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TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 20:29
by Diana
Hello Aoife ! You're my partner this month. I hope that's okay!!

So what can I do for you ? I'm at your service. 😇

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 09:55
by Aoife
So sorry for the delay, Diana.
I need to decide whether or not to be drawn back into closer contact with my birth family. Growing up in an adoptive family can be rather like being a round peg in an indeterminate hole. There's the sense of not fitting, and there are unknown crevices in that hole that can't be seen until experienced. I don't want a return of those feelings, and yet I feel drawn to these people... or maybe its that I feel drawn to the idea of genetic kin. So my question is - concerning my birth family, what am I not seeing... what am I over- or underestimating... what should I focus on?
Hope that's not too vague?

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 10:01
by Diana
I think this a very good question to ask to the Tarot. I'll do it this weekend unless something unexpected and urgent turns up (which often does).

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 22 Jan 2020, 22:48
by Diana
Aoife wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 09:55
I need to decide whether or not to be drawn back into closer contact with my birth family. Growing up in an adoptive family can be rather like being a round peg in an indeterminate hole. There's the sense of not fitting, and there are unknown crevices in that hole that can't be seen until experienced. I don't want a return of those feelings, and yet I feel drawn to these people... or maybe its that I feel drawn to the idea of genetic kin. So my question is - concerning my birth family, what am I not seeing... what am I over- or underestimating... what should I focus on?

I've used the Convos deck - a more recent TdM by the Swiss artist Otto Spalinger. I made a thread about this deck and how it came into being.


The Valet/Page of Deniers seemed to me the obvious choice for a reading regarding a family issue. Its due to the roots. They're deep in the ground. The Deniers are the earth element. It's the family tree planted in the ground.


A lot of activity going on here. All those horses !!! 🐴 Hustle and bustle and messages being carried all the way to the Chariot! Which represents the kin you are speaking of.

On top of it, the Page of Deniers has a Denier in the ground and one in his hand... the latter being at the same height as the one in the card of the Knight of Deniers dashing towards him to meet him! The Page of Deniers, you, are still observing and thinking and pondering. The Knight's Denier is hovering in the air before you, tempting you - it looks like it's floating peacefully just waiting for you to decide whether to follow it.... because if you do, the Knight of Deniers will turn around and you can follow him while he goes to tell the Knight of Swords to give him the news that you've decided to follow him and accept their invitation (the kin's invitation). You will then have time to catch up with the Knight of Deniers who on his slow plodding horse will accompany you to your destination. The Knight of Swords will of course rush off to your family's Administrator - the Chariot - to tell you that you are arriving and that they can be expecting you any time so to get ready.

The Denier that is hovering in the air in front of you while you are observing the one in your hand could also be alikened to a soap bubble. Soap bubbles pop at one stage. So don't dither too long staring at that Denier in your hand. Go and enjoy the company of your kin. You'll give them much pleasure if you do and vice versa.

As the Knight of Deniers' horse is plodding, you don't need to rush into this. But don't wait too long. Seems like the time is ripe to explore what's in the ground. Don't forget if you wait too long, the soap bubble may pop. And by the way, the Knight of Denier's floating Denier is bigger than yours - it's because there's a big family waiting for you. But don't forget to take your two deniers with you - they can't wait to add them to their treasure chest which will also be yours.

It's also very possible that they themselves are making moves. So that should comfort you too in your desire to get closer.

As your friend, I'd advise you to just enjoy the moment - carpe diem - and not have any expectations. Just with the desire to discover.

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 24 Jan 2020, 11:16
by Aoife
Thank you, Diana. There’s so much that resonates.
The horses! You wouldn’t have known that I’m afraid of horses - not phobic, just extremely wary of their size and unpredictability. And that’s a perfect metaphor for my feelings about these people. There’s a lot of them, and they’re so open and welcoming (and joyously noisy). I come from ‘small’ and circumspect to the point of secrecy. There’s something here about my ‘coin’ being safe below ground, but as you say, the opportunity to add my coins to theirs feels so attractive.

I hear what you say about the soap bubble, but I need the Cavalier of Coins to wait a while for me. I came away this week to re-set my dials... too many emotional issues had piled up. I’ll come back again in a couple of days. In the meantime, thank you!

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 10:10
by Aoife
Diana wrote: 22 Jan 2020, 22:48 I've used the Convos deck - a more recent TdM by the Swiss artist Otto Spalinger. I made a thread about this deck and how it came into being.
How lovely to have a deck signed by the artist.
It looks relatively small? One of the reasons I like the Noblet is that its smaller than average and thus easier to shuffle.
A lot of activity going on here. All those horses !!! 🐴 Hustle and bustle and messages being carried all the way to the Chariot! Which represents the kin you are speaking of.
It's interesting that you see The Chariot as representing the family. With the death of my aunt, the matriarch, the structure of the family is not so clear - so, yes, the Chariot feels an accurate representation of the family's continuity. They do feel to be such a cohesive group - I don't doubt there are squabbles, different points of view on occasion. But 'when the chips are down' they're clearly a cohesive group of people - such strong bonds. And boy, can they talk! So these cavaliers and the Chariot present a perfect picture of, as you say, the hustle, bustle and noise.

I know its strange that I'm talking in a seemingly dispassionate way, but I can't stress how different this picture of 'family' is to me. So the lure of difference is strong.

What I said elsewhere about finding advice problematic doesn't apply here. As you say, its the advice of a friend, and as such its excellent advice and greatly welcomed.

Re: TdM : Diana reads for Aoife

Posted: 26 Jan 2020, 12:09
by Diana
Aoife wrote: 26 Jan 2020, 10:10
How lovely to have a deck signed by the artist.
It looks relatively small? One of the reasons I like the Noblet is that its smaller than average and thus easier to shuffle.
No, the cards are even a bit bigger than the usual.


It's interesting that you see The Chariot as representing the family. . As you say, its the advice of a friend, and as such its excellent advice and greatly welcomed.
What Chariot ? Have you ever seen a Chariot that can't move ? That's the shell of a Tortoise - tortoises carry their houses on their backs. House symbolises family.

In this reading anyway.

Or else it's an ice-cream vendor, but it's not the season for ice-creams. So it must be a House.