someone else? It doesn't make any sense in the reading and the included guidebook is less than helpful.
One possible answer might be that one of the "Yes" cards is the imposter.
My guess, it's The Fool, because of the subject matter. In this instance the 'fool' being a trifle - pureed fruit with custard and cream - and not a vegetable. :P

Re: A week with Tarotbot Black

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 22:16
by Kate Tarot
One possible answer might be that one of the "Yes" cards is the imposter.
My guess, it's The Fool, because of the subject matter. In this instance the 'fool' being a trifle - pureed fruit with custard and cream - and not a vegetable. :P
I love it!! :lol: