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Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 10 Oct 2021, 10:49
by Joan Marie
Hello fans of the most mysterious of all Tarot decks, The Sola Busca

@salgarfi @TheLoracular @Amoroso @Lucifall @Parzival
(to name a few...)

World renowned expert, Giordano Berti, is now offering an extensive online course focused entirely on this deck.
I'm pretty certain this is a one-of-a-kind chance to get really deep into using the Sola Busca Tarot with such a master of it.

You can have a look at 2 of the videos for free:


Trump #1- Panfilio

There course is divided into 3 levels (The first level is now available in English- the others to follow) and each level consists of several "bite-sized" modules. There are also some extensive downloadable companion materials included.

Have a look when you get a chance. I think we are so lucky to live in a time when someone of Giordano's expertise and passion for this ancient deck can help us unlock the secrets of it in something like an online course!


Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 14:02
by salgarfi
Thank you so much Joan Marie for flagging this up. I shall go to the links asap!!

All best,

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 16:22
by TheLoracular
What a perfect thing to return to after an extended family emergency taking me away from this place I love. <3

-goes to those links now-

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 20:51
by Joan Marie
TheLoracular wrote: 11 Oct 2021, 16:22 What a perfect thing to return to after an extended family emergency taking me away from this place I love. <3

-goes to those links now-

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 02:37
by Kimber
I am doing the Level 1 course right now. During the last STAARCON, Giordano did a presentation on the Sola Busca that completely intrigued me. So happy he has made these study courses available; his depth of knowledge is astounding!

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 07 Nov 2021, 12:20
by salgarfi
I've looked at the two available preview videos of Giordano Berti's course, but over all, how is it different from, let's say, the recent book by Poltronieri and Fazioli: Sola Busca Tarot - An alchemical way in 78 paths?

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 22:50
by WaterPuppy
Kimber wrote: 31 Oct 2021, 02:37 I am doing the Level 1 course right now. During the last STAARCON, Giordano did a presentation on the Sola Busca that completely intrigued me. So happy he has made these study courses available; his depth of knowledge is astounding!
I've also started the Level 1 course. Very captivating so far.

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 17:18
by pmbreader
One month ago I watched the three available preview videos of Giordano Berti's Video course on the Sola Busca Tarot.
Then I bought the course (the price is affordable to anyone) and I followed the 31 lessons carefully.
I looked at them and looked at them again. I took notes and practiced the teachings.
I must say that, in the field of tarot, it was one of the most important experiences of my life.

I already knew that Berti studied for many years alongside Sofia Di Vincenzo, who was a teacher of spiritual alchemy. Sofia's book on the Sola Busca Tarot was published in the USA by US Games Systems.

In this course, however, Giordano Berti climbs a few steps higher than his initiator.
On the one hand, he synthesizes the meanings of the Triumphs to the maximum, helping the students to memorize the concepts immediately.
On the other hand, he teaches a series of practices which, in my opinion, are truly extraordinary in terms of effectiveness.

Only Berti, as far as I know, explains how to "immerse" oneself in the Sola Busca Tarot and, above all, how to enter the depth of oneself or of the Consultant.

With this course, Berti demonstrates that she is not only a great historian, but also an excellent teacher, indeed, a true Master.

I can't wait to move on to the second level, with the lessons dedicated to the minor Arcana

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 09 Dec 2021, 09:54
by pmbreader
Hello fans of the Sola BuscaTarot :)

I read Salgarfi's post and got curious. So, I bought the P&F book (Poltronieri & Fazioli).
I must admit that I was prejudiced because I have read other works of theirs and they have always disappointed me.
This was also the case this time.

The "alchemical path" mentioned in the subtitle simply does not exist. :lol:

The P&F book consists of a brief description of the 78 cards.
This description is largely copied from Sofia Di Vincenzo's book ... but it is not mentioned in the so-called "Essential Bibliography".
Incidentally, that "Essential Bibliography" demonstrates their ignorance of hermetic and alchemical literature.

P&F report for each figure, in addition to the iconographic description, some historical information on the characters and references to alchemical literature. These references, however, are often anachronistic because they refer to alchemical works dating back to the epochs of the Sola Busca Tarot or, indeed, they are pure inventions of the two authors .... inventions inspired by the alchemical language, of course. ;)

There is also no practical explanation: how do you use the Sola Busca Tarot?

Well. The difference between P&F's book and Giordano Berti's course lies in all these details.

In Berti's course a synthesis of the meanings of the 22 Triumphs is given for an immediate practical application of those meanings.
I'm talking about reading for oneself and for a consultant, but also about psychophysica techniques for a personal evolution.

Berti clearly says that this is the first level of his course.
I must say that I was very satisfied. Hope to see the next level soon.

Salgarfi mentions two freely available videos, but I have seen three, as well as an Extra dedicated to the relationship between SBT & Venice.
There is a video in which Berti summarizes the 31 lessons in 3 minutes. This would be enough to understand the difference between his course and the P & F book.
The link is as follows: ... course-mp4

@salgarfi @TheLoracular @Amoroso @Lucifall @Parzival @giordanoberti @kimber @WaterPuppy @Nancy A @JayBee @Ciderwell @katrinka @qndynes @Nemia @inomminate @SaturnCeleste @CaraHamilton

Re: Sola Busca Video Course

Posted: 11 Dec 2021, 15:03
by Ciderwell
pmbreader wrote: 09 Dec 2021, 09:54 Hello fans of the Sola BuscaTarot :)

@salgarfi @TheLoracular @Amoroso @Lucifall @Parzival @giordanoberti @kimber @WaterPuppy @Nancy A @JayBee @Ciderwell @katrinka @qndynes @Nemia @inomminate @SaturnCeleste @CaraHamilton
Thanks for the mention but I'm not really a Sola Busca fan. At least not at this time.
I am in fact involved with a postal Tarot (therapy) course, very exciting -
which I'll probably not start until January, next month.