Hi! I'm a day late and a dollar short, as usual! Please let me know if you have a question or topic, and I'll get right to your reading, with a little help from Uncle Oswald! Meaning I'll use a version of Wirth's courtroom spread, with a full deck.
Sorry for the delay! Just let me know!
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TdM Rachelcat reads for Qndynes
TdM Rachelcat reads for Qndynes
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: TdM Rachelcat reads for Qndynes
Oh goodness! It's me that's late. I'm not home, left for two weeks to another state and haven't been online much. My deepest apologies. As for question, let's go with... Will I be in my current job for 5 years? Or another way to look at it is job longevity, how does that look for me at the moment?
Thoughts are things, and words have wings.
Re: TdM Rachelcat reads for Qndynes
Good question! I'll do your reading today for sure!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: TdM Rachelcat reads for Qndynes
Here you go!
What’s the job longevity situation for Qndynes?
Prosecution/going against you: Knight of Wands. You might be your greatest enemy when it comes to job longevity. You’re a knight who wants to be where the action is and be moving and doing things. You might begin to feel a need to move on before it’s really a good time to do so, justifying your restlessness with a grass is always greener rationale.
Defense/going for you: Ace of Swords. But you’re smart! You have the right idea. You have a five year plan, now you just need to stick with it. But be sure to evaluate the plan to make sure it continues to make sense over the five years.
Judge/advice: Hanged One. The advice is hang in there! Again, your knight of wands self may be restless, but if it’s a good plan, stick with the plan. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels, but keep your eyes on the prize (even if it looks upside down to you for a while).
Sentence/outcome: Page of Cups. If you hang in there, you will be happy you did. Your job situation is less about ambition (the knight) than it is about satisfaction (the page). You will be happy not only that you stayed the course of your plans, but that you’ve done a good job during that time.
Sum/summary: (In my kabblalistic numbering system, knights are 6 and pages are 10, so 6+1+12+10=29=11. Since this is Wirth’s spread, I used Wirth’s 11 card.) La Force. I think this summary repeats what seems pretty clear throughout the reading: Stay strong and you’ll end strong. Here the lady is definitely in the act of reason (Ace of Swords) calmly but forcefully overpowering the red personification of impulsiveness (Knight of Wands).
I hope this reading has some relationship to reality and is of some sort of help to you. Let me know what you think!
What’s the job longevity situation for Qndynes?
Prosecution/going against you: Knight of Wands. You might be your greatest enemy when it comes to job longevity. You’re a knight who wants to be where the action is and be moving and doing things. You might begin to feel a need to move on before it’s really a good time to do so, justifying your restlessness with a grass is always greener rationale.
Defense/going for you: Ace of Swords. But you’re smart! You have the right idea. You have a five year plan, now you just need to stick with it. But be sure to evaluate the plan to make sure it continues to make sense over the five years.
Judge/advice: Hanged One. The advice is hang in there! Again, your knight of wands self may be restless, but if it’s a good plan, stick with the plan. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels, but keep your eyes on the prize (even if it looks upside down to you for a while).
Sentence/outcome: Page of Cups. If you hang in there, you will be happy you did. Your job situation is less about ambition (the knight) than it is about satisfaction (the page). You will be happy not only that you stayed the course of your plans, but that you’ve done a good job during that time.
Sum/summary: (In my kabblalistic numbering system, knights are 6 and pages are 10, so 6+1+12+10=29=11. Since this is Wirth’s spread, I used Wirth’s 11 card.) La Force. I think this summary repeats what seems pretty clear throughout the reading: Stay strong and you’ll end strong. Here the lady is definitely in the act of reason (Ace of Swords) calmly but forcefully overpowering the red personification of impulsiveness (Knight of Wands).
I hope this reading has some relationship to reality and is of some sort of help to you. Let me know what you think!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.