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FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 13:07
by AeonHorus
Hey Charlie

Let me know your question and maybe a little back story into the persona you have chosen to be :)

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 21:22
by Charlie Brown
Hello AeonHorus,

I was finishing up work one night when I found a tough, streetwise teenager trying to steal the tires off of my car. Having piqued my curiosity, I decided that, rather than deal with him directly, I'd surveil him for a few days. It turned out that he and his peers were being pressured into committing a string of property crimes by an unscrupulous supervisor from the Dept. of Child Welfare. At this point, I'm about to expose this supervisor's dastardly deeds so that he may face the full force and penalty of the law. Once that's done, I could let this kid reintegrate into the system, but I'm more interested in training him to fight alongside me as a masked vigilante, stalking the hard, dark streets of my beloved Gotham. What should I do?

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 03:46
by AeonHorus
Charlie Brown wrote: 16 Feb 2020, 21:22 Hello AeonHorus,

I was finishing up work one night when I found a tough, streetwise teenager trying to steal the tires off of my car. Having piqued my curiosity, I decided that, rather than deal with him directly, I'd surveil him for a few days. It turned out that he and his peers were being pressured into committing a string of property crimes by an unscrupulous supervisor from the Dept. of Child Welfare. At this point, I'm about to expose this supervisor's dastardly deeds so that he may face the full force and penalty of the law. Once that's done, I could let this kid reintegrate into the system, but I'm more interested in training him to fight alongside me as a masked vigilante, stalking the hard, dark streets of my beloved Gotham. What should I do?
Oooh Nice!
Let me see now. I think it is time to air out the Darkness in Light for his first reading.
I think this scenario will suit him just fine.

I will be onto this one first thing in the morning (China time GMT +8)

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 05:44
by AeonHorus
Hey Charlie Brown

I was finishing up work one night when I found a tough, streetwise teenager trying to steal the tires off of my car. Having piqued my curiosity, I decided that, rather than deal with him directly, I'd surveil him for a few days. It turned out that he and his peers were being pressured into committing a string of property crimes by an unscrupulous supervisor from the Dept. of Child Welfare. At this point, I'm about to expose this supervisor's dastardly deeds so that he may face the full force and penalty of the law. Once that's done, I could let this kid reintegrate into the system, but I'm more interested in training him to fight alongside me as a masked vigilante, stalking the hard, dark streets of my beloved Gotham.

What should I do?

The Dark Knight Read:~

The Streetwise kids family background:~ Queen of Coins – Temperance – 8 Cups

Coming from a single parent family, his mother was quite a nice lady who worked really hard to keep her and her son at the very least out of poverty. She often found ways to bring home the bacon even through the hardest of times. She tried so very hard to keep the fine balance together though any means possible until one day she finally broke. She turned to the bottle and drowned herself in her sorrows until finally one day it just got way too much and she turned her back on her only son and walked away, never to be seen again.

What were the Supervisor of Child Welfare’s motives behind his actions?:~ 10 Coins – Queen of Wands – 7 Cups
His actions may seem a little intense and on the seedier side of life but deep down his motives are of the purest kind. All he wants is to provide for his family, his wife and his daughter who by now is pretty much a woman herself. His daughter is about to step foot out into the big wide world and before her lies so many opportunities that could all too suddenly turn into nothing but pipe dreams if he can’t come home with the cash to pay for her college tuition fees. His wife is quite the fiery type who holds nothing back in an argument so it would seem that he is pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment.

Best course of action for you to take against the Supervisor:~ 2 Coins – 4 Coins –King of Coins

Well there is a choice for you to make now shop him or take the law into your own hands, as you most probably will. Shop him to the feds and it’s out of your hands and as you know the system can’t be trusted with any form of rehabilitation, you will be leaving him pretty much to the wolves. However if you take a grip of him and dish out your own form of punishment then I feel that he will learn a far more beneficial lesson. Hit him where it hurts, his pocket, but don’t leave him at the bottom of his already shabby pit. He is sitting on a bit of a gold mine & he has a few more coins tucked away that his wife and daughter don’t yet know about. So you as his judge and his jury could take a 25% cut of what he has tucked away and offer that to a charity of his choosing. That way he loses no dignity, he gets to provide the college fee’s to his daughter with what’s left and he is free to walk the streets (hopefully) a better man for his experience.

What would be the ramifications of allowing the kid to be my sidekick?:~ Il Diavolo – La Torre – 4 Cups

This will certainly be a match forged from the fires of hell. You two together in bondage will tear down at the very foundations of all that you despise in your beloved city of Gotham! There will be hell to pay, as you turn over each and every single criminal fraternity one by f@(king one!
Yes sir! There is always an however!
This young whippersnapper no matter how streetwise you think he is, he will not immediately see the benefits of joining forces with you and fighting the forces of evil. His inner image of Gotham is somewhat jaded from his past and he has been let down all too often and usually by the ones closest to him. So it’s not gonna be easy to convince him, but you do have the power and the patience to do it!

Hope this helps with your little dilemma !!!

Dark Knight Read.jpg

From the Darkness we Shed Light

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 08:56
by Diana
Hi AeonHorus : I'm not Charlie Brown, but just want to know, don't you ever read instructions ? This is a reading circle for using the LENORMAND deck, not a Tarot deck. In the reading I did for you, you didn't follow instructions either. 🤔 This thread is in a section called Fanciful Reading with Lenormand.

Interesting tarot reading though.

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 10:40
by AeonHorus
Diana wrote: 19 Feb 2020, 08:56 Hi AeonHorus : I'm not Charlie Brown, but just want to know, don't you ever read instructions ? This is a reading circle for using the LENORMAND deck, not a Tarot deck. In the reading I did for you, you didn't follow instructions either. 🤔 This thread is in a section called Fanciful Reading with Lenormand.

Interesting tarot reading though.
Yes I read instructions!
Joan Marie wrote: 11 Feb 2020, 16:45 One last thing! This month, we've had a request to allow tarot as well as lenormand and I think that's okay. Let's try it. Maybe next month we can have 2 separate fanciful reading groups, but for this month, it's Reader's Choice: Tarot or Lenormand.
Just so as you know. The instructions can be found here...

Did you not read this one ? ;) ... 51&p=15326

Thanks for the attention Diana :lol:

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 11:08
by Diana
AeonHorus wrote: 19 Feb 2020, 10:40
Did you not read this one ? ;) ... 51&p=15326

No I didn't read that. Sorry !!

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 12:23
by AeonHorus
Diana wrote: 19 Feb 2020, 11:08
AeonHorus wrote: 19 Feb 2020, 10:40
Did you not read this one ? ;) ... 51&p=15326

No I didn't read that. Sorry !!
:P Hahaha not a problem Diana.

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 27 Feb 2020, 21:53
by Charlie Brown
Thanks for the good times. I admit I'm usually at a loss of how to give feedback for these kinds of readings. There's clearly nothing to be "resonant" about it, etc. I think this is the first time I've seen you read anything, so that was interesting. I was particularly intrigued by your third line. That was an interesting and cogent interpretation.

Regarding the 4th line, I also liked seeing the Tower. So, if you aren't super familiar with your Bat-lore, this is the Jason Todd Robin. Indeed, he didn't always mix well with Batman's way of doing things and there were a number of "accidental" criminal deaths while this Robin was on the scene. Most famously,when a guy 'slipped' off the scaffolding of an under construction sky scraper. He didn't last long, though, as the Joker ended up bashing his head in with a crowbar.

I do wonder however, and this isn't related directly to your reading at all, whether tarot is an ideal vehicle for this type of a reading. The tarot cards are themselves (in contrast to Lenormand) very broad in their interpretive scope. It seems that wedding that breadth to the tarot allows for a lot of projection into the reading. ymmv

In any case, thanks again. It was entertaining.

Re: FAN: AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 06:32
by AeonHorus
Charlie Brown wrote: 27 Feb 2020, 21:53 Thanks for the good times. I admit I'm usually at a loss of how to give feedback for these kinds of readings. There's clearly nothing to be "resonant" about it, etc. I think this is the first time I've seen you read anything, so that was interesting. I was particularly intrigued by your third line. That was an interesting and cogent interpretation.

Regarding the 4th line, I also liked seeing the Tower. So, if you aren't super familiar with your Bat-lore, this is the Jason Todd Robin. Indeed, he didn't always mix well with Batman's way of doing things and there were a number of "accidental" criminal deaths while this Robin was on the scene. Most famously,when a guy 'slipped' off the scaffolding of an under construction sky scraper. He didn't last long, though, as the Joker ended up bashing his head in with a crowbar.

I do wonder however, and this isn't related directly to your reading at all, whether tarot is an ideal vehicle for this type of a reading. The tarot cards are themselves (in contrast to Lenormand) very broad in their interpretive scope. It seems that wedding that breadth to the tarot allows for a lot of projection into the reading. ymmv

In any case, thanks again. It was entertaining.

Nice, thank you...

I have watched the films, cartoons etc but I wouldn't say I was "avid" I haven't read the comics or particularly followed the Bat-Lore etc.
But it is nice to see the Tarot working in this way and yes it was particularly suited to the Darkness in Light deck.
It was highly entertaining and it opened new avenues into the intuitive side of reading for me, as traditional meanings may not work as well.
I have never read Lenormand so I have nothing to contrast it with but I hear that they are a little more direct in their answer, so yes tarot holds many nuances that are better suited to light hearted games such as this.

If you ever want to do this again maybe we could conjure up a little thread to play?