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TdM: Rachelcat reads for Kellydii

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 21:09
by Rachelcat
Hi there! Happy to be reading for you this time! And I'm really looking forward to the interesting pages spread thing!

Do you have a question, topic, or something you want to talk about? Just let me know!

Re: TdM: Rachelcat reads for Kellydii

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 11:43
by Kellydii
I am considering moving to a new area about 2 hours from my hometown. What do I need to know about selling my house, and buying a new house?

Re: TdM: Rachelcat reads for Kellydii

Posted: 19 Jan 2020, 18:36
by Rachelcat
What do you need to know about selling your house and buying a new house?

I chose the Page of Coins to represent your monetary and physical location and comfort issue. She is looking right, so I laid out 5 cards after her in the deck to the right.

Kellydii 1-19-20.jpg

(Sorry this is upside down. It's right-side-up if you click on it. I really tried this time!)

Page of Coins, 10 Wands, 7 Swords, 3 Cups, Pope, King Coins

10 Wands: Moving and buying a house are a lot of work and can seem overwhelming! Hang in there!

7 Swords: Beware of realtor sharp practices. There are always people out there trying to pull one over on unsuspecting customers. Don’t be unsuspecting!

3 Cups: In fact, try to get someone to help you (realtor or other person) that you connect with emotionally, that you feel you can trust. This is going to be your home, after all.

Pope: Make sure you’re dealing with someone who is following all the rules, but make sure you do the same. Look into what the rules and laws are for buying and selling and act accordingly. As you expect people to deal with you fairly, deal with them fairly.

King Coins: Most of all, it’s your money and your property, and you’re in charge of it! Don’t get bullied into doing something you don’t really want to do, like overborrowing on a mortgage, for example. Stick to your budget, and if you don’t have one, make one. Not only is it your home, so you need to feel good about the new house, it’s also your money, so you need to feel comfortable with your investment and the terms.

I hope this helps. Good luck in your new ventures!

Re: TdM: Rachelcat reads for Kellydii

Posted: 20 Jan 2020, 03:10
by Kellydii
Thank you, Rachelcat! I especially like the reference to the 3 cups as to finding a realtor who I like and trust. So important in both the buying and selling. The reading really points to finding a good realtor who is looking out for my best interests. And yes, financial resources are paramount! I am looking to downsize and I worry that I won’t find what I’m looking for, and will end up spending more than I want to on a home. Sticking to my budget will be very important and I will remain vigilant about it.
Thank you for the reading...What deck is this? I’ve not seen it before.

Re: TdM: Rachelcat reads for Kellydii

Posted: 20 Jan 2020, 14:21
by Rachelcat
Oh, good. I'm glad the reading makes sense to you.

This is the Budapest Tarot, a repro by Sullivan Hinsman, Tarot Sheet Revival. It's an Italian deck, called Budapest because the original is in a museum in Budapest. It has all the cards of a regular deck, the only difference is the majors are numbered differently.

It's been my favorite for a while, first, because the swords look like swords. But also I just like the quirky depictions and the limited color scheme. It's red! Thanks for asking. I love talking about it!