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Pendulum+Cards Partner Pairings and Next Steps

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Posts: 263
Joined: 02 Jan 2019, 15:01

Pendulum+Cards Partner Pairings and Next Steps

Post by kare »

Hi, Everyone,

It looks like there are three of us this month. Thank you so much for joining. I did do random selection, but it turns out to have come out in the same order as the sign-up order.

kare reads for Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown reads for Rachelcat
Rachelcat reads for kare

I know you know how to do this, but just to put it out there for visitors: please create a new topic as a reader asking your querent what they would like to ask. All posts for that reading should stay in that thread, including the feedback from the querent.

Let me know if any issues arrive and have fun!

Thank you.
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