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Reading Partner pairs

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Posts: 263
Joined: 02 Jan 2019, 15:01

Reading Partner pairs

Post by kare »

Hi, Everyone! Thank you for joining in on this activity.
Below are the reading pairs, selected by drawing names from a hat.

You will do readings for each other and provide feedback for the reading you received. Attach an image of your reading if you can, and ask for help if it's tricky--sometimes it can be. Each reading and its related feedback and commentary should have its own thread, so open a new topic in this reading group with a title that follows this pattern: Majors v Minors: kare reads for Elune, and then in the body of the post invite your partner to ask their question. Try to give your partner at least a few days before the deadline to answer your question to give them a chance to manage their time.

Also, in this forum, you are also welcome to comment on or ask questions in others'reading threads. So, for example, if you learn something new from a reading and want to let the pair know, feel free to let them know.

dodalisque and wellingtonwitch
Diana and Rose Lalonde
Elune and kare

Have fun! And let me know if you have questions. You can post them here or pm me.
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