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kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

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kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

Post by kare »

Hi, jobarghest,

Thank you for joining us! What is your question?

Thank you.

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Re: kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

Post by jobarghest »

Hi lovely! Many apologies for the delay.
A reading to help with my question: " to maintain/strengthen a friendship in difficult circumstances' would be useful for me at the moment- let me know if you need any more details :)
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Re: kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

Post by kare »

jobarghest wrote: 27 Jan 2020, 21:32 Hi lovely! Many apologies for the delay.
A reading to help with my question: " to maintain/strengthen a friendship in difficult circumstances' would be useful for me at the moment- let me know if you need any more details :)
I did do a Celtic Cross reading for you using my Aunt Sharon's Celtic Cross, which might just be a modified version of the one in AE Waite's book. I used the Forest of Enchantment Tarot since I saw that on your dream list.

My Aunt's positions are as follows:
1. The card at the heart of the cross is you/where you are now: Seven of Challenges (swords).
2. The card that crosses it I laid to the bottom right at a diagonal. The Seeker of Challenges, or Knight of Swords. This card represents what you are crossed by/influences facing you/what you must pass through. It also bridges the cards to the left and right of it.
3. The card above the center of the cross is the final outcome: Reversed Hermit.
4. The card to the right of the center of the ccross is the past that led you to this point: Child of Boons (Page of Pentacles).
5. The card below the center of the cross is the near past/present, and how this influences you now: Reversed White Hart (Fool).
6. Future influences or just the future: Reversed 5 of Visions (Cups).

To the right of the cross, from bottom to top.
7. Head. Reversed 5 of Boons (Pentacles).
8. Heart. Reversed 8 of Boons (Pentacles).
9. Home. Reversed 8 of Challenges (Swords).
10. Where I want to go/where I am going to be. Reversed 8 of Visions (Cups).

It is notable that you received everything but wands, in this deck spells. So the issue of perspective, of emotionsl, and of acknowleding what is of value to you.

At the heart of the reading is the Seven of Challenges crossed by the Seeker of Challenges. To me this says you have a sense that you need to protect yourself and also take decisive action, even without being sure of the consequences. Since this is a question about a friendship, the consquences here have to do with the impact on the relationship.

Card 3, reversed Hermit, seems to give a quick answer to what sort of consequences would take place if you only considered your own well-being and moved forward before being sure of the impact of any choice you feel compelled to make. The reversed Hermit is on his own without perhaps intending to be there, or in a way that is unhealthy rather than a sign of balance. So this card is asking you to consider the potential negative outcomes, here unintended isolation, of a decision based solely on your needs. This must be an important friendship to have such potentially heavy consequences for watching out for yourself first. And of course the Hermit being a major seems to agree.

So these three, to answer your question about how to maintain or strengthen the friendship, I think are saying to consider your needs and continue to determine how you should move forward, but do so after weighing the potential impact upon the other person and the relationship. Self-casre is critical in a relationship, and it's weird that the Seven of Swords is almost at odds with the Hermit. The knight, and this compelling need to move forward in confidence, might undermine the need for careful steps.

4. What led you to this point: Page of Pentacles (Child of Boons). This relationship is of value to you, and the journey you are on in this friendship is important.

5. Near past/present: Reversed Fool/Hart. Not enough care for where you were headed. This would fit thematically with the idea that you need to watch out for yourself. The fool is at the start of a journey, like the page of boons. So the page is positive, but the fool is reversed and indicates some misstep that is impacting the situation. Personally, I think you still get credit for all the positive energy of the fool, if the situation can be resolved. In a sense, you could forgive the fool for taking a foolish step. It's human nature.

So, also the reversed fool is under the reversed hermit. It's hard to ignore that there might be a natural connection here since they are the only majors. The present, or near past, and the final outcome. You seem to be at a critical moment, and one that will require care to set things right. A rough but joyful start connected to a potentially isolating outcome. The seven of swords to me is relevant here. I don't really see it as the tricky card. It's a card of making progress toward intellectual goals and of resourcefulness. This is one of the few upright cards, along with the page of pentacles. Being resourceful while keeping your eye on your ultimate goal, like the page with the pentacle, the thing of value to him, is the perspective to embrace. Acknowleding your needs will ultimately be good for the relationship if you do the work to cultivate it.

6. Future influences. Reversed 5 of Cups.The inability to see your way out of a time of struggle in the relationship. Such a time could lead to further growth and development, unless you cannot work through it.

The knight is also bridging the past and future, and now seems to say that your movement forward, your decision, should be based on allowing the positive past, the energy determined to make progress toward a thing of value, represented by the page of pentacles, to help you resolve the issue that may lead to the stagnant emotional struggle in the reversed 5 of cups.

7. This stretch here is the solution section of the reading, while the cross section lays out the influences and issues. So, your head. Reversed 5 of Pentacles. A card of struggle in growth, and with pentacles, this is groundedness. It seems to be opposite the Page of Pentcles, who indicates that a very positive past in the relationship led you to this point. So regaining a sense of groundedness in the relationship. It seems like this would address the reversed fool, as well.

8. Heart. Reversed 8 of Pentacles.Here regaining a sense and working to maintain and grow the sense of the real value this relationship has for you. Putting in effort and attention and care to do this.

9.Home. Reversed 8 of Swords. Trust yourself to take the right steps. Reminds me of the self-care sevel of swords. This is a card of expectations to some degree, that may or may not be grounded in reality. Evaluate the expectations you have for yourself, for your friend, for the relationship, and determine if any are unhealty.

10. Where you want to be/where you are going. Reversed 8 of Cups. You obviously don't want to leave the relationship, but a reversed card indicates something a little off too. Ideally this card represents satisfaction with the situation such that you don't feel compelled to walk off toward the hills as the RWS image shows the figure doing. Upright, it would be a card that indicates desired, healthy progress being made. So this reversal is asking you to consider aspects of the relationship that could potentially push you away or create dissatisfaction.

To me, I see the need to strike a balance between taking care of your own emotional needs, especially given the difficult situation, and honoring the value you place on the relationship, while also reevaluating your perspective on the parts of the relationship or these circumstances that give you cause for concern.

I would love to know if this is at all helpful. Thank you so much.
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Re: kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

Post by jobarghest »

Thank you so much, this is a really insightful reading and really really helpful! I really like the way you frame the cards to give advice for progressing and the possible motivations behind things. It's helped me see things a lot more clearly and think about myself more.
It tapped very well into the difficulties I'm facing and definitely clarified things for me. It was thoughtful of you to use one of my dream decks too! And it was great to see the reading, too.

I really liked the way you interpreted the oddness of the hermit/ 7 of swords cards (matches the situation very well!)

That version of the Celtic Cross is lovely; I like the right-hand column cards so much more than the descriptions I've seen in my current Celtic Cross method, I'd love to try it sometime if you don't mind?

Thank you very much! Do let me know if there's any other feedback that might be helpful to you :)
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Re: kare Reads for jobarghest, Celtic Cross

Post by kare »

jobarghest wrote: 31 Jan 2020, 23:04 Thank you so much, this is a really insightful reading and really really helpful! I really like the way you frame the cards to give advice for progressing and the possible motivations behind things. It's helped me see things a lot more clearly and think about myself more.
It tapped very well into the difficulties I'm facing and definitely clarified things for me. It was thoughtful of you to use one of my dream decks too! And it was great to see the reading, too.

I really liked the way you interpreted the oddness of the hermit/ 7 of swords cards (matches the situation very well!)

That version of the Celtic Cross is lovely; I like the right-hand column cards so much more than the descriptions I've seen in my current Celtic Cross method, I'd love to try it sometime if you don't mind?

Thank you very much! Do let me know if there's any other feedback that might be helpful to you :)
Jo x
I really appreciate your feedback. I never know if I'm on the right track. It is so helpful to hear your thoughts on it. I am also glad it was helpful to you. I hope all goes well with the friendship. And please feel free to use the spread. I just call it Aunt Sharon's Celtic Cross. Feel free to call it that as well lol.
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