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Partners for Fanciful Reading

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 16:45
by Joan Marie
We're going to do a true reading Circle this month.

So here are the partners:
  • Genna reads for Joan Marie
  • Joan Marie reads for Diana
  • Diana reads for AeonHorus
  • AeonHorus reads for Charlie Brown
  • Charlie Brown reads for Genna

So, each of us needs to open a thread and invite your partner to pose their question.
Open your threads here: viewforum.php?f=251

Please use this format for the subject line: FAN: Joan Marie reads for Diana
FAN is for "fanciful" and helps us to not get the reading groups mixed up.

Start whenever you are ready.

Reminder, we are asking Fictional questions, not real ones. Don't skimp on the intrigue! If you need to refresh your memory, the description of this exercise is found here

One last thing! This month, we've had a request to allow tarot as well as lenormand and I think that's okay. Let's try it. Maybe next month we can have 2 separate fanciful reading groups, but for this month, it's Reader's Choice: Tarot or Lenormand.

Have fun everybody! And please let me know if you have any questions.