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TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 02 Feb 2020, 17:15
by Charlie Brown
Sign-Up by Feb. 9
Readings due by Feb. 23
Feeback due by Feb. 29


This month, I want to keep up with last month's technique of finding a key card (or whatever we call it) in the deck and ALSO practice pairing techniques.

The idea is that you first determine a key card based on the question. Shuffle the deck and root through until you get to the key card. That card is the center of a five-card line. The message of the reading comes from the two mirrored pairs on either side of the key card. That is:

Lay Out: 1-2-3(key)-4-5
Read as: 2+4, then 1+5

You may remember I first demonstrated this spread back in November:
viewtopic.php?f=78&t=2016&p=12581&hilit ... ure#p12581

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 15:14
by Diana
I'm signing up.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 12:22
by iMoodyCrab
Is this group open to newbies? Or there's a separate section for them?

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 13:14
by Diana
iMoodyCrab wrote: 05 Feb 2020, 12:22 Is this group open to newbies? Or there's a separate section for them?
Oh, it's open to everyone. It's a great place to practice. I've been studying the tarot for years but I still feel like a newbie !! You're most welcome.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 17:47
by iMoodyCrab
Diana wrote: 05 Feb 2020, 13:14 Oh, it's open to everyone. It's a great place to practice. I've been studying the tarot for years but I still feel like a newbie !! You're most welcome.
Thank you soooo much. I must warn whoever gets paired with me that I'm still a learner and may disappoint... But i would still love to attempt and learn from the exchange.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 06 Feb 2020, 16:26
by Diana
iMoodyCrab wrote: 05 Feb 2020, 17:47
Thank you soooo much. I must warn whoever gets paired with me that I'm still a learner and may disappoint... But i would still love to attempt and learn from the exchange.
That's one of the nice things in these Reading Circles. We can't really disappoint, because we know we're all in the process of learning and practicing. In a safe environment with no consequences if we "mess up". And using the different spread that Charlie Brown suggests every month gives us an opportunity to see the cards in a different light and also we can see how other people did their readings and learn from them.

We can also comment on other people's readings if we like, or ask questions.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 08 Feb 2020, 16:48
by Aoife
Count me in, please :)

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 16:30
by Charlie Brown
Well, it looks like we got our circle for the month. Let's do pairs.

iMoodyCrab and Diana will read for each other.

Aoife and Charlie Brown will read for each other.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 12:46
by qndynes
Am I on time to sign up?! I would love to join this months TDM circle.

Re: TdM - Feb Sign-up.

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 16:52
by Charlie Brown
We'll make it work.